Stage IV. Expanding Horizons
The process should be monitored to inform the evolution of the intervention and to evaluate the outcome of the intervention.
Monitoring during the intervention should take place through applying the principles of Action reflection cycle (Taylor et al., 2005). In this way, the intervention is enhanced and key learning can inform the ongoing design of the intervention.
Questionnaires, focus groups and surveys can be used to evaluate the immediate outcomes of the campaign. Narratives and community surveys may be another way of capturing the long term changes that take place. This evaluation should question the extent to which Development outcomes aspired towards are achieved. These Development outcomes involve critiquing if people are able to take action and exert influence on the decisions which affect their lives and the extent to which they are able to improve the quality of their lives, that of their communities and of the societies of which they are a part.
In addition to the action reflection strategy, a questionnaire, focus groups and interviews were conducted to evaluate the intervention.
The questionnaire which learners completed contained the following questions:
Aan watter van die 4 aktiwiteite het jy deelgeneem?
In which 4 activities did you participate?
Hoe het die aktiwiteit jou laat voel? En hoekom? (wat was anders of spesiaal van die actiwiteit in vergelyking met die aktiwiteite wat jy gewoonlik in die naweek doen?)
How did these acivities make you feel? Why? (what was different or special about the activities compared to what you usually do over the weekends)
Wat het jy oor jouself geleer en wat het jy geleer oor jou vermoe om dinge te doen?
What did you learn about yourself or your ability to do things?
Was dit lekker om iets nuuts en anders na skool te doen? Hoekom?
Sal jy nou meer geneig wees om ander nuwe aktiwiteite te doen?
Was it fun to do something new and different after school? Why?
Het jy die werk wat Robyn met jou gedoen het geniet?
Did you enjoy the work that Robyn did with you?
Wat kon Robyn anders, of beter, gedoen het, wat sou gemaak het dat jy nog meer kon geleer het?
What could Robyn have done differently or better? What would have made you learn more?