Hoer_mededportal last modified by Gillian Stevens (t0022212) on 01 July 2010 2:41:17 PM

Available Collections

(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/segment/mededportal/find_resources/collection/)

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

(external link: http://services.aamc.org/30/mededportal/servlet/search/segment/mededportal/find_resources/?submitted='true'&collection=19668)

The SBS Toolbox: Clinical Pearls from the Social and Behavioral SciencesInteractive Digital CT Atlas of the Pediatric Cervical SpineTetanyInteractive Spinal Cord AtlasWhite Matter: OligodendrocytesExcitatory Post-Synaptic Potential
Cranial Nerves Involved in the Process of SwallowingInhibitory Post-Synaptic PotentialsSpinal MotoneuronComparison of an Electrical Cable to a Nerve FiberMyelination of an AxonSkeletal Growth and Maturation
Intervertebral DiscSemicircular Canal ExcitationHorizontal Vestibular Ocular ReflexThree-Diminsional Orientation of the Inner Ear Vestibular SensorsThe Muscle Spindle - with Gamma Motor NeuronsSpinal Cord: Renshaw Cells
Agonist - Antagonist MusclesThe Motor End-Plate or Neuromuscular JunctionReflex CircuitryGeriatric Rehabilitation ReviewA Case of Mysterious Poisoning - Team Based Learning FormatEliminate Hazards in Your Home: A Safety Checklist with Recommendations
A Primer in Perioperative Care of the Elderly'On Doctoring': Essays on ProfessionalismChoosing the Appropriate Assistive Device: A Card Sorting ActivityCare Transitions in the Older AdultSpinal CordSomite Cell Differentiation
Recording of Motor Unit PotentialsThe Axial Skeleton: RadiologyBasic Plan of the Spinal CordSummary of Tracts of Spinal Cord White MatterLaminae of RexedNervous System Structure
Afferents to the CerebellumComputer-Based Geriatrics Workbooks for Resident TeachingEducational Measurement Workshop: A "Sweet Approach" to Understanding the Basic Principles of Educational MeasurementGeriatric Learning Questionnaire for Clinician-Educators (G-CEL-Q)The Educator's Portfolio & Curriculum Vitae - Workshop & Resource Guide"Caring For Junior" - A Problem-Based Learning Case
Complications of Diabetes Mellitus: Interactive TutorialWeb-Based Module to Train and Assess Competency in Systems-Based Practice"Assistive Devices" Learning ObjectThe ETHNICS Mnemonic: Clinical Tool, Didactics, and Small Group Facilitator's GuideDizziness in the ElderlyAn Emergency Department Patient with a Knee Dislocation
Neurology/Psychiatry Clerkship Cases: "I Need More Vicodin!"Falls In The Elderly, An Orientation For The Medical StudentCoding 101FCM-012 Pharm 2 Geriatric Pharmacology/PolypharmacyVirtual Patient Case #5: Mr.& Mrs. Fred & Eleanor Clifford - Chief Diagnosis: Functional Aging
Virtual Patient Case #4: Mrs. Violetta Mitsuko Tang - Chief Diagnosis: Osteoporosis/IncontinenceVirtual Patient Case #1: Mr. Karl Andrews- Chief Diagnosis: Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes and StrokeFunctional Assessment of the Elderly PatientFalls in Older Adults"Home Safety Assessment" Learning ObjectLumbar Puncture Step by Step
Neuropathology: An Illustrated Interactive Course for Medical Students and ResidentsHEAL (Health Education Assets Library)Teenager with Sensory and Strength Problems (difficult)Woman with UnsteadinessNeuro-Logic: The Principles of Lesion Localization in Patients with Neurological SymptomsInteractive Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (iPOMA)
Culturally Competent Health Care Practice with Older AdultsThe "Three D's" of Cognitive Impairment: An Interactive Card-sorting ExerciseWatching Out for Older DriversPost-operative Delirium in the Elderly Patient (v.1.3)Interactive Gait & Balance Training ModuleGeriatrics Assessment Lite
Neurons: Animated Cellular and Molecular ConceptsAutonomic Nervous SystemSympathetic Innervation of the Blood VesselsRegulation of Contraction by CalciumMigraine Follow-up - A Virtual OSCEInteractive Neurology: Transversal Lesion Syndrome
Interactive Neurology: Motor Neuron Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)Interactive Neurology: Bell's Palsy, Facial Nerve PalsyInteractive Neurology: Herniated Disk L5-S1Interactive Neurology: Polyneuropathy and Neuropathy LesionInteractive Neurology: Accessory Nerve Palsy, Trapezius Weakness, and Nerve XI LesionInteractive Neurology: Spastic Paresis
Interactive Neurology: HemiplegiaInteractive Neurology: Parkinson's SyndromeInteractive Neurology: Multiple Sclerosis (MS)The Senior Moments, Volume 1