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Physiology of Breathing

OM2 1.1: Contents
OM2 1.2: Lung volumes
OM2 1.3: Essentials of anatomy
OM2 1.4: Physiology of airways and flow
OM2 1.5: Definition of spirometry
OM2 1.6: Volume time and flow volume curves
OM2 1.7: Normal curves and patterns of abnormality
OM2 1.8: Mild obstruction on Flow volume curve
OM2 1.9: Airflow Obstruction: Evaluation of Reversibility
OM2 1.10: Non-Obstructive Reduction In Lung Volumes (Restriction)
OM2 1.11: Curves Showing Mixed Obstructive And Restrictive Abnormalities
OM2 1.12: Lung Volumes In Obstructive And Restrictive Abnormalities
OM2 1.13: Interpreting Spirometry
OM2 1.14: Interpreting Spirometry (Continued) .
OM2 1.15: Interpreting Spirometry (Continued).

Respiratory Tract Defences


OM2 2.1:  Objectives and Contents
OM2 2.2: The Mucous Layer
OM2 2.3: The Mucous Layer And The Muco-Ciliary Escalator
OM2 2.4: The Cough Reflex
OM2 2.5 : Alveolar Macrophages
OM2 2.6: Neutrophils and Local Immunoglobulins

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Occupation

OM2 3.1: Objectives and Contents
OM2 3.2: Global Burden of COPD
OM2 3.3: Epidemiology of COPD
OM2 3.4: Management of COPD

Pneumoconiosis:  Silica and Coal

OM2 4.1: Objectives and Contents
OM2 4.2: Definitions, Diagnosis and Treatment
OM2 4.3: Silica Dust And The Reaction Of The Lung To Retained Silica.
OM2 4.4: Coal Dust And The Reaction Of The Lung To Retained Coal Dust.
OM2 4.5: The Natural History Of Silicosis And Its Complications.
OM2 4.6: Occupations Where There Is A Risk Of Silicosis
OM2 4.7: Burden Of Silicosis And CWP In South Africa
OM2 4.8: Legislation

Tuberculosis and Occupation

OM2 5.1: Objectives and Contents
OM2 5.2: TB As A Problem In SA And Globally
OM2 5.3: Goldminers in South Africa - A Case Study
OM2 5.4: Potential Interventions To Reduce TB Incidence In Silica Exposed Workers
OM2 5.5: Radiology Of Silica, Silicosis And Tuberculosis
OM2 5.6: The Main Radiological Features Of Simple Silicosis
SECTION 6:Asbestos and Disease

OM2 6.1: Objectives and Activities
OM2 6.2: What is asbestos?
OM2 6.3: History of Asbestos-related disease
OM2 6.4: Asbestos related diseases
OM2 6.5: Fibre types and dose response relationships
OM2 6.6: Disease impact in South Africa
OM2 6.7: Asbestos regulations exercises
SECTION 7:Metals and the lung

OM2 7.1: Objectives and Activities
OM2 7.2: Classification of effects
OM2 7.3: Acute effects
OM2 7.4: Airways disease
OM2 7.5: Interstitial lung disease
OM2 7.6: Respiratory Tract Cancer
OM2 7.7: Investigating metal induced lung disease
SECTION 8:Occupational allergy

OM2 8.1: Objectives and Activities
OM2 8.2:Definitions and mechanisms
OM2 8.3:Common allergic conditions
OM2 8.4:Legislation
OM2 8.5:Investigations
OM2 8.6:Investigating the environment
OM2 8.7:Exercise
SECTION 9:Occupational asthma

OM2 9.1: Objectives and Activities
OM2 9.2:Epidemiology and legislation
OM2 9.3:Definition and related conditions
OM2 9.4:Causative agents
OM2 9.5:Pathophysiology
OM2 9.6:Diagnosis
OM2 9.7:Management
OM2 9.8:Prognosis
OM2 9.9:Exercise
SECTION 10:Organic dust diseases

OM2 10.1: Objectives and Activities
OM2 10.2: Definition of organic dusts
OM2 10.3: Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome
OM2 10.4: Grain dust
OM2 10.5: Cotton dust
OM2 10.6: Wood dust
OM2 10.7: Case study exercise
SECTION 11:Building related illness and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity OM2 11.1: Mulitple Chemical Sensivity
OM2 11.2: Building related illness
SECTION 12:Xray reading practical

OM2 12.1: ILO classification system for xrays
OM2 12.2: Introduction to ROLDS
OM2 12.3: ILO CLassification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses - Manual
SECTION 13:Lung function practical

OM2 13.1: Approach to Interpretation
OM2 13.2: The Spirometry Report
OM2 13.3: Algorithm for categorising results
OM2 13.4: Exercises
SECTION 14: Skin prick testing

OM2 14.1: Objectives and Activities
OM2 14.2: Immunological testing lecture
OM2 14.3: Skin Prick Test Exercises

Skin Defences and Physiology




OM2 15.1: Objectives and Contents
OM2 15.2: What Is The Skin?
OM2 15.3: Structure Of The Skin
OM2 15.4: The Epidermis
OM2 15.5: The Barrier Function
OM2 15.6: Skin Protective Function

OM2 15.7: Skin Thermoregulation

OM2 15.8: Skin And Light

OM2 15.9: Skin And Light (Continued)

OM2 15.10: Summary

Occupational Skin Disorders
OM2 16.1: Objectives and Contents
OM2 16.2:  History and Scope
OM2 16.3:  Skin Hazards
OM2 16.4: Types of skin disease
OM2 16.5:  Summary
Skin Management
OM2 17.1: Introduction
OM2 17.2: The skin management programme
OM2 17.3: A skin management programme in the workplace

Personal Protective Equipment Gloves

OM2 18.1: Objectives and Contents
OM2 18.2: Types of Gloves
OM2 18.3: Glove Failure
OM2 18.4: Hazards of glove use
SECTION 19: Introduction to the Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act (ODMWA)

OM2 19.1: Introduction
OM2 19.2: Compensation legislation in SA
OM2 19.3: Certification and benefits
OM2 19.4: Shortcomings of ODMWA
OM2 19.5: Exercises

Case problems in occupational medicine

OM2 20.1 Case 1:A scrap metal smelter operator
OM2 20.2 Case 2:A retired signmaker
OM2 20.3 Case 1:  An ex-railway workshop welder

Creative Commons License
Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) - Modules 3 – 5: Occupational Medicine & Toxicology by Prof Rodney Ehrlich & Prof Mohamed Jeebhay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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