Other signs of heart failure

Your cardiovascular examination is not complete unless you have looked for two other important indicators of heart failure in other systems.You must listen for crackles at the lung bases indicating pulmonary oedema...

We?re almost finished. / Ons is amper klaar. / Sesiza kugqiba.
Please sit up again while I listen to your lungs./ Sit asseblief regop terwyl ek na u longe luister. / Hlala nkqo! kwakhona ngalomzuzu ndimamela imiphunga yakho.
Thank you./ Dankie. / Enkosi.

And you should look for hepatomegaly indicating right ventricular failure with hepatic congestion. If you are not specifically examining the chest and abdomen, you should at least examine these two organs in order to complete your examination of the heart. The techniques are covered in the companion presentations.

Now I?m going feel your tummy./ Ek gaan nou u buik ondersoek. / Ngoku ndizakuva isisu sakho.