Examination Techniques and Practice


The techniques of physical examination are in themselves simple, and easy to master. Indeed, the student performing the examination in this presentation had only just commenced her clinical methods training and had never attempted these techniques before. The techniques were shown to her, she practised them and her actions were recorded within a few hours. All that is necessary are that you observe carefully, pay attention to detail, and practise repeatedly.

Physicians do vary in their techniques of examination. Shown here are a single set of techniques which are both simple to employ and reliable. Your tutors may however make use of slightly different techniques themselves. We suggest that, initially at least, you learn to use the techniques shown here confidently, so as not to become confused.


Practice of your examination technique is essential, and you need to see as many patients who demonstrate abnormal physical signs as possible so that you can learn to recognise them.

During this presentation, we shall demonstrate the following:

  • Preparing the patient for the examination
  • Looking for some signs of respiratory disease on a focused ?general? examination
  • Looking at the pattern of breathing
  • Assessing the degree of expansion of the chest and its symmetry by inspection and by palpation
  • Assessing the position of the trachea
  • Percussing the chest for dullness and resonance
  • Listening to the breath sounds by auscultation.