Stage III. Implementation
The implementation of the campaign is dependent on what emerges during the Initiation and Design phases. While implementing the strategies designed, the practitioner should use the action reflection cycle (Taylor, Marais, & Kaplan, 2005) in order to identify learning that can be applied to further enhance practice. The focus of the reflections should be guided by the occupational science theories framing the interventions.
The techniques used in facilitating implementation of the strategies include:
- a) Productive conversation (Senge, 2006)
- b) The thinking environment (Kline, 1999)
- c) Intersectionality theory (Yuval-Davis, 2006)
- d) Application of concepts drawn from occupational science
These techniques are applied while engaging in occupations (taking action) and as part of the reflection sessions following participation in occupations. The occupation has to be considered as a stimulus for further occupational engagement and not just something that is strived towards.
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