Identification of work place and work place
The workplace description should be comprehensive, and include
psycho-social issues such as hostel dwelling, overtime worked,
shiftwork, wages etc. Also the usual things like process,
occupational health services and structures, number of workers.
If the workplace is very big this description can be limited to a part
of it. A hospital or clinic is acceptable if students have problems
finding another site
Hand in by Friday Aril 25th
Hazard scan or Risk Assessment. During the second DOH week students are taught how
to do a hazard scan. They apply this to the workplace or a part
of it so that all classes of hazard are identified and prioritized
according to the risk assessment method (which they have to
describe). No measurements are done but if the workplace has done
them in the past these measurements are included.
Hand in by Monday July 28th
Literature search on one identified hazard and the development of a
project issue for more detailed investigation. This does not have to be the priority hazard. Selection will depend on
interest, work place needs, etc. The project issue must be simple.
Although this is not a research project, some data must be collected
as part of the investigation.
Hand in by Monday November 10th
4 |
of a project protocol to measure and address the hazard. This
is a simple protocol to ensure that obvious methodological issues
are addressed and that the objective is clear. The intention is to
improve the occupational health service and not to do research so we
do not get ethics approval usually (i.e. it should be something that
an occupational health service would do anyway to evaluate an issue
and improve the service e.g. implementing a better housekeeping
programme in an analytical lab and evaluating staff blood lead
levels for decline after the changes). A pilot study must be done. |
in by the Monday before the beginning of
block 5 |
5 |
Collect and analyse the data.
be a small dataset e.g in the above example the lab has 20 staff
members. It does not matter if there are limitations as long as
these are identified. The data collected could be related to
exposure, effects, or both.
in by the Monday before the beginning of
block 6 |
6 |
feasible recommendations and write the report.
Keep it as practicable as
possible with recommendations. Use the reports produced during the
previous inter-blocks for much of the final report. |
in by the Monday before the beginning of
block 7 |
7 |
Present to
management and workers and prepare a summary for classmates.
In Block 8, projects are presented to the class and this is marked in
the same way as the oral presentation for the other research
projects. This amounts to a finessing of your accumulated work on this project taking into account criticism received from Step 6 work and handing in a written report and presenting as part of the final examination. Clarity of presentation skills and appropriateness of recommendations will be important components of the final mark
Hand in a written project report for management by Monday 11 October at the latest and make a
presentation on this during the last block/examinations to the entire class as part of the examination in Block 8 |