
  1. Observe Part 3: the speech sample of the child: What assumptions are you making about this case at this point? Provide a response to the following statement:
    as I watch this video I am assuming that...

  2. Having watched the whole process, review your initial assumptions and comment on your learning in this process of unpacking assumptions.
    Respond to the following:
    When I began I assumed that...
    By the end of the video I learned that...
    My reflection indicate that my initial assumptions were...

  3. Identify any two aspects of the assessment process which you would like to examine in detail and critique these.

  4. How would you change this assessment? Explain

  5. Watch the video with and without subtitles: provide an account of your experiences during these viewings

  6. Comment on the issue of language matching in clinical assessment. What are the current debates in the literature? What did this assessment illustrate?

  7. Given that language matching may not be feasible in a context of diversity, what would you do to conduct a robust assessment of this case if you were not an isiXhosa speaker?

  8. Conduct a fluency analysis of the child’s speech sample.
    Explain the method you used.
    What were the challenges you experienced and how did you resolve these?

    Questions continued on following page