
Download Training Manuals

Click on the name of a manual to view it on your screen, or right click to download it.

Intro to Windows XP (pdf)
Intro to MS Word 2007 (pdf)
Intro to MS Excel 2007 (pdf)
Intro to MS PowerPoint 2007 (pdf)
Intro to MS Access 2007 (zip)

Advanced MS Word 2007
(for thesis writing - pdf)

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Online Computer Courses

These courses provide interactive training for commonly used software.
All student labs at UCT run MS office 2007 and Windows XP.
To access the training material click one of the links below. More…

MS Word MS Word
For typing documents such as essays
Word 2007: English / N Sotho / Zulu
Word 2003: English / N Sotho / Zulu
Windows MS Windows
An interface for you to interact with your computer
Windows XP: English
Windows Vista: English / N Sotho / Zulu
Excel MS Excel
For performing calculations & creating graphs
Excel 2007: English / N Sotho / Zulu
Excel 2003: English / N Sotho / Zulu
Groupwise Novell Groupwise
Email system used by students & staff at UCT
Groupwise: English / N Sotho / Zulu
Groupwise Webaccess: English
Powerpoint MS PowerPoint
For creating slideshows & presentations
PowerPoint 2007: English / N Sotho / Zulu
PowerPoint 2003: English / N Sotho / Zulu
Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
Allows you to search the web for information
Internet Explorer 7: English / N Sotho / Zulu
Powerpoint MS Access
For creating & maintaining databases
Access 2007: English / N Sotho / Zulu

Digital Literacies Online Assessment