University Of Nottingham Open Courseware

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Learning Resources

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Creativity and mental illness : the Madness and Literature Network

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In this video author Patrick Gale shares his thoughts on madness and creativity during the Madness and Literature Network Seminar in 2009.

Evaluation techniques

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The 'Evaluation Techniques' module is one of the core modules taught on the Masters in Public Health which is offered by the Division of Epidemiology and Public Health at The University of Nottingham.

Foundations in evidence based practice

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This module is taught on the Diploma/BSc in Nursing and covers an introduction to evidence-based practice; the nature of evidence; an introduction to the research process; reflective thinking and writing; portfolio development skills; searching/accessing information/literature; summarising literature; referencing literature sources; reviewing literature; an introduction to law and ethics and their links with evidence-based practice; an introduction to accountability and evidence-based practice.

Hand hygiene

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Aimed at healthcare practitioners, this learning object describes why hand hygiene is so important in a healthcare setting, then uses video clips to demonstrate correct, and incorrect, hand washing techniques.

Health promotion

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The 'Health Promotion' module is one of the core modules taught on the Masters in Public Health which is offered by the Division of Epidemiology and Public Health at The University of Nottingham.

Immunology basics

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Infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The body fights infection through the functions of the immune system, whose power has been harnessed by the development of vaccination (immunisation).

Improving the health of the population and evidence based medicine

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This module has two essential components: Evidence-Based Medicine and Public Health. Evidence-Based Medicine was introduced as a new discipline because traditionally the teaching of medicine was heavily reliant on an apprenticeship-type system with emphasis on learning from observing one’s teachers. One of the guiding principles in the NHS today is that all health care should be based on research evidence. One of the aims of this module is to cover core concepts in epidemiology and basic statistics so that you are able to understand the evidence presented in research papers and apply it to your clinical practice.

The Public Health component of this module will provide you with insight into the factors affecting the health at a population level and how these may be addressed. It also aims to show how these factors may be distributed and how this can contribute to inequalities in health between populations.

International Classification of Function, Disability and Health

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This package was originally designed for undergraduates in Medicine at the University of Nottingham. It will also be useful to students in nursing, allied health professions and pharmacy. Practitioners in these fields, who are new to the ICF, will also find it a useful introduction.

It describes the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), a classification system published by the World Health Organisation to describe health status. This system is widely used in rehabilitation research and practice to describe impairments of body structure and function and how these impact on activities and participation.

Levels of measurement

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Aimed at statistics beginners, this learning object describes, and gives examples of, the four levels of measurement of data: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio.

Number for Nurses: Division

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The Number for Nurses Computer Assisted Learning Package begins with a basic principles section which is followed by application to nursing practice. The basic principles section deals with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, S.I. units and scales and gauges. In each area a variety of methods are used to enable the student to understand these principles, through interactive tutorials and consolidate learning through exercises.

The aim of the division section is to help the student become competent both in the recognition of factors in fractions, and the ability to transfer simple fractions into long division format. These skills are particularly relevant during clinical practice as the nurse will be expected to utilise these methods to accurately calculate the drug dose to be administered to a patient.

The anatomy of the kidneys

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Aimed at pre-registration Nursing students studying human biology, this learning object introduces the external and internal anatomy of the kidney, including the anatomy of nephrons and corpuscles.

The inflammatory response

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This learning object describes the inflammatory response - a series of local cellular and vascular responses which are triggered when the body is injured or invaded by micro-organisms or antigen.

The physiology of the kidneys

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Aimed at pre-registration Nursing students studying human biology, this learning object introduces the physiology of the kidney, examining the processes by which the kidneys filter blood, control body pH and eliminate the waste products of metabolism from the body.

Understanding and classifying a stroke

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Stroke is the third largest cause of death in the UK after heart disease and cancer. It is also the single leading cause of severe disability in the UK. Classification of stroke is crucial in planning treatment and is a good indication of prognosis

This Learning Object helps individuals understand how to make the diagnosis of stroke using the Oxford Stroke classification. It is suitable for any health care professionals involved in the management of stroke but especially doctors and medical students.