Hoer_the Folksemantic Project > Help

Wiki text may contain the following markup and macros. Markup syntax provides simple text styles such as bold, italic and lists. Macros provide more complex formatting for items such as tables, images and attachments. The Wiki dialect used is based on external link: Radeox.

Editor shortcuts

You can insert common markup and macros using the toolbar at the top of the wiki page editor. Editor shortcuts include bold, italic, headings, tables, links, and uploading attachments.

Text formatting

__bold__boldBold text
~~italics~~italicsItalic text
--strike--strikeStrike-through text
h1 Title Level-1 heading
h2 Title Level-2 heading
h3 Title Level-3 heading
- text Bulleted list
* text Bulleted list
# text1, 2, 3An enumerated list
a. texta, b, cAlphabetical enumerated list
A. textA, B, CUppercase alphabetical enumerated list
i. texti, ii, iiiRoman enumerated list
I. textI, II, IIIUppercase Roman enumerated list
g. h. k. j. Enumerated lists for Greek, Hiragana, Katakana and Hebrew
(empty line) New paragraph
\\ Line break
[Home]HomeInternal link to another page
http://snipsnap.org/external link: http://snipsnap.org/Link to an external resource.
\XXEscape special wiki character X, for example { and }


Each macro has a name, and a list of optional parameters, separated by | where there is more than one. The syntax for macros is:

{macroname:attribute=value|unamedvalue|other=values} contents {macroname}

codeDisplays a chunk of source code with syntax highlighting.Code language: java, xml, …, none
imageIncludes an image in the pageimg: path to the file
alt: (optional) ALT text
target: target window
indexLists all pages in a given space(optional) space to index, defaults to the space of the current page.
linkLink to a URLtext: link text
url: link URL
img: (optional) small URL image to display
target: (optional) target window
mailtoLinks to an email addressEmail address to link
quoteDisplays a quotation(Optional) Source URL
(Optional) Source link text
recent-changesDisplays a list of recently changed pages 
tableDisplays a tablenone


Including an image

Linking to an external page (with an alias)

Linking to an email address

Advanced Macros

Supported macros not described above include api, api-docs, asin, file-path, hello, inter-wiki, isbn, math, rfc, and xref. Details of all supported macros can be seen by including this macro in any wiki page:
