Objective: This is intended for those students whose work is appropriately located in a context which allows them to conduct a full integrated research project from start to finish over the course of the 2 years. At the end of this process the student will have learned the basics of research method - how to conceptualise, plan and conduct a study, and how to analyse, critically interpret, present and hopefully implement research findings.
Learning activities: There
are 7 inter-block tasks. The first task is done during inter-block 1, i.e.
between weeks one and two, as so on for the other tasks.
The various project development sessions on Thursday afternoons
will mix study and 7-step candidates.
The hand-in material should be cumulative and include reworked
material from the previous hand-ins as necessary
References: The critical appraisal checklist is useful to follow and to assess whether you are progressing with your project in such a way as to include all the necessary methodological steps. Section B. Epidemiological research methods and protocol development. In "Epidemiology: A manual for South Africa." Eds Katzenellenbogen JM, Jubert G, Abdool Karim SS. Oxford University Press, Cape Town 1997, pages 49-100.
Evaluation: Steps
1 through 6 will count 3 marks each (3x6 = 18), the final report 3
marks, and the final presentation oral 3 marks. This gives a total of 24
marks. Marks will be allocated as follows: 3 = Complete, 2 = Progress, 1 = Markedly incomplete, 0 = no hand-in |