BLOCK CONTENTS                                 7 STEP PROJECT                                    BOTTOM OF PAGE

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This is intended for those students whose work is appropriately located in a context which allows them to conduct a full integrated research project from start to finish over the course of the 2 years.  At the end of this process the student will have learned the basics of research method - how to conceptualise, plan and conduct a study, and how to analyse,  critically interpret, present and hopefully implement research findings. 



Learning activities:   

There are 7 inter-block tasks. The first task is done during inter-block 1, i.e. between weeks one and two, as so on for the other tasks.  The various project development sessions on Thursday afternoons will mix study and 7-step candidates.  The hand-in material should be cumulative and include reworked material from the previous hand-ins as necessary



Problem, Title, Aim  and Purpose

Hand in by Friday  April 28th 


Aims, Objectives, Methods

Hand in by Monday July 28th 


Literature review




Hand in by Monday November 10th


Completed protocol including any pilot studies



Hand in by Monday February 16 2004 


Collect and analyse the data.



Hand in by the Monday before the beginning of   block 6


Presentation of preliminary results



Hand in by the Monday before the beginning of   block 7


Final report and presentation:
This amounts to a finessing of your accumulated work on this project taking into account criticism received from Step 6 work and handing in a written report and presenting as part of the final examination. Clarity of presentation skills and appropriateness of recommendations will be important components of the final mark


Hand in a written project report by Monday 11 October at the latest and make a presentation on this during the last block/examinations  to the entire class as part of the examination in Block 8




The critical appraisal checklist is useful to follow and to assess whether  you are progressing with your project in such a way as to include all the necessary methodological steps.

Section B.  Epidemiological research methods and protocol development.  In "Epidemiology:  A manual for South Africa."  Eds Katzenellenbogen JM, Jubert G, Abdool Karim SS.  Oxford University Press, Cape Town 1997, pages 49-100.



Steps 1 through 6 will count 3 marks each (3x6 = 18), the final report 3 marks, and the final presentation oral 3 marks. This gives a total of 24 marks.

Marks will be allocated as follows:

3 = Complete, 2 = Progress, 1 = Markedly incomplete, 0 = no hand-in


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