Post Graduate Diploma in

Health Professional Education

Online Educational Resources | Education Development Unit

Week 3

2-Week Block
Course 1 Outline
Weeks 1-6

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Week 2
Week 3
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    TOPIC: Experiential learning including situated learning theories, reflective practice, and adult learning theory.

    LEARNING TASK: Reflect the on appropriateness of these theories in your context, and critique these theories based on experience and the literature. Further questions will be posed in relation to the different theories.

This week you will go a little bit deeper into 'experiential learning theory' looking at four different models of experiential learning theory which fit into the paradigm of 'constructivism' (see reading 1) and 'Communities of Practice' (see Reading 2)

We are only focussing on the 4 different models in this chapter, and not the rest of the chapter.

  • David Kolb: A constructivist model of experiential learning
  • David Boud: Considering context in experiential leaning
  • Donald Schon: Reflection-in- Action
  • Jack Merzirow: Reflection on experience for transformation.

(If you wish to read the rest of the chapter, the link is provided below.)

Communities of Practice, focusing on Lave and Wenger (see reading 2)

Recommended and additional readings for those who want to go deeper into different topics are listed below.

The blog this week is more theoretical, but also asks you to relate theory to practice. Write your own blog (by Wednesday) and after the chat session, respond to two colleagues’ blogs (by Friday). This means that each of you should have 2 responses from peers. If you go to a blog and there are already 2 responses, please move to another peer’s blog. I will respond to each after there are 2 responses from peers.

From now on you should blog regularly so that your writing becomes the ‘draft’ that you draw on for your summative assignment. You will be required to respond to colleagues’ blogs as this is similar to us learning from each in a classroom situation. The only difference is that is verbal, not face-to-face, and this is written. Again keep the responses to reasonably short paragraphs.

Core reading

  1. Fenwick, T. (2001) Experiential Learning: Constructivism. ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career and Vocational Education, Ohio State University. Retrieved from:
  2. Lave, J. & Wenger, E. (2006) Communities of Practice. Retrieved from: /li>

Recommended reading - applied examples

  1. Gwele, N. (1998) Experiential Learning in Action: a program for preparing educators for health professionals. Studies in Continuing Education, 20 (2), 175-186
  2. Ranmuththugala, G., Plumb,J.,J., Cunningham, F., C, Georgiou, Westbrook, J.,I. & Braithwaite, J. (2011) How and why are communities of practice established in the healthcare sector? A systematic review of the literature. BMC Health Services Research,11 (273), 1-16

Additional reading for those interested in particular aspects

  1. Fenwick, T (2001) Experiential Learning in Adult Education: An overview of orientations. ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career and Vocational Education, Ohio State University. Retrieved from:
  2. Cooper, L. Vygotsky (Class handout)
  3. Schon, DA (1987) Preparing Professionals for the Demands of Practice. Ch1 Educating the Reflective Practitioner. San Francisco: Josey Bass, Chapter 3, 3-21

Questions for blog

For the blog for this week I want you to answer the following questions on the readings:

(Write short paragraphs, 200 - 300 words on each question)

  • What do you see as the similarities and differences between the different models?
  • Which of the models do you use/ have you used/could you use? How and why? Give practical examples.
  • Having read Fenwick’s chapter, describe ‘experiential learning’ and ‘constructivism’ in your own words. Explain the relationship between the two concepts.
  • Explain in your own words learning in a community of practice; what are the concepts or constructs and propositions that make this theory of learning.
  • Give an example from your situation to illustrate the answer above.
  • What are the critiques and/or limitations of this theory?