Hoer_community College Consortium For Open Educational Resources last modified by Gillian Stevens (t0022212) on 23 September 2010 12:34:01 PM


(external link: http://oerconsortium.org/resources/)

Health and Nursing Open Textbooks

(external link: http://collegeopentextbooks.org/healthnursingbooks.html)

  • Developing Anaesthesia
  • Diversity and Difference in Communication
  • Drugs, Brains, and Behavior – The Science of Addiction
  • Emergency and Risk Management Case Studies
  • Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine Preventable Disease 10th ed.
  • eSource: Behavioral and Social Science Research
  • Finding Information in Health and Lifestyle
  • First Aid
  • Fundamentals of Emergency Management
  • Health Education
  • Health is Everywhere: Unraveling the Mystery of Health
  • History of Medicine
  • Human Nutrition
  • Integrated Safety, Health and Environmental Management: An Introduction
  • Internet for Health and Safety
  • Issues in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • Medical Knowledge Base
  • Medicines by Design
  • Medicine Transformed: On Access to Health Care
  • NIH Curriculum Supplement Series
  • Nutrition: Proteins
  • Obesity: Balanced Diets and Treatment
  • Occupational Health
  • Understanding Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Vaccination

OER Repositories and Blogs

(external link: http://oerconsortium.org/oer-organizations-and-blogs/)


(external link: http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Main_Page)

The Citizendium, a "citizens' compendium of everything", is an open wiki project dedicated to creating a free, comprehensive, and reliable repository of structured knowledge. Our community is built on the principles of trust and respect; contributors, or "citizens", work under their own real names, and all are expected to behave professionally and responsibly. Additionally, experts are invited to play a gentle role in overseeing the structuring of knowledge.

Exemplary Collection of Open eLearning Content Repositories

(external link: http://wikieducator.org/Exemplary_Collection_of_Open_eLearning_Content_Repositories)

FREE: Federal Resources for Educational Excellence

(external link: http://www.free.ed.gov/)

FREE: Federal Resources for Educational Excellence

(external link: http://www.archive.org/details/education)

This library contains hundreds of free courses, video lectures, and supplemental materials from universities in the United States and China. Many of these lectures are available for download.