Hoer_mededportal last modified by Gillian Stevens (t0022212) on 01 July 2010 2:41:17 PM

Available Collections

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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=19668)

The SBS Toolbox: Clinical Pearls from the Social and Behavioral SciencesInteractive Digital CT Atlas of the Pediatric Cervical SpineTetanyInteractive Spinal Cord AtlasWhite Matter: OligodendrocytesExcitatory Post-Synaptic Potential
Cranial Nerves Involved in the Process of SwallowingInhibitory Post-Synaptic PotentialsSpinal MotoneuronComparison of an Electrical Cable to a Nerve FiberMyelination of an AxonSkeletal Growth and Maturation
Intervertebral DiscSemicircular Canal ExcitationHorizontal Vestibular Ocular ReflexThree-Diminsional Orientation of the Inner Ear Vestibular SensorsThe Muscle Spindle - with Gamma Motor NeuronsSpinal Cord: Renshaw Cells
Agonist - Antagonist MusclesThe Motor End-Plate or Neuromuscular JunctionReflex CircuitryGeriatric Rehabilitation ReviewA Case of Mysterious Poisoning - Team Based Learning FormatEliminate Hazards in Your Home: A Safety Checklist with Recommendations
A Primer in Perioperative Care of the Elderly'On Doctoring': Essays on ProfessionalismChoosing the Appropriate Assistive Device: A Card Sorting ActivityCare Transitions in the Older AdultSpinal CordSomite Cell Differentiation
Recording of Motor Unit PotentialsThe Axial Skeleton: RadiologyBasic Plan of the Spinal CordSummary of Tracts of Spinal Cord White MatterLaminae of RexedNervous System Structure
Afferents to the CerebellumComputer-Based Geriatrics Workbooks for Resident TeachingEducational Measurement Workshop: A "Sweet Approach" to Understanding the Basic Principles of Educational MeasurementGeriatric Learning Questionnaire for Clinician-Educators (G-CEL-Q)The Educator's Portfolio & Curriculum Vitae - Workshop & Resource Guide"Caring For Junior" - A Problem-Based Learning Case
Complications of Diabetes Mellitus: Interactive TutorialWeb-Based Module to Train and Assess Competency in Systems-Based Practice"Assistive Devices" Learning ObjectThe ETHNICS Mnemonic: Clinical Tool, Didactics, and Small Group Facilitator's GuideDizziness in the ElderlyAn Emergency Department Patient with a Knee Dislocation
Neurology/Psychiatry Clerkship Cases: "I Need More Vicodin!"Falls In The Elderly, An Orientation For The Medical StudentCoding 101FCM-012 Pharm 2 Geriatric Pharmacology/PolypharmacyVirtual Patient Case #5: Mr.& Mrs. Fred & Eleanor Clifford - Chief Diagnosis: Functional AgingVirtual Patient Case #4: Mrs. Violetta Mitsuko Tang - Chief Diagnosis: Osteoporosis/Incontinence
Virtual Patient Case #1: Mr. Karl Andrews- Chief Diagnosis: Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes and StrokeFunctional Assessment of the Elderly PatientFalls in Older Adults"Home Safety Assessment" Learning ObjectLumbar Puncture Step by StepNeuropathology: An Illustrated Interactive Course for Medical Students and Residents
HEAL (Health Education Assets Library)Teenager with Sensory and Strength Problems (difficult)Woman with UnsteadinessNeuro-Logic: The Principles of Lesion Localization in Patients with Neurological SymptomsInteractive Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (iPOMA)Culturally Competent Health Care Practice with Older Adults
The "Three D's" of Cognitive Impairment: An Interactive Card-sorting ExerciseWatching Out for Older DriversPost-operative Delirium in the Elderly Patient (v.1.3)Interactive Gait & Balance Training ModuleGeriatrics Assessment LiteNeurons: Animated Cellular and Molecular Concepts
Autonomic Nervous SystemSympathetic Innervation of the Blood VesselsRegulation of Contraction by CalciumMigraine Follow-up - A Virtual OSCEInteractive Neurology: Transversal Lesion SyndromeInteractive Neurology: Motor Neuron Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Interactive Neurology: Bell's Palsy, Facial Nerve PalsyInteractive Neurology: Herniated Disk L5-S1Interactive Neurology: Polyneuropathy and Neuropathy LesionInteractive Neurology: Accessory Nerve Palsy, Trapezius Weakness, and Nerve XI LesionInteractive Neurology: Spastic ParesisInteractive Neurology: Hemiplegia
Interactive Neurology: Parkinson's SyndromeInteractive Neurology: Multiple Sclerosis (MS)The Senior Moments, Volume 1   


(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=666)

CT Atlas of Pediatric Retroperitoneal SpacesRadiology Jeopardy/Blank Jeopardy TemplateHepatic Arterial Buffer Response and its Clinical ImplicationsHepatic Arterial Buffer Response on Cross-Sectional ImagingHeadache with a Normal MRIMedical Solitaire: A Flash-Based Game Facilitating Study and Review of Lecture Content. "Cysts and Tumors of the Liver"
AMSER National Medical Student Curriculum in RadiologyUtilizing Smart Objects, Smart Filters, and Layers for Nondestructive Radiology ImageRadiology Resident Pre-Call Evaluation QuizRadiological Anatomy of the Extremities and BackSectional Anatomy of the Abdomen and PelvisRadiological Images of the Abdomen and Pelvis
Interactive Digital CT Atlas of the Pediatric Cervical SpineToby Cartwright - Bilious Emesis in a NeonatePeer Review of Educational Scholarship Faculty Development WorkshopSectional and Radiological Anatomy of the ThoraxClinical Teaching Evaluation InventoryIntroductory Head & Neck Radiology for Preclinical Learners
Extraocular Skeletal Muscle-Induced Eye MovementsCHF from Diastolic Dysfunction in a Patient Presenting Preoperatively for an Elective SurgeryThe Axial Skeleton: RadiologyThe Axial Skeleton: RadiologyChest Radiology TutorialEducational Measurement Workshop: A "Sweet Approach" to Understanding the Basic Principles of Educational Measurement
The Educator's Portfolio & Curriculum Vitae - Workshop & Resource GuideEducator Portfolio Template of the Academic Pediatric Association's Educational Scholars ProgramMedPix - Medical Imaging Database, Teaching File, and AtlasAn Emergency Department Patient with a Knee DislocationInteractive Computer Teaching Module for Radiologic-Pathologic Correlations in Breast Imaging360-Degree Professionalism Assessment Instrument
Responsible Literature Searching for Research: A Self-Paced Interactive Educational ProgramImaging of the HeartCritical Teaching Incident Casebook: Advancing the Scholarship of Teaching through Critical Analyses and Reflection of ACGME   


(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=668)

Temporomandibular JointHanau Articulator Training: Zeroing the ArticulatorClass I Amalgam: Occlusal and Occlusolingual Preparation and RestorationDevelopment of the FaceCast Removable Partial Denture RubricThe Integrative Knowledge Portfolio Process: A Program Guide for Educating Reflective Practitioners and Lifelong Learners
Self-Guided Instructional Material: Full CrownIntroduction to Cast Removable Partial Dentures and SurveyingAnterior Spinal Artery Infarction Case PresentationIntroduction to Effective Communication SkillsProblem Based Learning a Vehicle to Teach Critical Thinking, Reading the Scientific LiteraturePresentation Skills Assessment Tools
Head, Neck and Oral Cancer ExaminationCephalometrics - A Student GuideAll Ceramic Crown Tooth Preparation and Provisional Crown FabricationFixed Prosthodontic Learning Dossier AssignmentManual for Preclinical Removable Prosthodontics: Complete DenturesOral Health Management of Pregnant Dental Patients
Dentistry Case Simulator: Amelogenesis ImperfectaGallery of Prosthodontic Procedural Technique VideosDentin Dysplasia (Tiffany)Dentistry Case: Down Syndrome (Thomas)Ectodermal Dysplasia (Emily)Autonomic Innervation to the Head: Animations and a Self-Testing Guide
TetanyHow to Save a LifeTrauma and Women's Health: From a Psychobiological PerspectiveLoad-Velocity Relation in Muscle ContractionRate-Pressure Product: Affect on Cardiac Oxygen ConsumptionProblem-Based Learning (PBL): Abdominal Pain in a Pregnant Woman
A Small-Group Reflection Exercise for Increasing the Awareness of Cultural Stereotypes: A Facilitator's GuideEndochondral OssificationHistological Zones Within the Epiphyseal PlateMatrix Vesicle and Calcification of CartilageGrowth Plate HistologyOsteonal Bone Remodeling
Histology of Adult Cortical BoneAdult Diaphyseal BoneArticular CartilageInterstitial Cells of CajalTooth HistologySeminiferous Epithelium
Follicular Adenoma ThyroidTooth and GingivaPlatelet Aggregation During Wound HealingRas-Initiated Signal TransductionCompetitive InhibitionSummary of Defects in the Lipoprotein Pathways Related to Lipase Deficiency, Hyperlipidaemia, Hypercholesterdemia and High HDL Syndrome
Study of Beta-Carotene and Free Radical StabilizationA-tocopherol (Vitamin E)Cell Cycle CheckpointsActin FilamentBase Excision RepairSummary of Enzyme Classes and Major Subclasses (Image 3 of 7)
Comparison of the Rates and Extents of Different Pathways of ATP Production in Muscle (Slide 3 of 4)Epithelial ClassificationsHistological Organization of the SpleenWhite Matter: OligodendrocytesChromatin and Nucleosome StructureHistology of the Lymph Node
Rods and Cones: PhotoreceptorsHistology of the CochleaDamage of Free Radicals on LipidsType II (Symmetrical) SynapseCalcium-Mediated Activation of MyosinMyosin Thick Filament
Trancription Start SignalTranscriptional Stop SignalIon Flux and Membrane PotentialExcitation Causes Muscle ContractionLactic Acid MetabolismTable of Gastric and Pancreatic Peotidases
Table of Enterocyte Brush Border PeptidasesType I (Asymmetrical) SynapseChemical Structure of ATPDeamination of Cytosine to UracilEnzyme Inhibition Types and Equations and Procedures to Define the Various TypesSummary of Enzyme Classes and Major Subclasses (Image 2 of 7)
Summary of Enzyme Classes and Major Subclasses (Image 4 of 7)Summary of Enzyme Classes and Major Subclasses (Image 5 of 7)Summary of Enzyme Classes and Major Subclasses (Image 6 of 7)Comparison of the Rates and Extents of Different Pathways of ATP Production in Muscle (Slide 1 of 4)Comparison of the Rates and Extents of Different Pathways of ATP Production in Muscle (Slide 4 of 4)Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Cilium
Post-Capillary VenuleUltrastructural Anatomy of a Secretory CellHistological Organization of the SkinCellular Organization of the Stratum Spinosum of the EpidermisUltrastructural Anatomy of the Epidermis-Dermis InterfaceAttack and Defense Factors Acting Upon the Wall of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Formation of the Myelin SheathUltrastructure of Cardiac MuscleInput and Output of Uric Acid in the BodyStages of SpermatogenesisHistological Organization of the Anterior PituitaryTransport Modes in Glandular Alveolar Cells
Esophageal-Cardiac JunctionMucosa of the Fundus and Body of the StomachSmall Intestinal Villi and CryptsHistology of the Small Intestinal VilliHistology of Thymic LobulesEpithelial Reticular Cells in the Thymic Cortex


















