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Welcome to the ASSA Media Quarterly Reports Page!
The reports are produced quarterly but depending on workload may only be available a month or two after the last day of the quarter. The reports are structured in a methodical way with references made to key articles. The title page gives you the breakdown of each category and if you do need anything for your research, please contact us. Credit for this idea must go to Pieter du Toit who masterminded the report and came up with a method of streamlining the data. He was assisted by some students who volunteered to be part of the project back in 2016 and it is really through the initial set up that we are able to provide regular reports. Currently Mind Matters is running with the project.
There is a text box after some of the categories which states 'Potential actions'. This has been placed there for you to think about whether the articles warrant any action or reaction on the part of ASSA (promotion of ideas etc) or if you have any ideas on the content provided and any actions you could take as an ASSA member or actuarial student.
We would love to hear your feedback please use the blog or else send me an email