The Hazard Scan :  Identification of hazards and prioritisation of risks in part or whole of a workplace

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The Hazard Scan

During the second DOH week students are taught how to do a hazard scan by Dr Kew using a hazard matrix methodology he has developed for the first step in the  practical implementation of the occupational hygiene risk assessment .  

This consists of a standard operating procedure for constructing a Workplace Risk Exposure Profile (WREP) which explains the risk assessment process.

It results in one or both of two reports:

1: The WREP location report which lists all the hazards at a location in the workplace  found in a matrix, and the

2: The WREP process report for more detailed information for different occupations or jobs within a specific location if necessary.

Your taks is then to apply this to the workplace or a part of it so that all classes of hazard are identified and prioritized according to the risk assessment method (which they have to describe). No measurements are done but if the workplace has done them in the past these measurements are included.


Hand in by Monday July 28th 




Learning activities:  An example 

Project setting:  A Hazard Scan in an Oil refinery 



Steps 1 through 6 will count  3  marks each (3x6  = 18), the final report 3 marks, and the final presentation oral 3 marks. This gives a total of 24 marks.

Marks   will be allocated as follows:

3 = Complete, 2 = Progress, 1 = Markedly incomplete, 0 = no hand-in on time

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