Hoer_mededportal last modified by Gillian Stevens (t0022212) on 01 July 2010 2:41:17 PM

Available Collections

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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

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The SBS Toolbox: Clinical Pearls from the Social and Behavioral SciencesInteractive Digital CT Atlas of the Pediatric Cervical SpineTetanyInteractive Spinal Cord AtlasWhite Matter: OligodendrocytesExcitatory Post-Synaptic Potential
Cranial Nerves Involved in the Process of SwallowingInhibitory Post-Synaptic PotentialsSpinal MotoneuronComparison of an Electrical Cable to a Nerve FiberMyelination of an AxonSkeletal Growth and Maturation
Intervertebral DiscSemicircular Canal ExcitationHorizontal Vestibular Ocular ReflexThree-Diminsional Orientation of the Inner Ear Vestibular SensorsThe Muscle Spindle - with Gamma Motor NeuronsSpinal Cord: Renshaw Cells
Agonist - Antagonist MusclesThe Motor End-Plate or Neuromuscular JunctionReflex CircuitryGeriatric Rehabilitation ReviewA Case of Mysterious Poisoning - Team Based Learning FormatEliminate Hazards in Your Home: A Safety Checklist with Recommendations
A Primer in Perioperative Care of the Elderly'On Doctoring': Essays on ProfessionalismChoosing the Appropriate Assistive Device: A Card Sorting ActivityCare Transitions in the Older AdultSpinal CordSomite Cell Differentiation
Recording of Motor Unit PotentialsThe Axial Skeleton: RadiologyBasic Plan of the Spinal CordSummary of Tracts of Spinal Cord White MatterLaminae of RexedNervous System Structure
Afferents to the CerebellumComputer-Based Geriatrics Workbooks for Resident TeachingEducational Measurement Workshop: A "Sweet Approach" to Understanding the Basic Principles of Educational MeasurementGeriatric Learning Questionnaire for Clinician-Educators (G-CEL-Q)The Educator's Portfolio & Curriculum Vitae - Workshop & Resource Guide"Caring For Junior" - A Problem-Based Learning Case
Complications of Diabetes Mellitus: Interactive TutorialWeb-Based Module to Train and Assess Competency in Systems-Based Practice"Assistive Devices" Learning ObjectThe ETHNICS Mnemonic: Clinical Tool, Didactics, and Small Group Facilitator's GuideDizziness in the ElderlyAn Emergency Department Patient with a Knee Dislocation
Neurology/Psychiatry Clerkship Cases: "I Need More Vicodin!"Falls In The Elderly, An Orientation For The Medical StudentCoding 101FCM-012 Pharm 2 Geriatric Pharmacology/PolypharmacyVirtual Patient Case #5: Mr.& Mrs. Fred & Eleanor Clifford - Chief Diagnosis: Functional AgingVirtual Patient Case #4: Mrs. Violetta Mitsuko Tang - Chief Diagnosis: Osteoporosis/Incontinence
Virtual Patient Case #1: Mr. Karl Andrews- Chief Diagnosis: Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes and StrokeFunctional Assessment of the Elderly PatientFalls in Older Adults"Home Safety Assessment" Learning ObjectLumbar Puncture Step by StepNeuropathology: An Illustrated Interactive Course for Medical Students and Residents
HEAL (Health Education Assets Library)Teenager with Sensory and Strength Problems (difficult)Woman with UnsteadinessNeuro-Logic: The Principles of Lesion Localization in Patients with Neurological SymptomsInteractive Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (iPOMA)Culturally Competent Health Care Practice with Older Adults
The "Three D's" of Cognitive Impairment: An Interactive Card-sorting ExerciseWatching Out for Older DriversPost-operative Delirium in the Elderly Patient (v.1.3)Interactive Gait & Balance Training ModuleGeriatrics Assessment LiteNeurons: Animated Cellular and Molecular Concepts
Autonomic Nervous SystemSympathetic Innervation of the Blood VesselsRegulation of Contraction by CalciumMigraine Follow-up - A Virtual OSCEInteractive Neurology: Transversal Lesion SyndromeInteractive Neurology: Motor Neuron Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Interactive Neurology: Bell's Palsy, Facial Nerve PalsyInteractive Neurology: Herniated Disk L5-S1Interactive Neurology: Polyneuropathy and Neuropathy LesionInteractive Neurology: Accessory Nerve Palsy, Trapezius Weakness, and Nerve XI LesionInteractive Neurology: Spastic ParesisInteractive Neurology: Hemiplegia
Interactive Neurology: Parkinson's SyndromeInteractive Neurology: Multiple Sclerosis (MS)The Senior Moments, Volume 1   


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CT Atlas of Pediatric Retroperitoneal SpacesRadiology Jeopardy/Blank Jeopardy TemplateHepatic Arterial Buffer Response and its Clinical ImplicationsHepatic Arterial Buffer Response on Cross-Sectional ImagingHeadache with a Normal MRIMedical Solitaire: A Flash-Based Game Facilitating Study and Review of Lecture Content. "Cysts and Tumors of the Liver"
AMSER National Medical Student Curriculum in RadiologyUtilizing Smart Objects, Smart Filters, and Layers for Nondestructive Radiology ImageRadiology Resident Pre-Call Evaluation QuizRadiological Anatomy of the Extremities and BackSectional Anatomy of the Abdomen and PelvisRadiological Images of the Abdomen and Pelvis
Interactive Digital CT Atlas of the Pediatric Cervical SpineToby Cartwright - Bilious Emesis in a NeonatePeer Review of Educational Scholarship Faculty Development WorkshopSectional and Radiological Anatomy of the ThoraxClinical Teaching Evaluation InventoryIntroductory Head & Neck Radiology for Preclinical Learners
Extraocular Skeletal Muscle-Induced Eye MovementsCHF from Diastolic Dysfunction in a Patient Presenting Preoperatively for an Elective SurgeryThe Axial Skeleton: RadiologyThe Axial Skeleton: RadiologyChest Radiology TutorialEducational Measurement Workshop: A "Sweet Approach" to Understanding the Basic Principles of Educational Measurement
The Educator's Portfolio & Curriculum Vitae - Workshop & Resource GuideEducator Portfolio Template of the Academic Pediatric Association's Educational Scholars ProgramMedPix - Medical Imaging Database, Teaching File, and AtlasAn Emergency Department Patient with a Knee DislocationInteractive Computer Teaching Module for Radiologic-Pathologic Correlations in Breast Imaging360-Degree Professionalism Assessment Instrument
Responsible Literature Searching for Research: A Self-Paced Interactive Educational ProgramImaging of the HeartCritical Teaching Incident Casebook: Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching through Critical Analyses and Reflection of ACGME   


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Temporomandibular JointHanau Articulator Training: Zeroing the ArticulatorClass I Amalgam: Occlusal and Occlusolingual Preparation and RestorationDevelopment of the FaceCast Removable Partial Denture RubricThe Integrative Knowledge Portfolio Process: A Program Guide for Educating Reflective Practitioners and Lifelong Learners
Self-Guided Instructional Material: Full CrownIntroduction to Cast Removable Partial Dentures and SurveyingAnterior Spinal Artery Infarction Case PresentationIntroduction to Effective Communication SkillsProblem Based Learning a Vehicle to Teach Critical Thinking, Reading the Scientific LiteraturePresentation Skills Assessment Tools
Head, Neck and Oral Cancer ExaminationCephalometrics - A Student GuideAll Ceramic Crown Tooth Preparation and Provisional Crown FabricationFixed Prosthodontic Learning Dossier AssignmentManual for Preclinical Removable Prosthodontics: Complete DenturesOral Health Management of Pregnant Dental Patients
Dentistry Case Simulator: Amelogenesis ImperfectaGallery of Prosthodontic Procedural Technique VideosDentin Dysplasia (Tiffany)Dentistry Case: Down Syndrome (Thomas)Ectodermal Dysplasia (Emily)Autonomic Innervation to the Head: Animations and a Self-Testing Guide
TetanyHow to Save a LifeTrauma and Women's Health: From a Psychobiological PerspectiveLoad-Velocity Relation in Muscle ContractionRate-Pressure Product: Affect on Cardiac Oxygen ConsumptionProblem-Based Learning (PBL): Abdominal Pain in a Pregnant Woman
A Small-Group Reflection Exercise for Increasing the Awareness of Cultural Stereotypes: A Facilitator's GuideEndochondral OssificationHistological Zones Within the Epiphyseal PlateMatrix Vesicle and Calcification of CartilageGrowth Plate HistologyOsteonal Bone Remodeling
Histology of Adult Cortical BoneAdult Diaphyseal BoneArticular CartilageInterstitial Cells of CajalTooth HistologySeminiferous Epithelium
Follicular Adenoma ThyroidTooth and GingivaPlatelet Aggregation During Wound HealingRas-Initiated Signal TransductionCompetitive InhibitionSummary of Defects in the Lipoprotein Pathways Related to Lipase Deficiency, Hyperlipidaemia, Hypercholesterdemia and High HDL Syndrome
Study of Beta-Carotene and Free Radical StabilizationA-tocopherol (Vitamin E)Cell Cycle CheckpointsActin FilamentBase Excision RepairSummary of Enzyme Classes and Major Subclasses (Image 3 of 7)
Comparison of the Rates and Extents of Different Pathways of ATP Production in Muscle (Slide 3 of 4)Epithelial ClassificationsHistological Organization of the SpleenWhite Matter: OligodendrocytesChromatin and Nucleosome StructureHistology of the Lymph Node
Rods and Cones: PhotoreceptorsHistology of the CochleaDamage of Free Radicals on LipidsType II (Symmetrical) SynapseCalcium-Mediated Activation of MyosinMyosin Thick Filament
Trancription Start SignalTranscriptional Stop SignalIon Flux and Membrane PotentialExcitation Causes Muscle ContractionLactic Acid MetabolismTable of Gastric and Pancreatic Peotidases
Table of Enterocyte Brush Border PeptidasesType I (Asymmetrical) SynapseChemical Structure of ATPDeamination of Cytosine to UracilEnzyme Inhibition Types and Equations and Procedures to Define the Various TypesSummary of Enzyme Classes and Major Subclasses (Image 2 of 7)
Summary of Enzyme Classes and Major Subclasses (Image 4 of 7)Summary of Enzyme Classes and Major Subclasses (Image 5 of 7)Summary of Enzyme Classes and Major Subclasses (Image 6 of 7)Comparison of the Rates and Extents of Different Pathways of ATP Production in Muscle (Slide 1 of 4)Comparison of the Rates and Extents of Different Pathways of ATP Production in Muscle (Slide 4 of 4)Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Cilium
Post-Capillary VenuleUltrastructural Anatomy of a Secretory CellHistological Organization of the SkinCellular Organization of the Stratum Spinosum of the EpidermisUltrastructural Anatomy of the Epidermis-Dermis InterfaceAttack and Defense Factors Acting Upon the Wall of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Formation of the Myelin SheathUltrastructure of Cardiac MuscleInput and Output of Uric Acid in the BodyStages of SpermatogenesisHistological Organization of the Anterior PituitaryTransport Modes in Glandular Alveolar Cells
Esophageal-Cardiac JunctionMucosa of the Fundus and Body of the StomachSmall Intestinal Villi and CryptsHistology of the Small Intestinal VilliHistology of Thymic LobulesEpithelial Reticular Cells in the Thymic Cortex
Epithelial Reticular CellsHistology of the Subcapsular Sinus of the Lymph NodeHistological Organization of the Splenic SinusThe Otolith - Mapping of Linear MotionThe Vestibular System - Utricle and Semicircular CanalHistological Organization of Skeletal Muscle
Histological Organization of Cardiac MuscleHistological Organization of Smooth MuscleHistology of the Small Intestinal VilliChronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaHairy Cell LeukemiaHistological Organization of Cartilage
Histology of FibrocartilageElastic Fibers in the Papillary DermisThe Histology of Exocrine Gland DuctsOsteoclastBone Development and CartilageInterpreting Double-Reciprocal Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Plots (Image 4 of 5)
Interpreting Double-Reciprocal Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Plots (Image 5 of 5)Mechanism of Phagocytosis of CellInterpreting Double-Reciprocal Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Plots (Image 3 of 5)Interpreting Double-Reciprocal Michaelis-Menten Kinetics Plots (Image 2 of 5)Ion ConcentrationStructure of the Proteasome
Glycolipid StructurePolar Head Groups of PhospholipidsCollagen Synthesis and Secretion in the ER and GolgiInterpreting Double-Reciprocal Michaelis-Menten Kinetics plots (Image 1 of 5)The Alignment of Collagen Microfibrils to Form a Stiped FibrilCollagen Triple Helix
Endoplasmic Reticulum Lipid Bilayer SynthesisStructure of a Fatty AcidLysomes and PeroxisomesStructure of a Cell NucleusCardiovascular Simulation Cases for Dental StudentsProteolytic Degradation of Collagen
Cell Damage and CancerThe Differences Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic mRNAsA Ligment in Recoiled and Stretched StatesCentriole StructureExcitatory Post-Synaptic PotentialRNA Synthesis and Processing of mRNA
Smooth Endoplasmic ReticulumRough Endoplasmic Reticulum StructureGolgi StructureSteroidsIron Metabolism at the Duodenal EnterocyteChanges in Optical Lens Shape and Focal Point When Looking at a Near or Far Object
Lipid Absorption From the GutOverview of the Role of Food as a Needed Resource for Bodily FunctionsRole of Bile Salts on the Rate of Synthesis of New Bile SaltsTrypsin as an EnzymeSaliva ProductionGut Activation of Vitamin B12
Formation of a Platelet PlugBile MetabolismDynamics of Amino Acid PoolsFuel Use According to Exercise Duration and IntensityGut Activation of Vitamin B12Metabolic Homeostasis
Weight Loss Curve with Prolonged FastingFuel Flux in Early FastingMilk Letdown (Suckling) ReflexRole of Potassium Channels in Cardiac Action PotentialRegulation of VomitingBalance of Gastric and Duodenal Factors on Motility
Sodium Channel Operation of Cardiac ElectrophysiologyMechanisms of Food Movement Through the EsophagusIntrinsic Nervous System Innervation of the GutPeristaltic ContractionsCellular Communication PathwaysSwallowing
Digestion in the StomachPhases of Cardiac Action PotentialReaction KineticsRespiratory CyclePulmonary Function Test ProcedureAldosterone Effects on Sodium Reabsorption
Pulmonary Function TestsSimplified Cardiovascular CircuitPhotopic Versus Scotopic VisionPepsin's Role in Breaking Down ProteinsControl of Vomiting Within the BodyBasic Function of a Nephron
Adhesive Proteins, Coagulation Factors, and Growth ModulatorsWhere Different Diuretics Work Along the Length of the Renal Tubular SystemEffects of CatecholaminesThe Cycle of Infection by Thick-Walled OocystsActions of Cortisol and Effects of Cortisol Deficiency or ExcessThe Effect of Right Atrial Pressure on Cardiac Output in the Presence of Cardiac Tamponade
Coronary Blood Flow Increases due to Acetylcholine or Papaverine in Atherosclerotic Lesioned or Un-Lesioned ArteriesSpinal MotoneuronArteriovenous Oxygen Difference as a Function of Oxygen Uptake at Rest and During ExerciseNeural Regulation of StomachRelationship of Air Inspiration and Expiration to Pleural Pressure, Changes in Right and Left Stroke Volume and Change in Thoracic Blood VolumeAdvance Dental Simulation: Module on Crown Preparation
Handling of Predominate Nutrient Carbohydrate by the Small IntestinesComponents of Vascular WallsThe Effect of Hematocrit on Blood ViscositySectional and Radiological Anatomy of the ThoraxIntroductory Head & Neck Radiology for Preclinical LearnersPeristalsis In The Stomach
Neural and Circulating Effectors of VasodilationEnterogastric ReflexVital Capacity as Compared to Transmural PressureFactors Influencing Fluid Balance at the Level of the CapillariesPressure Curves Of Left Heart And Pressure Volume LoopsModel of Enteric Regulatory Components
Prostaglandin ProductsOxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve During ExerciseMyoglobin and Hemoglobin Dissociation CurvesCoronary Flow Reserve is Exhausted by StenosisTable Identifying Unique Functions of the Upper IntestineRelationship of Cardiac Depolarization to Shape of the ECG
Cardiac Output and Venous ReturnAnion GapPhosphate in the NephroneInput and Output of the Total Pool of Uric Acid in the BodyAnterior and Posterior PituitaryAntidiuretic Hormone Levels Change With Plasma Osmolarity and Plasma Volume
Typical Pattern of Cortisol Secretion During a 24 Hour DayRegulation of Aldosterone SecretionControl and Function of Vitamin DEffect of Exogenously Added Pressure and Volume Into the Subarachnoid Space on Cerebrospinal Fluid PressureRespiratory Center Regulation of Heart RateControl of Gastric Acid Secretion by Parietal Cells
Autonomic and Endocrine Control of Bile ReleaseDevelopment of Re-Entrant ArrythmiasCardiac Action Potentials Depend on LocationNormal Glycemic and Insulin Responses to MealsMean Blood Pressure is the Geometric Mean of the Blood Pressure TraceCapillary Fluid Balance
Cholinergic Receptors in the Cardiovascular SystemChanges in Cardiovascular Pressure Upon Standing and WalkingThe Muscle Pump Aids Venous ReturnVenous Pressure Measured at the Ankles with SteppingVenous Return Curve PlateauEffect of Cardiac Tamponade and Intrapleural Pressure on Cardiac Output Curves
Signaling Role of the Vascular EndotheliumRole of Nitric Oxide in Mediating the Coronary Vascular Response to AcetylcholineEffect of Circulating Factors on Vascular Smooth Muscle Contraction and RelaxationPhysiological Control of Coronary Vascular ResistanceMyogenic Effect on ArteriolesEffect of Longitudinal Gradient on Arteriolar Diameter
Episodic Secretion of hGH in AdolescentsControl of Growth Hormone ReleaseGrowth Hormone AxisDirect and Indirect Effects of Growth HormoneTable of Regional Blood Flows and Oxygen ConsumptionDiabetes Complication
Temperature HomeostasisWater Balance Across the ColonAmino Acids as an Energy SourceRelationship Between Cardiac Output and Preload and Effect of Afterload, Contractility or Heart rate changesVenous Blood Flow Past Calf Muscles During WalkingDietary Reference Intakes
Effect of Unison Contraction of Lower Leg Muscles on Venous Blood Flow From FootOverview of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in Heart FailureCenter Surround Receptive Fields in Retinal Ganglion CellsRenal Handling of GlucoseConversion of Proline to HydroxyprolineDuplex Theory of Pitch and Loudness Discrimination
Comparison of an Electrical Cable to a Nerve FiberAutonomic Innervation PatternsPhysiological Facts About IronElectrical Movement Through the Heart and Resultant Action Potential Diagram of Each Major Component SiteAutonomic Nervous SystemInnervation of Smooth Muscle
Anatomic Innervation of Individual OrgansSympathetic Outflow in StressMicturation ReflexAnatomic Arrangement of the Autonomic Nervous SystemJoint DestructionDynamics of Amino Acid Pools
Relationship Between Oxygen Partial Pressure in the Lung and the Blood Oxygen ContentRespiratory Exchange RatioPeristaltisGastric PeristalsisPyloric SphincterTemportal Relationship of Atrial & Ventricular Pressure with Heart Valve Closures, Heart Sounds, Venous Pulse and the Electrocardiogram
Normal Electrical Cycle of the HeartCardiac Pacemaker Action Potential and Associated Ion ConductanceRelationship Between the Renal Production of Renin, the Hepatic Production of Angiotensinogen and the Delivery of Angiotensin I to the LungSource and Function of Angiotensin IIProduction of Angiotensin II and its Effect on the BrainProduction and Effects of Angiotensin II on the Vascular System and on Sodium and Water Excretion
Myelination of an AxonComponents of the ECG waveformEvents of the Cardiac CycleBasis for the Directional Characteristis of the ECG WaveformOxyhemoglobin Dissociation CurveOverview of Respiratory System
Height Velocity Limits as a Function of Age in YearsBone Mineral Density as a Function of AgeEnterohepatic Circulation of Bile SaltsMaximal Secretory Output vs Number of Parietal CellsHelicobacter Pylori: What Does it Do?Two Touch Discrimination Distances on Different Parts of the Human Body
Reaching Isotonicity in the Intestine (The Role of the Duodenum)Hepatic Breakdown of Cholesterol, Glycine or Taurine, and Na/KDigestion of Polysaccharides, Proteins and FatsMajor Areas of Nutrient Absorption in the IntestineConcept of parietal cell mass (PCM)Integrated Control of the Salivary Response
Fuel Flux - Diabetes Fed StateDirect and Indirect Effects of Growth HormoneNeutrophil Lifespan From Bone Marrow to TissueThe Anatomy of an Acinar Gland in the Lung AlveolusThe Lifespan of an ErythrocyteLeft Ventricular Pressure-Volume Loop
Total Fasting: Relationships of Urine Ketostix to Quantitative Ketone BodiesFrequency Senstitivity in the CholeaRenal Handling of CreatinineRelationship Between Creatinine Clearance and Plasma Creatinine ConcentrationGlucose Tubular MaximimumRenal Handling of PAH
PAH Secretion and ExcretionRenal Handling of UreaRenal handling of UrateInfluence of Gravitation Forces on Vestibular Hair CellsAnatomy of SwallowingGeneral functions of proteolysis
Saliva ProductionClosed-Circuit Measurement of Residual Volume in the LungForced Expiratory Airflow DynamicsVessel Narrowing Alters Flow VelocityShifts in the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation CurveBlock Diagram of the Deglutition Reflex
Potassium Channel Conductance Aids Repolarization in Ventricular MyocytesInfluence of Resting Potential on Sodium and Calcium Currents in the HeartBlock Diagram of the Vomiting ReflexProtein Load for Intestinal AbsorptionNeural Control of Bolus Movement in the Gastointestinal TractPrinciple Circulating Fuels During Prolonged Fasting
Effect of Heart Rate on Left-Ventricular Pressure-Volume LoopComparison of Photopic and Scotopic VisionHeight Velocity Limits as a Function of Age in YearsNear Vision in the EyeMyopia is Corrected With a Concave LensHypermetropia is Corrected With a Convex Lens
Effect of Blood Pressure on Coronary Blood FlowEpisodic Release of Human Growth Hormone in a Normal Adolescent MaleThe Regional CirculationsGeneration of Center-Surround Receptive Fields by Cells of the RetinaSkeletal Growth and MaturationRelease of Growth Hormone
Control of Sodium and Water Balance by the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone/ADH Systems in Heart FailureGraphic Illustration of Entero-Gastrin CycleDistribution of Blood Flow Within the Hepatosplancnic CirculationBlood Flow to the Mucosa, Submucosa, and Muscularis of the Gastrointestinal TractAmylase Catalyzes the Formation of Disaccharides From PolysaccharidesTrypsin as an Activator of Digestive Enzymes
Factors Controling Bile Secretion RateBiosynthesis of Bile AcidsGallstone Formation Depends on Proportional Concentrations of Cholesterol, Phospholipid, and Bile SaltsSteps Leading to the Formation of GallstonesBile Salt Absorption and Secretin Release Inluence the Rate of Bile SecretionIllustration of Gastrointestinal Hormones with Cognate Receptors
Migration and Life-Cycle of Gastrointestinal EnterocytesGastrointestinal Surface Area is Magnified Immensely by Multiple Levels of FoldingWater Absorption in the GutDigestion and Absorption of Sugars and StarchFar Vision Must Focus Parallel Light Rays on the RetinaHorizontal Vestibular Ocular Reflex
Coronary Blood Flow, Stenosis, Coronary Blood Flow ReserveSemicircular Canal ExcitationThree-Diminsional Orientation of the Inner Ear Vestibular SensorsBaroreceptor ReflexBrush Border of Small IntestineCoronary Blood Flow, Stenosis, Coronary Blood Flow Reserve
Coronary Blood FlowEffect of Blood Pressure on Coronary Blood FlowOtoliths - The Mechanism of Reaction to Gravitational ForcesThe Ear: Semicircular CanalsHair Cell Activation and Resultant Firing RateIron Deficiency - Demographics
Protein Load for Instestinal AbsorptionGastric Phase of ProteolysisFormation of HydroxylysineElasting Cross-link FormationIntervertebral DiscSpinal Reflex: Stretch Reflex
Agonist - Antagonist MusclesSpinal Cord: Renshaw CellsThe Muscle Spindle - with Gamma Motor NeuronsPatellar tendon (ligament)reflexThe Left Ventricular Pressure-Volume DiagramThe Otoliths - Mapping of Linear Motion
Renal Handling of InsulinStress-Velocity Relationships in Smooth Muscle: Impact of PhosphorylationEffect of Increasing End-Diastolic Volume and Exercise on LV Pressure-VolumeEffect of Heart Rate on Volume Pumped under Constant End-Diastolic PressureEffects of Positive and Negative Inotropic Stimuli on Left Ventricular Pressure-Volume DiagramsEffect of Increasing LV Systolic Pressure on LV Pressure-Volume Diagram
Effect of Progessively-Increasing End-Diastolic Volume on LV Pressure-Volume DiagramsIsovolumetric Pressure-Volume RelationsLeft Ventricular Pressure-Volume RelationsThe Motor End-Plate or Neuromuscular JunctionAllosteric Regulatory Mechanism in Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle Contractile Fiber ContractionThe Starling Equation
Influence of Ambient Temperature on Heat Loss during ExerciseThe Motor UnitMechanical Contraction Versus Electrical Action Potential in Muscle ContractionActive and Passive Contration of MuscleMyosin Phosphorylation and Cytosolic Calcium Levels in Smooth MuscleSmooth Muscle Phasic and Tonic Contraction
Regulation of Smooth Muscle Contractile Fibers by Myosin PhosphorylationAction Potentials of the Cardiac SA Node and VentricleVentricular Action Potential and Ionic Permeabilities Effecting ItRelationship of the Cardiac Ventricular Action Potential to the Lead II ElectrocardiogramRelationship of the Cardiac Ventricular Muscle Contraction to its Action PotentialUric Acid Movement Through and Within the Kidney Nephron
Pulmonary Capillary and Fluid BalancePulmonary Artery Wedge PressurePoisseuille's Law"My Mouth Hurts"Mucormycosis Face A - P ViewBenign Tumor
Development of the PituitaryMucosal Melanoma - TonsilTooth Development - Cap Stage (late)Neurilemmoma OralInvasive Squamous Carcinoma - OralLymphoma Tonsil
Papilloma PalateLipoma TonguePigmentation/Enlargement of the LipsTooth and GingivaMucosal Melanoma - PalateSquamous Cell Carcinoma - Lip
Squamous Cell or Ginival CancerSquamous Cell Carcinoma - TongueCarcinoma Giniva Squamous CellMixed Tumor Minor Salivary Gland of the PalateDecision Guidelines for Selection of Nutritional Support MethodsResult of Head-Tail and Lateral Folding
Swallowing FoodSpirometry (static image)Spirometry (animated image)Reflexes in SalivationDentascanAbsorption of Water and Electrolytes
Tooth Development - Bud StageTooth Development- Cap Stage (early)Tooth Development-Bell StageTooth Development- Root Formation (early)Oral CavityCrown
Root (late formation)Cross-Sectional Area as a Function of Airway GenerationMinor Salivery Gland Tumor - PalateSyphilis TongueVerrucous Oral Cancer - GrossErthroplasia Tongue
Leukoplakia TongueOral CancerBenign Mixed Tumor Palate - GrossLipoma of TongueSquamous Cell Carcinoma - Palate - GrossSquamous Carcinoma Maxillary Gingiva - Gross
Squamous Carcinoma Buccal Mucosa - GrossPapilloma TongueOral CancerSquamous Cell Cancer - CytologySquamous Cell Nodal Metastases - HistologyCarcinoma Hard Palate
Malignant Melanoma Hard PalateTraumatic Ulcer TongueTaurus PalatinusHemangioma TongueOral Cavity, Erythroplasia or Erythoplabia-Premalignant LesionSquamous Cell Carcinoma - Lip
Oral Verrucous Carcinoma & LeukoplakiaTongue HemangiomaVerrucous CarcinomaSquamous Cell Carcinoma - Buccal MucosaSquamous Cell Carcinoma - Gingiva MaxillaSquamous Cell Carcinoma - Gingiva Maxilla
Squamous Cell CancerSquamous Cell Carcinoma - Glottic LarynxSquamous Cell Carcinoma - Pyriform SinusMalignant Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma - TongueDecision Guidelines for Selection of Nutritional Support MethodsA Structured Medical Interviewing Course: Seven Standardized Patient Cases
Enteric Innervation of Striated and Smooth Muscle of EsophagusBasic Cardiac Electrophysiology and MechanicsPrimary Peristalsis of EsophagusChanges in Esophageal Pressures in Different DiseasesPhysicians Facilitating Behavior ChangePsychiatric and Psychosocial Concerns in HIV Treatment
Pandemic Scenario Tabletop ExerciseWorking With Interpreters: Learning To Conduct A Cross-Language Medical Interview With An Online Web-Based ModuleAn Evidence and Case-Based Approach to Health DisparitiesWeb-Based Module to Train and Assess Competency in Systems-Based PracticeProfessionalism Workshop: Applying the Elements of Professionalism Through Scenario LearningAirway Management Skills Assessment
Domestic Violence Simulated Patient CaseFocusing Feedback on Interpersonal Skills: A Workshop for Standardized PatientsThe Healthcare Matrix: Improving Care by Linking Outcomes to CompetenciesPublic Health Emergency Tabletop ExerciseStudy Skills -Test Taking StrategiesEvidence Based Medicine (EBM) On-line Course for Clinical Preceptors
HEAL (Health Education Assets Library)Online Interview Teaching ToolThe Upset Office ManagerClinical Skills Standardized Patient Case - Working with an Interpreter: The Case of Victor IvanovTool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training (TACCT)360-Degree Professionalism Assessment Instrument
Culture, Faith Traditions & HealthIntroduction to Traditional Chinese MedicineOverview to Complementary Therapies and Healing PracticesWeb-Based, Cross Cultural Educational ModulesGeriatrics Assessment LiteInterpreter Cases for Cultural Competency Instruction
School of Medicine Professionalism WebsiteElective Course in Culture and Diversity    


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Psychiatry Clerkship Self Assessment: Psychosis, Dementia and Child & Adolescent Practice VignettesThe Integrative Knowledge Portfolio Process: A Program Guide for Educating Reflective Practitioners and Lifelong LearnersAnxiety, Dissociative, and Somatoform Disorders: Team Based Learning ModuleIntroductory Peripheral Nervous System Review Games for Preclinical LearnersTrauma and Women's Health: From a Psychobiological PerspectivePrimary Care Mental Health Curriculum
Problem-Based Learning (PBL): Abdominal Pain in a Pregnant WomanInteractive Dementia ScreeningInteractive Psychiatric Mental Status Exam TutorialLook At What's Wrong With Me!Utilizing Standardized Patients to Enhance Health Literacy Communication Skills"Dax's Case" Autonomy and Paternalism
Physicians Facilitating Behavior ChangePsychiatric and Psychosocial Concerns in HIV TreatmentAtypical Antipsychotic PrimerDiagnosing and Treating Tourette SyndromeNeurology/Psychiatry Clerkship Cases: "I Need More Vicodin!"The Impact of Psychiatric Distress on Co-morbid Medical Illness: A Problem Based Learning (PBL) Case
Well ChildMan with Altered Mental StatusPregnant WomanA Counseling Practicum Curriculum to Teach and Assess ACGME Core CompetenciesSomatoform DisorderIntroduction to Degenerative Dementing Diseases: Diagnosis & Management Issues
Psychiatry: Personality Disorder - Team-based learning module     


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PedsCases - A Learning Module for Kawasaki Disease for Medical StudentsCT Atlas of Pediatric Retroperitoneal SpacesPrimary Immunodeficiency Diseases: A Patient-Oriented Problem-Solving (POPS) ExercisePedsCases - A Learning Module for Evaluation of Pediatric Short Stature and Delayed Puberty for Medical Studentse-ViP: Ana-Lena OlofssonPedsCases - A Learning Module for Evaluation of Suspected Child Abuse for Medical Students
Precocious Pubic Hair Development: A Team Based Learning Review of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary- Adrenal Axis and PubertyPediatric Trauma Simulation CasePedsCases - A Learning Module for the Developmental Assessment in Children for Medical StudentsPedsCases - A Learning Module for Evaluation of Acute Otitis Media in Children: Medical StudentsFostering Humanism and Professionalism in Pediatric Residency TrainingPediatric Medical Resuscitation: A Simulation Curriculum
PedsCases - A Learning Module for Adolescent Medicine for Medical StudentsDirect Observation in an Outpatient Clinic: A New Easier ToolPedsCases - A Learning Module for the Evaluation of a Child with Failure to Thrive for Medical StudentsPedsCases - A Learning Module for Evaluation of a Pediatric Limp for Medical StudentsA Pediatrician's Guide to Post-Discharge Nutrition in NICU GraduatesTeen Substance Abuse Problem Based Learning (PBL)
Pediatric Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses: A Digital Interactive Teaching File of Normal Anatomy, Variants, and DiseaseInteractive Pediatric Cases for Senior Capstone CoursesPBL Case on Child Abuse/Hemophilia AAcademic Pediatric Association Educational Guidelines for Pediatric ResidencyInteractive Digital CT Atlas of the Pediatric Cervical SpinePediatric Acute Care Simulator Case: Supraventricular Tachycardia
Inborn Errors of MetabolismIndividualized Learning Plans: Faculty as FacilitatorsProblem-Based Learning (PBL): Abdominal Pain in a Pregnant WomanAltered Mental Status in an Adolescent PatientPediatric Acute Care Simulator Case: Status AsthmaticsToby Cartwright - Bilious Emesis in a Neonate 
Standardized Patient Case Using the HEEADSSS Model for an Adolescent InterviewPediatric Acute Care Simulator Case: ApneaThe Structured Communication Adolescent Guide (SCAG)Baby Ballou: A Case of an Abnormal Newborn ScreenSteven/Sherry PilkingtonPediatric Acute Care Simulator Cases - Shock (Sepsis)
A Checklist to Document Sedation CompetencyLethargic InfantBobby Jackson's Sore KneeEducator Portfolio Template of the Academic Pediatric Association's Educational Scholars ProgramEmbryonic FoldingOnline Physical Exam Teaching Assistant - A Pediatric Companion
Pediatric Chart Review and Case Presentation OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination)Diagnosing and Treating Tourette SyndromePediatric CallAdolescent Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Problem Based Learning (PBL)Newborn Hemoglobinopathy Screening PodcastsPediatricEducation.org
Anesthesia For Awake Craniotomies In ChildrenGeneralPediatrics.comProject Project LIVE: Addie, a 17-Year Old Who Has a Complaint about Her KneeLIVE: Jessica, an Adolescent In For a Sports PhysicalProject LIVE: Twins, the Birth of Kim and KeithProject LIVE: Nick, an 8-Month Old Who "Just Isn't Acting Right"
Project LIVE: Ali, a 2-Month Old Who Isn't Eating WellWell ChildDxR Clinician- Congenital Defect CaseMount Sinai Case Curriculum in PediatricsFever Without a Source in Children Less Than 28 Days, 28 to 90 Days, and 3 to 36 MonthsSimulation Cases for Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) Fellows
Video PBL Cases and Accompanying Scripts: Abuse of a Child, STDs, Diabetes, Alzheimer's DiseaseInpatient and Ambulatory Community Pediatrics Student EvaluationsInteractive Neurology: Bell's Palsy, Facial Nerve Palsy   


(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=23276)

Critical Response Training for Surgical InternsStab To NeckProblem-Based Learning (PBL): Abdominal Pain in a Pregnant WomanToby Cartwright - Bilious Emesis in a NeonateA Simple, Inexpensive Surgical Model for Abdominal HysterectomyA Primer in Perioperative Care of the Elderly
"Dax's Case" Autonomy and PaternalismEpidural Hematoma With ComaUnderstanding the Risks of Gastric Bypass Surgery50 Year-Old Woman With Lower Abdominal PainWeb-based Video Tutorials of the Breast Examination 

Standardized Patients

(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=658)

Teaching Principles of Managing Chronic Illness Using a Longitudinal Standardized Patient CaseFamily Violence Interactive ExperienceCultural Competency Interviewing Case Using the ETHNIC MnemonicDavid Helechet: A Case Concerning the Benefit of Spiritual and Cultural Belief Assessment in Post Traumatic RecoveryIntroductory Patient Cases Studies for Pre-Clinical LearnersStructured Oral Examinations in Internal Medicine - Case H
Structured Oral Examinations in Internal Medicine - Case IStructured Oral Examinations in Internal Medicine - Case GStructured Oral Examinations in Internal Medicine - Case FStructured Oral Examinations in Internal Medicine - Case EStructured Oral Examinations in Internal Medicine - Case DStructured Oral Examinations in Internal Medicine - Case C
Structured Oral Examinations in Internal Medicine - Case AStructured Oral Examinations in Internal Medicine - Case BAdvanced Cardiac Life Support Checklists for Simulation-Based EducationJoe Thornton: Teaching and Assessing Medical Students Chronic Disease Management Skills Utilizing the Chronic Care Model and a Standardized PatientTobacco Cessation Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)Standardized Patient Oriented Teaching (SPOT)
Standardized Patient Case Using the HEEADSSS Model for an Adolescent InterviewStandardized Patient Cases for Teaching Tobacco CessationUtilizing Standardized Patients to Enhance Health Literacy Communication SkillsThe Structured Communication Adolescent Guide (SCAG)Baby Ballou: A Case of an Abnormal Newborn ScreenAsking Consent for a Procedure
A Structured Medical Interviewing Course: Seven Standardized Patient CasesPrimary Peristalsis of EsophagusTraining Guide for Standardized Patient Instructors to Teach Medical Students Culturally Competent Tobacco Cessation CounselingHomeless Health Care Simulated Patient CaseCase for Medical Physiology Small Group Discussion: Atrial FibrillationDomestic Violence Simulated Patient Case
Focusing Feedback on Interpersonal Skills: A Workshop for Standardized PatientsClinical Skills Standardized Patient Case Working with an Interpreter: The Case of Victor IvanovCase Based Curriculum for General Medicine ConsultationSomatoform DisorderPost-operative Delirium in the Elderly Patient (v.1.3)WinDix Training Manual for Standardized Patient Trainers: How to Give Effective Feedback
Windix Training Manual for Standardized Patients: How to Give Effective FeedbackStandardized Patient Case "Lower Extremity Claudication""Acute Cholecystitis" Case for SPsInterpreter Cases for Cultural Competency InstructionUnprofessional Behaviors Can Be Identified by Standardized Patients During an Objective Structured Clinical Exercise 

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=24828)

Fostering Humanism and Professionalism in Pediatric Residency TrainingCode Status Discussions: How to Communicate Effectively with your Patients about ResuscitationCare Transitions Workshop for First-Year Medical StudentsCME Learnings Summary and Follow-Up Sheet for Journal Clubs and Recurring Case ConferencesTrigger Video of Simulated Intraoperative Cardiac ArrestTeaching Residents Evidence-Based Medicine: Through a Clinical Question of the Week
CMS Transportable Simulation-Based Training Curriculum in Patient SafetyOne Night On-Call: A Simulation Exercise for New InternsPandemic Influenza Preparedness: A Patient Care and Team Training SimulationGiving Feedback (The Good and the Bad)The Health Mentors Program: A Longitudinal Chronic Illness Mentorship ProgramA Quality Improvement Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents
Teaching ACGME Competencies in 15-minutes or LessPatient Safety/Quality Improvement ClerkshipTeam Training: Unanticipated Difficult Airway" What Do I Do? " Discussing Difficult, Realistic Scenarios and the General Competencies during New Housestaff OrientationTeaching Patient Safety via a Structured Review of Medical Errors: A Novel Approach to Educating Residents about Medical Error, Disclosure, and MalpracticeProfessionalism Workshop: Applying the Elements of Professionalism Through Scenario Learning
A Longitudinal Pharmacotherapy Curriculum in Family Medicine Residency EducationModel Curriculum for Rotating Resident Physicians in Basic Emergency MedicinePatient Centered Care Workshop: Providing Quality Health Care to a Diverse PopulationThe Healthcare Matrix: Improving Care by Linking Outcomes to CompetenciesA Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Curriculum for Residents360-Degree Communication and Professionalism Assessment Instrument
Regulating Physicians: Professional Authority, Licensure and CertificationProfessionalism: Self-Study ModuleFamily Medicine Clerkship Curriculum Resources360-Degree Professionalism Assessment InstrumentFostering the Efficient, Effective Use of Evidence-Based Medicine in the ClinicObjective Structured Video Examination (OSVE) Toolkit for Teaching and Assessing the ACGME Competencies
The LIFE Curriculum: Learning to Address Resident Impairment and Fatigue to Enhance Patient SafetyMedical Errors and Patient Safety: A Curriculum Guide for Teaching Medical Students and Family Practice Residents    

Multimedia Assets

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Surgical Wound Scar After Surgery on the BreastPost-Operative Collection After a MastectomyAdvanced Stage Breast CancerHealed Lumpectomy ScarIntra-Operative Sentinel Node Localization Using Gamma ProbeBreast Conservation Therapy with Poor Cosmetic Results
Improper Placement of Patient Restrained on StretcherProper Technique for 4-Point Restraint on StretcherPatient Safety and ImmobilizationRisks Attached to Patient RestraintFall PreventionPatient Safety in Geriatric Chair
Diagram of the Health Risks Associated with Locking TablesDiagram of the Proper Use of the Restraint Sheet and Its LimitationsDiagram of the Proper Use of 4-Point Restraints on a Patient in the Prone PositionDiagram of the Patient Health Benefits When Side Barriers are Employed Along with RestraintsDiagram of Patient Health Hazards of an Improperly Applied Magnetic Abdominal Restraint BeltDiagram of the Correct Usage of the Magnetic Abdominal Restraint Belt
Correct Use of the Thorasic Restraint VestMolecular Movement from the Urinary Space through the Tubular Space to Blood VesselsPulmonary EdemaChest RadiographPelvic/Hip FractureUtricle
Liver Ultrasound ScanUltrasound Scan of LiverCancer of the Second Breast Post Mastectomy (5 of 5)Cancer of the Second Breast Post Mastectomy (4 of 5)Cancer of the Second Breast Post Mastectomy (3 of 5)Cancer of the Second Breast Post Mastectomy (2 of 5)
Cancer of the Second Breast Post Mastectomy (1 of 5)Axial Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer (4 of 4)Axial Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer (3 of 4)Axial Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer (2 of 4)Axial Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer (1 of 4)Physical Examination of the Breast (Nipples) (3 of 3)
Physical Examination of the Breast (Nipples) (2 of 3)Physical Examination of the Breast (Nipples) (1 of 3)Inversion of the Nipples in Carcinoma of the Breast (3 of 3)Inversion of the Nipples in Carcinoma of the Breast (2 of 3)Inversion of the Nipples in Carcinoma of the Breast (1 of 3)Physical Signs of Breast Cancer
Retraction of the TracheaPhysical Examination of the MouthPhysical Examination of the TonguePhysical Examination of the Neck - Showing a MassPhysical Examination of the Mouth - InflammationGraph Showing Ionic Concentration vs Secretry Rate of Ions of the Parietal Cells in Gastric Juice
Breast Examination - Preparing the PatientInspection of the BreastPhysical Examination of the Breast - Subcutaneous Hemorrhage (Petechia)Breast Examination - Suspicion of Breast Cancer (3 of 3)Breast Examination - Suspicion of Breast Cancer (2 of 3)Breast Examination - Suspicion of Breast Cancer (1 of 3)
Inspection of the AbdomenImproper Breast ExaminationDiagnostic Imaging Preparation for Mammogram or Breast X-Rays (5 of 5)Diagnostic Imaging Preparation for Mammogram or Breast X-Rays (4 of 5)Diagnostic Imaging Preparation for Mammogram or Breast X-Rays (3 of 5)Diagnostic Imaging Preparation for Mammogram or Breast X-Rays (2 of 5)
Diagnostic Imaging Preparation for Mammogram or Breast X-Rays (1 of 5)Cellulitis of the LegClubbing of the FingersRheumatoid Arthritis - Early Joint ChangesPhysical Examination for Breast Cancer (12 of 12)Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (11 of 12)
Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (10 of 12)Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (9 of 12)Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (8 of 12)Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (7 of 12)Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (6 of 12)Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (5 of 12)
Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (4 of 12)Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (3 of 12)Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (2 of 12)Physical Examination for Breast Cancer (1 of 12)Demonstration of Fine Needle Biopsy of the Breast (5 of 5)Demonstration of Fine Needle Biopsy of the Breast (4 of 5)
Demonstration of Fine Needle Biopsy of the Breast (3 of 5)Demonstration of Fine Needle Biopsy of the Breast (2 of 5)Demonstration of Fine Needle Biopsy of the Breast (1 of 5)Physical Examination of the Breast for Breast CancerRheumatoid Arthritis of the FeetRhematiod Arthritis of the Feet Showing Deformity of the Toes
Rhematoid Arthritis of the HandsClinical Signs of Cancer in the BreastFine Needle Aspirate of the BreastTissue Specimen Prepared for Frozen SectionGross Image of Breast Cancer in Surgical Pathology Specimen from MastectomyEKG Tracings
Breast ExamColonic Neoplasm of Right HemicolonDiagram of Metastatic Breast CancerDiagram of Metastatic Breast CancerDiagram of Breast Masses and Surrounding Lymph Nodes, Arterial Blood Vessels, and Adipose TissueJackson Pratt Drain
Placement of a Jackson Pratt Drain for an Axillary Lymph Node DissectionHow the Jackson Pratt Drain WorksSecuring of a Jackson Pratt DrainTwo Breast Fluid SamplesSurgical Preparation of the Right Breast Utilizing UltrasoundAbscess Drainage Fluid
Bimanual Assisted Abscess DrainageRight Breast Abscess DrainageObtaining Fluid Sample of Breast AbscessAbscess Draining of Right Breast AreaRobust Breast Abscess DrainageDraining of Breast Abscess
Wound Infection Post LumpectomyTissue SampleSurgical Marking of Right BreastUltrasound Examination of the Right BreastAxilla AreaLumpectomy Breast Scar
Lump Present In Left BreastClose Up View of Right Mastectomy ScarPhotograph of a Right MastectomyProper Insertion and Fit of a Contraceptive DiaphragmThe Steps of IUD InsertionBasic Facts About Female Contraception
Basic Facts, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Condom UseLymphatic Drainage of the BreastTetanyLoad-Velocity Relation in Muscle ContractionRate-Pressure Product: Affect on Cardiac Oxygen ConsumptionEsophageal-Cardiac Junction
Mucosa of the Fundus and Body of the StomachSmall Intestinal Villi and CryptsHistology of the Small Intestinal VilliHistology of Thymic LobulesEpithelial Reticular Cells in the Thymic CortexEpithelial Reticular Cells
Histology of the Lymph NodeHistology of the Subcapsular Sinus of the Lymph NodeVascular Supply to the Lymphatic NoduleHistological Organization of the SpleenHistological Organization of the Splenic SinusThe Otolith - Mapping of Linear Motion
The Vestibular System - Utricle and Semicircular CanalSarcoplasmic Reticulum in Skeletal MuscleHistological Organization of Skeletal MuscleHistological Organization of Cardiac MuscleHistological Organization of Smooth MuscleExocrine and Endocrine Cell Relations
Mucosa of the Fundus and Body of the StomachHistology of the Small Intestinal VilliChronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaHairy Cell LeukemiaRods and Cones: PhotoreceptorsHistology of the Cochlea
Overview of Grey Matter NeuronsWhite Matter: OligodendrocytesHistological Organization of CartilageHistology of FibrocartilageElastic Fibers in the Papillary DermisThe Histology of Exocrine Gland Ducts
Intramembranous OssificationOsteoclastBone Development and CartilageEndochondral OssificationHistological Zones Within the Epiphyseal PlateMatrix Vesicle and Calcification of Cartilage
Growth Plate HistologyOsteonal Bone RemodelingHistology of Adult Cortical BoneAdult Diaphyseal BoneArticular CartilageInterstitial Cells of Cajal
Tooth HistologySeminiferous EpitheliumFollicular Adenoma ThyroidChronic ThyroiditisBronchus HistologyDeveloping Bone
Transcriptional Stop SignalIon Flux and Membrane PotentialExcitation Causes Muscle ContractionStructure of Myosin-Sctin, Tropomyosin and Troponin in a Muscle CellLactic Acid MetabolismHow Trytophan Gets Incorporated Into Protein Structure
Description of Protein Synthesis at the Ribrosomal LevelDuodenal Enterocyte (2 of 2)Table of Gastric and Pancreatic PeotidasesTable of Enterocyte Brush Border PeptidasesType I (Asymmetrical) SynapseType II (Symmetrical) Synapse
Chemical Structure of ATPMast CellSimple Picture of RNA Synthesis Regulation With Various Activators and InhibitorsThe Role of Activator Protein in TranscriptionRegulation of Transcription by Gal4Tooth and Gingiva
Epiphysis of Developing BoneIntervertebral DiscSynovial JointDeveloping BoneElastic CartilageDeveloping Wrist
Thyroid GlandRetina and ChoroidCross Sectional Anatomy of the CiliumPost-Capillary VenuleArterioleUltrastructural Anatomy of a Secretory Cell
Epithelial ClassificationsHistological Organization of the SkinCellular Organization of the Stratum Spinosum of the EpidermisUltrastructural Anatomy of the Epidermis-Dermis InterfaceRegulatin of Iron Metabolism by HepcidinHistological Organization of the Bronchial Wall
The Histological Organization of the CervixCyclic Changes in the Endometrium of the UterusHistological Organization of the AlveolusEpithelium-Connective Tissue InterfaceUltrastructural Anatomy of the FibroblastAttack and Defense Factors Acting Upon the Wall of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Epithelial Tight Junctions (Zonula Occudens)Histological Organization of a Myelinated Nerve FiberHistological Structure of a Peripheral NerveFormation of the Myelin SheathHistology of the CochleaHistology of the Organ of Corti
Contractile Apparatus of Smooth MuscleUltrastructure of Cardiac MuscleInput and Output of Uric Acid in the BodyStages of SpermatogenesisHistological Organization of the Anterior PituitaryTransport Modes in Glandular Alveolar Cells
Enzyme Inhibition Types and Equations and Procedures to Define the Various TypesSummary of Enzyme Classes and Major SubclassesCovalent and Acid-Based CatalysisComparison of the Rates and Extents of Different Pathways of ATP Production in MuscleUses and Resynthesis of MethionineChanges in Elastic Fibers with Age
Simple Structure of Lamin Filament PhosphorylationBreakdown of Cholesterol by Liver and IntestineSummary of Defects in the Lipoprotein Pathways Related to Lipase Deficiency, Hyperlipidaemia, Hypercholesterdemia and High HDL SyndromeStudy of Beta-Carotene and Free Radical StabilizationReduction of Molecular Oxygen to Generate Reactive Oxygen SpeciesDamage of Free Radicals on Lipids
Protectors Against Free Radical DamageA-tocopherol (Vitamin E)DNA StructureCell Cycle CheckpointsChromatin and Nucleosome StructureCalcium-Mediated Activation of Myosin
Myosin Thick FilamentActin FilamentMuscle Fiber StructureTrancription Start SignalRas Signaling AnimationAnimation of Protein Targeting to the Peroxisomal Matrix
Animation of ATP Generation in MuscleRegulated Nuclear Protein Import AnimationAnimation of Protein Import into the Mitochondrial MatrixMitosis animationAbsorption of Dietary IronExpression of Enzyme and its Biological Activity Based on Changes in Temperature, pH and Ionic Strength
Cilia StructureAnimation of Translation InitiationDNA ReplicationThe Life Cycle of a Bone Forming CellPhagocytosis by a MacrophageComparison of Autocrine, Paracrine and Endocrine Signaling
Serine Protease MechanismStructural Comparison of AMP, ADP, and ATPInterpretation of Lineweaver-Burk PlotCompetitive InhibitionRole of Proteosomes in Antigen PresentationBiochemical Reactions in the Ubiquitin Pathway
Regulation of Caspases via a Description Intrinsic Pathway of ActivationPlatelet Aggregation During Wound HealingInitiation of TranslationRas-Initiated Signal TransductionDeamination of Cytosine to UracilBase Excision Repair
Membrane Pumps (General and Specific)Interpreting Double-Reciprocal Michaelis-Menten Kinetics PlotsInterpreting Double-Reciprocal Michaelis-Menten Kinetics PlotsLysomes and PeroxisomesStructure of a Cell NucleusStructure of a Fatty Acid
Polar Head Groups of PhospholipidsEndoplasmic Reticulum Lipid Bilayer SynthesisGlycolipid StructureCollagen Synthesis and Secretion in the ER and GolgiCollagen Triple HelixThe Alignment of Collagen Microfibrils to Form a Stiped Fibril
Uptake of Iron by Transferin Receptor and Further Metabolism of IronNuclear Protein Transport Without Detailed Mechanisms of ActionMechanism of Serine Protease Action on Peptide DegradationMechanism of Aspartic Acid ProteaseRole of Heat Shock Chaperon Protein 73 in the Lysosomal Proteolytic MechanismMechanism of Phagocytosis of Cell
Mechanism of Stimulation and Inhibition by External Ligands to Produce Growth, Apoptosis or Different Cellular ResponsesOrganization of the Nuclear Eenvelope and Nuclear Pore ComplexInterpreting Double-Reciprocal Michaelis-Menten Kinetics plotsNucleolus and Assembly of Ribosomal Sub-unitsStructure of the ProteasomeIon Concentration
Acid RefluxIntracellular and Extracellular Concentrations of Ions in Normal HeartHeart Valves in Disease StatesHypertrophic CardiomyopathiesStructure of Collagen FibrilChromatin Composition
A Ligment in Recoiled and Stretched StatesProteolytic Degradation of CollagenIntracellular and Extracellular K+ ConcentrationsSteroidsPhosphodiester BridgeRNA Synthesis and Processing of mRNA
The Differences Between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic mRNAsActivation of Maturation-Promoting FactorCell Cycle from the Centrosome PerspectiveDirectionality of Microtubule Motor ProteinsStructure of a MicrotubuleActin Thin Filament Structure
Basic Structure of Intermediate FilamentsCentriole StructurePlasma MembraneGolgi StructureRough Endoplasmic Reticulum StructureSmooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
Cell Damage and CancerFireworks Model of Clonal ProgressionGalactose Pathway with UTP InteractionExcitatory Post-Synaptic PotentialSA Node Stimulation via Sympathetic Nervous SystemShort-Term Reflexes Controling Arterial Pressure on a Beat by Beat Basis
The Relative Contributions of Different Motor Units in Whole Muscle Tension DevelopmentOxygen Saturation in Arterial and Venous Blood During Rest and ExerciseRepresentative Metabolic Changes During a Graded Exercise TestIleocecal Sphincter PressuresDietary B12 AbsorptionMotility of the Small and Large Intestines
DNA Replication ForkTable of Proteins Involved in Iron MetabolismProduction of CO2 From Both Aerobic and Anaerobic MetabolismSimple Overview of Mitochondrial ATP ProductionProtein Targeting to the Mitochondrial MatrixE. Coli 16S rRNA
Structure of Double-Stranded DNAIron Metabolism at the Duodenal EnterocyteMural or Mucosal LesionsOverview of the Role of Food as a Needed Resource for Bodily FunctionsLipid Absorption From the GutRole of Bile Salts on the Rate of Synthesis of New Bile Salts
Role of Bile Salt Recirculation in Regulating Bile FlowComparisons Between Filtrate, Proximal Tubule and Final Urine Respective Concentrations of HPO2-4 and H2PO-4Control of Respiration CircuitTrypsin as an EnzymeThe Electrocardiogram and Rate and Rhythm Changes that can be MeasuredChanges in Optical Lens Shape and Focal Point When Looking at a Near or Far Object
Central Control of RespirationRegulation of VomitingCNS Mechanism Involved in VomitingRole of Potassium Channels in Cardiac Action PotentialHormonal Patterns in Nursing FemaleMilk Letdown (Suckling) Reflex
The Motor UnitFasting Without Protein SparingFuel Flux in Early FastingEffect of Prolonged Fast on Ketone ProductionWeight Loss Curve with Prolonged FastingMetabolic Homeostasis
Muscle Fuels as Well as Liver and Adipose Fuel Production Prior to and During Moderate Aerobic Exercise (50% VO2 Max)Muscle Fuels as Well as Liver and Adipose Fuel Production During Brief Intense Exercise (>80% VO2 Max)Gut Activation of Vitamin B12Fuel Use According to Exercise Duration and IntensityHCl Secretion by the Parietal Cells in the StomachHCl Release by Parietal Cells in the Stomach: Issues With Barrier Breakers
Regulation of Gastrin ReleaseRenal control of blood volume (intact vs. isolated kidney)Saliva ProductionDynamics of Amino Acid PoolsBile MetabolismFormation of a Platelet Plug
The Hodgkin CycleIonic and Electrical Events in the Action PotentialRecording Local PotentialsCompound Action PotentialInhibitory Post-Synaptic PotentialsBalance of Gastric and Duodenal Factors on Motility
Sodium Channel Operation of Cardiac ElectrophysiologyMechanisms of Food Movement Through the EsophagusReceptive Relaxation of the Stomach in Response to FillingPhases of Cardiac Action PotentialDigestion in the StomachSwallowing
Cellular Communication PathwaysPeristaltic ContractionsIntrinsic Nervous System Innervation of the GutNeurochemical Mechanisms Underlying Propulsive Peristaltic MovementsReaction KineticsAldosterone Effects on Sodium Reabsorption
Capillary BedSimplified Graphic Illustrating the GlomerulusNeuromuscular JunctionPre-Synaptic InhibitionFlow Volume Respiratory CurvesPulmonary Flow Volume Curves in Health and Disease
Respiratory CyclePulmonary Function Test ProcedurePulmonary Function TestsSimplified Cardiovascular CircuitPressure Flow RelationshipVentilation Perfusion Gradients
Photopic Versus Scotopic VisionMovement of Food Through the Intestine in Terms of Circular and Longitudinal MusclePepsin's Role in Breaking Down ProteinsTubular Fluid (Plasma or Ultrafiltrate)Along the Tubule LengthComparison of Urine Output and ConcentrationComparison of Urinary Volume to Urinary Osmolality During Diuresis and Anti-Diuresis
Where Different Diuretics Work Along the Length of the Renal Tubular SystemAdhesive Proteins, Coagulation Factors, and Growth ModulatorsSubstances Secreted by Platelets and Their EffectsThe Cycle of Infection by Thick-Walled OocystsGlucose Utilization and Storage in the BodyAnatomy of the Ciliary Muscles of the Eye and the Role they Play in Lens Dynamics
Focal Point Changes in Myopia and Hyperopia and How Lens Correction Can Mediate ThisBasic Function of a NephronFractional Clearances of Dextrans by the KidneyAutoregulation of Renal Blood Flow and Glomerular Filtration RateCranial Nerves Involved in the Process of SwallowingResting Pressures in the Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract
Factors Affecting Lower Esophageal CompetenceAnatomy of the StomachDifferential Gastric EmptyingControl of Vomiting Within the BodyActions of Cortisol and Effects of Cortisol Deficiency or ExcessEffects of Catecholamines
Inhibitory Post-Synaptic PotentialsActin Myosin Interaction to Cause ContractionHyperdynamic and Hypodynamic Heart Pressure Response With Time in an Individual Cardiac CycleEffects of Intracoronary Injection of Acetylcholine on Coronary Artery Diameter in Younger or Older IndividualsThe Influence of pH on Initiation of Pepsinogen Activation and Protein Hydrolysis by PepsinImpact of Blood Volume on Cardiac Output, Heart Rate and Stroke Volume
Components of Vascular WallsArteriovenous Oxygen Difference as a Function of Oxygen Uptake at Rest and During ExerciseRelationship of Air Inspiration and Expiration to Pleural Pressure, Changes in Right and Left Stroke Volume and Change in Thoracic Blood VolumeSpinal MotoneuronHandling of Predominate Nutrient Carbohydrate by the Small IntestinesNeural Regulation of Stomach
The Effect of Hematocrit on Blood ViscosityThe Effect of Right Atrial Pressure on Cardiac Output in the Presence of Cardiac TamponadeEffect of Right Atrial Pressure on Cardiac Output in Normal, Hypereffective & Increased Intrapleural Pressure, and Hypoeffective and Decreased Intrapleural PressureThe Influence of Hypertension on Coronary Blood Flow in the Presence or Absence of Acetylcholine or PapaverineCoronary Blood Flow Increases due to Acetylcholine or Papaverine in Atherosclerotic Lesioned or Un-Lesioned ArteriesHeart Sounds of Normal, Aortic Stenosis and Aortic Regurgitation
Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology and MechanicsContraceptionProstaglandin ProductsNeural and Circulating Effectors of VasodilationPeristalsis In The StomachFactors Influencing Fluid Balance at the Level of the Capillaries
Pressure Curves Of Left Heart And Pressure Volume LoopsModel of Enteric Regulatory ComponentsVital Capacity as Compared to Transmural PressureEnterogastric ReflexInput and Output of the Total Pool of Uric Acid in the BodyPhosphate in the Nephrone
Anion GapCardiac Output and Venous ReturnOxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve During ExerciseTable Identifying Unique Functions of the Upper IntestineCoronary Flow Reserve is Exhausted by StenosisAnterior and Posterior Pituitary
Myoglobin and Hemoglobin Dissociation CurvesRelationship of Cardiac Depolarization to Shape of the ECGRegulation of Aldosterone SecretionControl and Function of Vitamin DAntidiuretic Hormone Levels Change With Plasma Osmolarity and Plasma VolumeTypical Pattern of Cortisol Secretion During a 24 Hour DayControl of Gastric Acid Secretion by Parietal Cells
Renal Handling of GlucoseEffect of Exogenously Added Pressure and Volume Into the Subarachnoid Space on Cerebrospinal Fluid PressureRespiratory Center Regulation of Heart RateRelationship Between Cardiac Output and Preload and Effect of Afterload, Contractility or Heart rate changesVenous Blood Flow Past Calf Muscles During WalkingEffect of Unison Contraction of Lower Leg Muscles on Venous Blood Flow From Foot
Development of Re-Entrant ArrythmiasCardiac Action Potentials Depend on LocationNormal Glycemic and Insulin Responses to MealsMean Blood Pressure is the Geometric Mean of the Blood Pressure TraceCapillary Fluid BalanceCholinergic Receptors in the Cardiovascular System
The Muscle Pump Aids Venous ReturnVenous Pressure Measured at the Ankles with SteppingVenous Return Curve PlateauEffect of Cardiac Tamponade and Intrapleural Pressure on Cardiac Output CurvesSignaling Role of the Vascular EndotheliumRole of Nitric Oxide in Mediating the Coronary Vascular Response to Acetylcholine
Effect of Circulating Factors on Vascular Smooth Muscle Contraction and RelaxationMyogenic Effect on ArteriolesEffect of Longitudinal Gradient on Arteriolar DiameterEpisodic Secretion of hGH in AdolescentsControl of Growth Hormone ReleaseGrowth Hormone Axis
Table of Regional Blood Flows and Oxygen ConsumptionDiabetes ComplicationTemperature HomeostasisWater Balance Across the ColonAmino Acids as an Energy SourceDietary Reference Intakes
Overview of Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System in Heart FailureCenter Surround Receptive Fields in Retinal Ganglion CellsAutonomic and Endocrine Control of Bile ReleaseDuplex Theory of Pitch and Loudness DiscriminationProduction and Effects of Angiotensin II on the Vascular System and on Sodium and Water ExcretionInnervation of Smooth Muscle
Anatomic Innervation of Individual OrgansAutonomic Innervation PatternsSympathetic Outflow in StressMicturation ReflexAnatomic Arrangement of the Autonomic Nervous SystemConversion of Proline to Hydroxyproline
Joint DestructionDynamics of Amino Acid PoolsMyelination of an AxonComparison of an Electrical Cable to a Nerve FiberRelationship Between Oxygen Partial Pressure in the Lung and the Blood Oxygen ContentPhysiological Facts About Iron
Respiratory Exchange RatioPeristaltisGastric PeristalsisPyloric SphincterTemportal Relationship of Atrial & Ventricular Pressure with Heart Valve Closures, Heart Sounds, Venous Pulse and the ElectrocardiogramNormal Electrical Cycle of the Heart
Electrical Movement Through the Heart and Resultant Action Potential Diagram of Each Major Component SiteCardiac Pacemaker Action Potential and Associated Ion ConductanceRelationship Between the Renal Production of Renin, the Hepatic Production of Angiotensinogen and the Delivery of Angiotensin I to the LungSource and Function of Angiotensin IIProduction of Angiotensin II and its Effect on the BrainAutonomic Nervous System
Esophageal Structure and InnervationBasis for the Directional Characteristis of the ECG WaveformEvents of the Cardiac CycleComponents of the ECG waveformCoronary Blood FlowOxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
Gastric Secretion 3Metabolic Pathways: The Broad ViewContraceptionMethods of ContraceptionContraceptionCondom Use 101
Energetics and Fuel Fluxes in FastingOverview of Gastric ReflexesRelationship of Gas Volume and Respiratory TreeAlveolar Gas ExchangeVentilation Perfusion RatioPathophysiology of COPD
Hormonal Concentrations in the GutPharyngeal Stage of SwallowingInfluence of Arteriole Resistance on GFR RegulationHeight Velocity Limits as a Function of Age in YearsCardiac electrical activityOverview of Respiratory System
Events After mRNA TranscriptionEnzymes 1 and 2Cloning Disease GenesBone Mineral Density as a Function of AgeMaximal Secretory Output vs Number of Parietal CellsHelicobacter Pylori: What Does it Do?
Two Touch Discrimination Distances on Different Parts of the Human BodyReaching Isotonicity in the Intestine (The Role of the Duodenum)Hepatic Breakdown of Cholesterol, Glycine or Taurine, and Na/KEnterohepatic Circulation of Bile SaltsDigestion of Polysaccharides, Proteins and FatsMajor Areas of Nutrient Absorption in the Intestine
Concept of parietal cell mass (PCM)Integrated Control of the Salivary ResponseFuel Flux - Diabetes Fed StateDirect and Indirect Effects of Growth HormoneNeutrophil Lifespan From Bone Marrow to TissueThe Anatomy of an Acinar Gland in the Lung Alveolus
The Lifespan of an ErythrocyteVessel Narrowing Alters Flow VelocityForced Expiratory Airflow DynamicsAnatomy of SwallowingBlock Diagram of the Deglutition ReflexInfluence of Resting Potential on Sodium and Calcium Currents in the Heart
Potassium Channel Conductance Aids Repolarization in Ventricular MyocytesGeneral functions of proteolysisBlock Diagram of the Vomiting ReflexProtein Load for Intestinal AbsorptionNeural Control of Bolus Movement in the Gastointestinal TractPrinciple Circulating Fuels During Prolonged Fasting
Total Fasting: Relationships of Urine Ketostix to Quantitative Ketone BodiesSaliva ProductionLeft Ventricular Pressure-Volume LoopEffect of Heart Rate on Left-Ventricular Pressure-Volume LoopFrequency Senstitivity in the CholeaRenal Handling of Creatinine
Relationship Between Creatinine Clearance and Plasma Creatinine ConcentrationGlucose Tubular MaximimumRenal Handling of PAHPAH Secretion and ExcretionRenal Handling of UreaRenal handling of Urate
Influence of Gravitation Forces on Vestibular Hair CellsClosed-Circuit Measurement of Residual Volume in the LungShifts in the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation CurveEffect of Blood Pressure on Coronary Blood FlowHypermetropia is Corrected With a Convex LensEpisodic Release of Human Growth Hormone in a Normal Adolescent Male
Release of Growth HormoneThe Regional CirculationsGeneration of Center-Surround Receptive Fields by Cells of the RetinaGraphic Illustration of Entero-Gastrin CycleDistribution of Blood Flow Within the Hepatosplancnic CirculationBlood Flow to the Mucosa, Submucosa, and Muscularis of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Amylase Catalyzes the Formation of Disaccharides From PolysaccharidesTrypsin as an Activator of Digestive EnzymesFactors Controling Bile Secretion RateBiosynthesis of Bile AcidsGallstone Formation Depends on Proportional Concentrations of Cholesterol, Phospholipid, and Bile SaltsSteps Leading to the Formation of Gallstones
Bile Salt Absorption and Secretin Release Inluence the Rate of Bile SecretionIllustration of Gastrointestinal Hormones with Cognate ReceptorsMigration and Life-Cycle of Gastrointestinal EnterocytesGastrointestinal Surface Area is Magnified Immensely by Multiple Levels of FoldingWater Absorption in the GutDigestion and Absorption of Sugars and Starch
Height Velocity Limits as a Function of Age in YearsControl of Sodium and Water Balance by the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone/ADH Systems in Heart FailureComparison of Photopic and Scotopic VisionFar Vision Must Focus Parallel Light Rays on the RetinaNear Vision in the EyeMyopia is Corrected With a Concave Lens
Skeletal Growth and MaturationOtoliths - The Mechanism of Reaction to Gravitational ForcesBaroreceptor ReflexSemicircular Canal ExcitationThree-Diminsional Orientation of the Inner Ear Vestibular SensorsIntervertebral Disc
Brush Border of Small IntestineCoronary Blood Flow, Stenosis, Coronary Blood Flow ReserveHorizontal Vestibular Ocular ReflexHair Cell Activation and Resultant Firing RateIron Deficiency - DemographicsProtein Load for Instestinal Absorption
Gastric Phase of ProteolysisFormation of HydroxylysineElasting Cross-link FormationThe Ear: Semicircular CanalsRenal Handling of InsulinThe Otoliths - Mapping of Linear Motion
The Left Ventricular Pressure-Volume DiagramThe Muscle Spindle - with Gamma Motor NeuronsAgonist - Antagonist MusclesSpinal Reflex: Stretch ReflexPatellar tendon (ligament)reflexSpinal Cord: Renshaw Cells
Influence of Ambient Temperature on Heat Loss during ExerciseEffect of Increasing End-Diastolic Volume and Exercise on LV Pressure-VolumePulmonic vs. Systemic CirculationInner and Middle Ear CircuitryImpact of Aging on Hearing as a Function of FrequencyThe Motor Unit
Mechanical Contraction Versus Electrical Action Potential in Muscle ContractionActive and Passive Contration of MuscleThe Motor End-Plate or Neuromuscular JunctionStress-Velocity Relationships in Smooth Muscle: Impact of PhosphorylationMyosin Phosphorylation and Cytosolic Calcium Levels in Smooth MuscleSmooth Muscle Phasic and Tonic Contraction
Allosteric Regulatory Mechanism in Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle Contractile Fiber ContractionRegulation of Smooth Muscle Contractile Fibers by Myosin PhosphorylationAction Potentials of the Cardiac SA Node and VentricleVentricular Action Potential and Ionic Permeabilities Effecting ItRelationship of the Cardiac Ventricular Action Potential to the Lead II ElectrocardiogramRelationship of the Cardiac Ventricular Muscle Contraction to its Action Potential
Uric Acid Movement Through and Within the Kidney NephronPulmonary Capillary and Fluid BalanceLeft Ventricular Pressure-Volume RelationsIsovolumetric Pressure-Volume RelationsEffect of Progessively-Increasing End-Diastolic Volume on LV Pressure-Volume DiagramsEffect of Increasing LV Systolic Pressure on LV Pressure-Volume DiagramEffects of Positive and Negative Inotropic Stimuli on Left Ventricular Pressure-Volume Diagrams
Effect of Heart Rate on Volume Pumped under Constant End-Diastolic PressureTransport Across the Blood-Brain BarrierProcessing of FoodstuffsTubuloglomerular Feedback RegulationNa++ RegulationADH and Osmolality with ECF Contraction
Aldosterone Influence on K SecretionArterial and Venous Circulation PatternsPhotoreceptor AdaptationAirflow in Respiratory TreePulmonary Artery Wedge PressureAlveolar Shunts
Pulmonary Shunt Influence on Arterial Blood Gas CompositionVentilation Perfusion Inequalities and Blood Gas CompositionTransmitters for Enteric NeuronsAutonomic Innervation of the Enteric Nervous SystemMucocilliary ElevatorElectrical Pathways for Cardiac Activity
Calcium Distribution in the BodyCalcium MetabolismCalcium HomeostasisControl of Gastrin SecretionNeural Regulation of StomachProximal Tubule Reabsorption
ADH control of Water Loss in the KidneyPrinicples of Fluid DynamicsCalcium P Metabolism in HypocalcemiaRegional Blood FlowPulmonary Vascular Resitance During Lung InflationStarling forces in Glomerular Filtration
Upper Airway AnimationInfluence of Fasting on Glucose, Insulin and GlucagonInfluence of Prolonged Fast on Ketone ProductionGut GameRegional Pulmonary Blood FlowIsometric Contraction
Biochemical Activation of PhotoreceptorsNeural Control of RespirationLung VolumesRelation of Lung Volumes and Lung CapacitiesReflex CircuitryEnteric Neurocircuitry for Peristalic Movements
Respiratory Flow Volume CurvePrinciple Energy Sources During Prolonged FastMyogenic Properties of the StomachPulmonary Hystersis CurveEnergy by Class of FuelNormal Glycemic and Insulin Responses to Meals
Response of Free Fatty Acids to MealsPyruvate and Lactate Response to MealsInfluence of Exercise on Metabolic RegulatorsSkeletal vs Smooth Muscle ContractionPersitatitic Movements of the Alimentary TractSkeletal Muscle Contraction
Prolactin Concentration Through Pregnancy and Postpartum PeriodDecision Guidelines for Selection of Nutritional Support MethodsBenign TumorDevelopment of the PituitaryResult of Head-Tail and Lateral FoldingReflexes in Salivation
Absorption of Water and ElectrolytesTooth Development - Bud StageTooth Development- Cap Stage (early)Tooth Development - Cap Stage (late)Tooth Development-Bell StageTooth Development- Root Formation (early)
Oral CavityCrownRoot (late formation)Cross-Sectional Area as a Function of Airway GenerationMinor Salivery Gland Tumor - PalateLeukoplakia Tongue
Neurilemmoma OralBenign Mixed Tumor Palate - GrossSquamous Carcinoma Maxillary Gingiva - GrossSquamous Carcinoma Buccal Mucosa - GrossSquamous Cell Cancer - CytologySquamous Cell Nodal Metastases - Histology
Carcinoma Hard PalateMalignant Melanoma Hard PalateInvasive Squamous Carcinoma - OralLymphoma TonsilHemangioma TonguePigmentation/Enlargement of the Lips
Mucosal Melanoma - TonsilOral Cavity, Erythroplasia or Erythoplabia-Premalignant LesionSquamous Cell Carcinoma - LipEukaryotic RNA TranscriptionProkaryotic RNA PolymeraseArterioles
Gastric PeristalsisBasic Cardiac Electrophysiology and MechanicsVomitingEnteric Innervation of Striated and Smooth Muscle of EsophagusRole of Intraabdominal Segment of the Esophagus Against RefluxAccommodation of Meal in the Stomach
Wave of Appropriate Activity in Upper GITEnterogastric Hormonal Complex (factors controlling antral peristalsis)Mechanisms for Accessing the LysosomeSolute DiuresisMelanocyteTargeting of a PTS-1 Containing Protein to the Peroxisomal Matrix
Protein Import into the Mitochondrial MatrixAdipocyte (Fat Cell)Chemical Components of Cells - RNARecording of Motor Unit PotentialsHepatic Secretion 1Two Types of Contraction-Segmentation and Peristalsis
Changes in Esophageal Pressures in Different DiseasesThe Axial Skeleton: RadiologyThe Axial Skeleton: RadiologyChromosome 7 IdiogramChromosomal Basis of HeredityPericentric Inversion
Ring DeletionReciprocal TranslocationRobertsonian Translocation: "Acrocentric" ChromosomesSomite Cell DifferentiationOverview of GI Function and RegulationMotility of the Small and Large Intestines
Esophageal Resting PressuresContraction Wave in Stomach (following depolarization)Solids in the StomachBasic Cardiac Electrophysiology and MechanicsDNA Repair PathwaysSpinal Cord
Disorders of BleedingSplicing of the Chicken Ovalbumin GeneGeneral Principles of TranscriptionNephron FunctionElongation of TranslationInitiation Factors (eIF) in Translational Initiation
Translational TerminationDuplicationControl of Gene ExpressionDeaminationDepurinationLeukotrienes
Outline of the Ubiquitin PathwayBiochemical Reactions in the Ubiquitin PathwayMultiple Pathway of Ubiquitin ConjugationChemical Components of NucleotideFocus Formation of Tumor CellsSarcomere Shortening
The Sequence of Synthesis and Secretion of Collagen FibrilsOrganization of Nuclear EnvelopeChromosome 7 IdiogramRegulated Nuclear Protein TransportElastic Arteries (Aorta, Carotids)Robertsonian Translocation: "Acrocentric" Chromosomes
Histologic Structure of the Cerebellar CortexMeiotic Recombination of Paracentric InversionBasic Plan of the Spinal CordCell Cycle Progression: M-phase and InterphaseProposed Mechanism of AutophagyAuditory System: Pitch Discrimination
Visual System: Change in the Refractive Power of the LensRole of Calcium in the Contractile Machinery of a Muscle fibreNuclear Protein TransportEnzymes Associated with the DNA Replication in BacteriaMechanisms of Action of SteroidsSplicing of the Chicken Ovalbumin Gene
Spirometer Tracing During Maximal Expiratory Flow ManeuverVisual System: Animation of Dark CurrentMovements During Anaphase A and BOrganization of Nuclear EnvelopeIron: Ins and OutsDietary Reference Intakes
Identification of Mutated Region of RasVisual System: Purkinje ShiftVisual System: Retinal ProcessingAnatomic Dead Space: Conducting ZoneDNA ReplicationDiffusion vs Perfusion Limited Gas Exchange
The Extrinsic InnervationLaminae of RexedSummary of Tracts of Spinal Cord White Matter Proposed Mechanism for Regulation of SegmentationThe Migrating Motor Complex (MMC)Pressure-Volume RelationshipRenin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone (RAA) System
Sympathetic Innervation of the Blood VesselsEffect of Posture on the Cardiovascular SystemReciprocal TranslocationFluid Transport in the Gall BladderRegulation of Contraction by Calcium IonsEffort Dependent vs Effort Independent Portions of the Flow Volume Loop
Mechanisms of Flow Limitation in Lung DiseasesCardiomyopathiesVisual System: Dark AdaptationCollagen FibrillogenesisIntestinal Segmentation (Intestinal Contractile Activity)Intrinsic Factor - (I.F)
Nucleus and Assembly of Ribosomal SubunitsPericentric InversionSite of Hematopoiesis vs. Fetal AgeHemePulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR)PCR Amplification
Insulin Responses to Breakfast +/- exerciseLung and Chest Wall Forces in the Pressure-Volume CurveEndocrine Regulation of Gastric SecretionCapillary Fluid ShiftMechanism of Respiratory Sinus ArrhythmiaResponse of Cardiovascular System to Lower Body Negative Pressure(LBNP)
Enzyme Secretion from PancreasNervous System StructureAfferents to the CerebellumSarcomere FilamentsRestriction Enzymes to Recognizine Specific DNA SequenceAirway Resistance and Lung Volume
The EGFR Signalling PathwaysPrinciple of Yeast Two Hybrid ScreenMetalloproteinaseThe Perfect Homeostatic SystemGlucoregulation in Moderate ExerciseGlucoregulation in Brief Intense Exercise
Glucoregulation in Post Intense ExerciseDiffusion of Gases in LiquidsThe Cushing ReflexThe Muscle PumpCross Bridge Move in MuscleActivation of Tyrosine Kinase Receptor
Phases of DevelopmentAppetite and Body Weight RegulationFirst Week of DevelopmentGlycemic Responses to Breakfast +/- exerciseCovalent and Acid Base CatalysisCarbon Dioxide Transport In Blood
Diffusion of Gases in the AlveoliIsotonic ContractionIntra- and Extra-Embryonic Blood VesselDeterminants of Lung VolumeLeft Side View of Aortic ArchesPrenatal Phases - First Week
Interactions between Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Content in the BloodRespiratory Function In ExerciseExcercise and Integration with Other SystemsPartial Pressure and Content of a Gas in LiquidContributions of Embryonic Vessels to the Venous Return of the HeartLung Mechanics or How the Lung Works
Dietary LipoproteinsRespiratory BronchioleEnzymes associated with the DNA Replication in BacteriaEndothelial Dysfunction and Thrombus FormationImaging of the HeartPolymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Amplification
Autonomic Nervous SystemAmino Acid MetabolismPulmonary Airway TreeCardiac ElectrophysiologyMuscle Structure and FunctionThe Menstrual Cycle and Ovarian Function
Regulation of Contraction by CalciumFlow Limitation in Lung DiseaseSouthern BlotVisual System: Histology of the EyeCarotid and Subclavian ArteriesCell Damage and Cancer
Hematopoeisis and Fetal AgeDietary LipoproteinsHistologic Structure of the Cerebellar CortexGastric Cells SchematicVisual System: Retinal ProcessingSympathetic Innervation of the Blood Vessels


(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=672)

Dermatology Clinical Case Modules: 70-Year-Old Man with a Red Crusty Bump on his Right ArmFall Risk Assessment ExperienceGER-ANIUMHip Fracture Care: Perioperative And Rehabilitative Management"Wit" Teaching about Death, Dying, Clinical Trials, and DNRGeriatric Rehabilitation Review
Eliminate Hazards in Your Home: A Safety Checklist with RecommendationsA Primer in Perioperative Care of the ElderlyChoosing the Appropriate Assistive Device: A Card Sorting ActivityCare Transitions in the Older AdultComputer-Based Geriatrics Workbooks for Resident TeachingGeriatric Learning Questionnaire for Clinician-Educators (G-CEL-Q)
"Caring For Junior" - A Problem-Based Learning Case"Assistive Devices" Learning ObjectWeb-Based Module to Train and Assess Competency in Systems-Based PracticeThe ETHNICS Mnemonic: Clinical Tool, Didactics, and Small Group Facilitator's GuideDizziness in the ElderlyDelirium, An Interactive Learning Experience
Falls In The Elderly, An Orientation For The Medical StudentFCM-012 Pharm 2 Geriatric Pharmacology/PolypharmacyAn Elderly Man With Fever and CoughVirtual Patient Case #3: Mr. Clarence Malone Chief Diagnosis: Dementia/DepressionMacrocytosis CaseVirtual Patient Case #5: Mr.& Mrs. Fred & Eleanor Clifford - Chief Diagnosis: Functional Aging
Virtual Patient Case #4: Mrs. Violetta Mitsuko Tang - Chief Diagnosis: Osteoporosis/IncontinenceVirtual Patient Case #2: Mrs. Dubois - Chief Diagnosis: Breast CancerVirtual Patient Case #1: Mr. Karl Andrews- Chief Diagnosis: Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes and StrokePOGOe: Healthy Ager Life History ProjectFalls in Older AdultsDementia in the Elderly Patient
Ischemic Stroke in the ElderlyFunctional Assessment of the Elderly PatientDeliriumPolypharmacy in Older AdultsPalliative CareUrinary Incontinence in the Elderly
"Home Safety Assessment" Learning ObjectHistory Roadmap: AnginaPreoperative Evaluation of a 70 Year old Man with Colon CancerDxR Clinician- Shortness of Breath CaseMan with Altered Mental StatusMan with Cough and Dyspnea
70 Year-Old Man With Undiagnosed CoughInteractive Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (iPOMA)Delirium Trigger VideosWatching Out for Older DriversThe "Three D's" of Cognitive Impairment: An Interactive Card-sorting ExerciseCulturally Competent Health Care Practice with Older Adults
Post-operative Delirium in the Elderly Patient (v.1.3)Video PBL Cases and Accompanying Scripts: Abuse of a Child, STDs, Diabetes, Alzheimer's DiseaseInteractive Gait & Balance Training ModuleThe Stanford Faculty Development Center End-of-Life (ELC) CurriculumGeriatrics Assessment LiteInteractive Neurology: Motor Neuron Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Interactive Neurology: Transversal Lesion SyndromeInteractive Neurology: Polyneuropathy and Neuropathy LesionGeriatric PharmacologyThe Senior Moments, Volume 1  

Pediatric Virtual Patients

(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=674)

African American Woman with Liver Enlargement and Splenic Nodules - An Interactive Case ExerciseProject LIVE: Phil Collins, a 62 Year-old Caucasian Male with Psychiatric IllnessProject LIVE: Mrs. Hernandez, a 56 Year-Old Woman with Left-Sided Chest Pain, Shortness of Breath, And CoughProject LIVE: Mr. Chen, a 54 Year-Old Man Who Experiences Persistent HeadachesProject LIVE: Addie, a 17-Year Old Who Has a Complaint about Her KneeProject LIVE: Jessica, an Adolescent In For a Sports Physical
Project LIVE: Twins, the Birth of Kim and KeithProject LIVE: Ali, a 2-Month Old Who Isn't Eating WellProject LIVE: Nick, an 8-Month Old Who "Just Isn't Acting Right"   

Emergency Medicine

(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=656)

PedsCases - A Learning Module for Kawasaki Disease for Medical StudentsInitial Patient Assessment WorkshopA Multiple-Case Simulation Module to Support a Second-Year Medical Student Respiratory CurriculumHeadache with a Normal MRINeuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Simulation CasePediatric Trauma Simulation Case
Organophosphate Poisoning Simulation CasePharmacology Simulation Scenario: Respiratory Failure due to Asthma ExacerbationPediatric Medical Resuscitation: A Simulation CurriculumYoung Man with Abdominal Pain - An Interactive Case ExerciseMyopericarditisIntraoral Blocks for Facial Anesthesia: A Multimedia Instructional Tool
Unstable Atrial Tachycardia: A Case for High-Fidelity Simulation in Emergency MedicineBilling, Coding, and Documentation (Slightly Unorthodox, But Accurate)Beta Blocker Overdose: A Case for High-Fidelity Simulation in Emergency MedicineNorthwestern University Department of Emergency Medicine: Orthopedic Teaching FilesAltered Mental Status and Hyperthermia in Adult MaleJoe Thornton: Teaching and Assessing Medical Students Chronic Disease Management Skills Utilizing the Chronic Care Model and a Standardized Patient
Simulated Critical Incident Management for Graduating Medical StudentsPediatric Acute Care Simulator Case: Supraventricular TachycardiaHow to Save a LifeA Longitudinal Academic Career Skills Elective ExperienceStab To NeckTATRC Reserve Medical Component Training (RCT) Case Scenarios
Altered Mental Status in an Adolescent Patient"A Pain in the Neck"Pediatric Acute Care Simulator Case: Status AsthmaticsCardiovascular Simulation Cases for Dental StudentsEctopic Pregnancy: A Case For High-Fidelity Simulation In Emergency MedicineStandardized Patient Oriented Teaching (SPOT)
Team Training: Unanticipated Difficult AirwayStatus Asthmaticus with Development of Tension Pneumothorax Post-IntubationThe Medication History: A Small Group Session on Interviewing a Patient Regarding Medication UseShortness of Breath/PEAPediatric Acute Care Simulator Case: ApneaA Fresh Frozen Cadaver Procedure Laboratory
A Simulated Patient Encounter of Status EpilepticusInsulin OverdoseA Simple, Inexpensive Surgical Model for Abdominal HysterectomyCHF from Diastolic Dysfunction in a Patient Presenting Preoperatively for an Elective Surgery"My Mouth Hurts"Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: A Case for High-Fidelity Simulation in Emergency Medicine
Venous Air Embolism CurriculumPediatric Acute Care Simulator Cases - Shock (Sepsis)Steven/Sherry PilkingtonLethargic InfantEpidural Hematoma With ComaEducational Measurement Workshop: A "Sweet Approach" to Understanding the Basic Principles of Educational Measurement
Pandemic Scenario Tabletop ExerciseBobby Jackson's Sore KneeJohn Dorsey's Severe Chest PainsAPAP OverdoseSimulated Case of Massive HemoptysisMarvin Luke's Blackout Spell
Web-Based Module to Train and Assess Competency in Systems-Based PracticeAirway Management Skills AssessmentAn Emergency Department Patient with a Knee DislocationTeaching Outbreak Preparedness in the Emergency Medicine Clerkship: An Innovative ApproachModel Curriculum for Rotating Resident Physicians in Basic Emergency MedicinePublic Health Emergency Tabletop Exercise
Lumbar Puncture Step by StepAcid-Base BalanceFever Without a Source in Children Less Than 28 Days, 28 to 90 Days, and 3 to 36 MonthsSimulation Cases for Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) FellowsECG Wave-Maven: Self-Assessment Program for Students and Clinicians 

Family Medicine

(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=33320)

Palliative Care Card: Canadian Family Medicine Clinical Card SeriesChild Injury Prevention Card: Canadian Family Medicine Clinical Card SeriesInfant Nutrition Clinical Card: Canadian Family Medicine Clinical Card SeriesDevelopmental Disorders Card: Canadian Family Medicine Clinical Card Series18-Month Enhanced Visit Card: Canadian Family Medicine Clinical Card SeriesDepression Card: Canadian Family Medicine Clinical Card Series

Spirituality, Religion and Health

(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=42068)

Starchild Cherrix: Negotiating about Religious Beliefs and Complementary and Alternative MedicineMedical Ethics & Humanities Curriculum, Years I And II Medical StudentsDavid Helechet: A Case Concerning the Benefit of Spiritual and Cultural Belief Assessment in Post Traumatic RecoveryThe ETHNICS Mnemonic: Clinical Tool, Didactics, and Small Group Facilitator's GuidePalliative and End-of-Life Care for Medical ResidentsCulturally Competent Health Care Practice with Older Adults
Maintaining Empathy in Medical EducationSpirituality in HealthcareThe Stanford Faculty Development Center End-of-Life (ELC) CurriculumPalliative Care Experience for 3rd year Medical Students  

Team-Based Learning

(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=664)

Precocious Pubic Hair Development: A Team Based Learning Review of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary- Adrenal Axis and PubertyAnterior Spinal Artery Infarction Case PresentationImmunology Team-Based Learning: Basic Concepts in ImmunologyNutrition and Metabolism: "The Hunger Strike"Anxiety, Dissociative, and Somatoform Disorders: Team Based Learning ModuleImmunology Team-Based Learning: Receptor Diversity & Antigen Presentation
Immunology Team-Based Learning: Innate Immunity & Recognition of AntigenReflective Practice & Leadership in Medicine & Medical EducationInterprofessional Team Training ScenarioInflammation and Blood Clotting Case for First Year Medical Students Team Based Learning FormatCoagulation Team Based Learning ExerciseCystic Fibrosis Case for First Year Medical students - Team Based Learning Format
Cardiopulmonary Clinical Case Scenario - Team Based Learning CaseUse of a Large Group, Team-Based Learning Format for Discussion and Review of Medical Physiology: Applied Renal PhysiologyA Case of Mysterious Poisoning - Team Based Learning FormatGynecologic-Oncology Team-Based Learning Session for Third-Year Ob/GYN Medical Student ClerkshipPelvic Relaxation and Urinary Incontinence/ Endometriosis/ Benign Disease of the Uterus/Menopause Team-Based Learning ModuleInfective Endocarditis: A Multidisciplinary Interactive Team-Based Learning Exercise
Introduction to Autonomic PharmacologyMechanisms of Sickle Cell AnemiaDown Syndrome: A Multidisciplinary Interactive Team-Based Learning ExerciseGeriatric PharmacologyPsychiatry: Personality Disorder - Team-based learning module 

