Identification of work place and work place description/characterisation :  Task description and an example

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Identification of work place and work place description/characterisation

The workplace description should be comprehensive, and include psycho-social issues such as hostel dwelling, overtime worked, shiftwork, wages etc. Also the usual things like process, occupational health services and structures, number of workers.

If the workplace is very big this description can be limited to a part of it. A hospital or clinic is acceptable if students have problems finding another site

Hand in by Friday April 28th  




Learning activities:  An example 

Project setting:  Needlestick injuries in a hospital paediatric ward 







Steps 1 through 6 will count  3  marks each (3x6  = 18), the final report 3 marks, and the final presentation oral 3 marks. This gives a total of 24 marks.

Marks   will be allocated as follows:

3 = Complete, 2 = Progress, 1 = Markedly incomplete, 0 = no hand-in on time

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