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(Calf) Knee Joint DemonstrationA&P Circa 2010A&P StartersAdding a Little Forensic Osteology to the Skeletal System LaboratoryAdvances in Alzheimer's DiseaseAdvances in the Treatment of COPD and Asthma
Aging With GraceAIDS: Clinical and Epidemiological ConsiderationsAlcohol and Temperature RegulationAldo-Aldo SteroneAlternative, Engaging, Economical, and Low-tech Evaluations Tools for A & PAlzheimer's Disease
AMATAP: A Mnemonic Approach to Anatomy/PhysiologyAmerican Association of Anatomists education web siteAn Adjunct: To Be or Not To Be?An Adjustable Cadaver Display StandAn Analogy for Spatial SummationAn Artificial Retina
AnalogiesAnalyzing the Way that Periodicals Report on Human Anatomy and Physiology TopicsAnatomy & Physiology I Syllabus - Hybrid CourseAnatomy & Physiology WorkshopAnatomy - Child Play?Anatomy and Physiology Everyday
Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry of the Basal Ganglia: New Surgical Procedures in the Treatment of Parkinson's DiseaseAnnouncement on the Formation of HAPSAnother Look at the Signal Transduction and its Applications -The Genetic Basis of Human Color Vision and OlfactionAnthrax Endospores Interact With Host Macrophages in the Lungs to Escape Body's Defense SystemAnxiety & Blood ClottingApplying the Learning Cycle Approach to Digestive Systems and the Principles of Structure-Function and Unity with Diversity
Articulations (specifically referencing the Elbow Joint)Awarding Student Creativity in Anatomy and Physiology CoursesThe anatomy of physiology's body of knowledgeThe Art of Writing a Grant ProposalA Brief History of HAPS - Chronicle of EventsA Brief History of the Introduction of the Dorsal / Ventral Body Cavity Misconception and its Spread to Modern Anatomy and Physiology Textbook
Beauty In Muscle FibersBig HeadsBIO 212 Online SyllabusBiochemical Analysis of Vertebrate Skeletal SystemsBioethics: A Historical Perspective on the Abortion IssueBioethics: Diversifying the Human Genome Project
Biology 202 Online SyllabusBiology! Genetics! Nursing?Blood FlowBlood Substitutes for the Physiology LaboratoryBody Muscles and Gas EnginesBrain Death as a Criterion for Death and the Implications of Such a Criterion
Brain TutorialBreast Cancer: Detection, Genetic Testing and TherapyBridges to StructureBuilding Models of Tissues and Organs as a Way of LearningThe Big Picture of Cellular RespirationA Case for Discipline Based Anatomy and Physiology Programs
A Case Study: What's Wrong with Viele? A case study on diabetes insipidusCardiovascular AgingCase Histories as a Teaching Strategy in Anatomy and PhysiologyCase Studies Using Spirometry to Assess Respiratory DiseasesCase Study Exam-Digestive and Renal SystemsCase Study: Urinary System
Cat Dissection vs. Sculpting Human Structures in Clay: An Analysis of Two Approaches to Undergraduate Human Anatomy Laboratory EducationCatching up on CancerCells as FactoriesCellular Mechanisms Underlying Peripheral Auditory FunctionChallenging an Old Dogma: Neurogenesis in the Adult HippocampusChallenging Conventional Wisdom - Is the Foot a Second-Class Lever?
Charles Leblond and Autoradiography: Humanizing ScienceCollege-level Chemistry as a Predictor of Success in Human AnatomyComparing Medical Imaging TechniquesCompelling Classroom Demonstrations That Link Visual System Anatomy, Physiology, and BehaviorConcept Mapping as a Tool to Improve Exam Performance on Examinations in a Large Anatomy and Physiology CourseConvergent Pathways for Steroid Hormone- and Neurotransmitter- Induced Sexual Behavior in the Rat
Course Syllabus for Anatomy & Physiology: A Hybrid CourseCreative Development of A&P Laboratories When Resources Are LimitedCutting Your (Calcium) LossesThe Cow Eye - A Lesson in RealityThe Creation of an Immuno-Protective Environment Utilizing the Testis-Derived Sertoli CellDemonstrating Concentration Potentials
Demonstration of Cardiac Output and the Baroreceptor ReflexDevelopmental Biology Using Danuio rerioDiabetes mellitus and renal handling of glucoseDid You Know? The Standard Anatomical Position is Incorrect!Directed case study method for teaching human anatomy and physiologyDissection Strategies Emphasizing the Unique Advantages of Organisms over Models and Audiovisual Alternatives
DNA Fingerprinting and Implications of Molecular GeneticsDon't Sweat It BabyDried Lung PreparationDrugs: The Altered BrainDynamic Physiology Overheads for Teaching the Pressure Volume LoopThe Discovery of Insulin
The Dittrick Museum of Medical History - Cleveland, OhioAn Electon Optical View of Cadaver StructureElectron Transport System DemoEllen's Choice: Can Alternative Complementary Medicine Make a Difference?Enlarging the Dimensions of Anatomy Teaching the Cultural History of the ScienceEnzyme Kinetics Lab
Establishing a Cadaver LaboratoryEstimation of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Using Creatinine ClearanceEstrogen: Update and OverviewEverything I Needed to Know About the Cell I Learned in KindergartenExercise and the Immune SystemExercise Physiology in the A&P Lab Easy, Effective and Educational
Exercise Physiology in the Anatomy and Physiology LaboratoryExercise, Nutrition, and Body Composition in the ElderlyExploring Anatomy Through ArtThe Effect of Medical Vocabulary Courses on Student Success Rates in Basic Anatomy/PhysiologyA Figure It Out Approach for Learning Muscle Origins, Insertions, and Actions in Human AnatomyFactors Potentiating the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Fairness in Laboratory TestingFall Into the Gap (Junction)Fostering a Sense of Self-efficacy in Students: Teaching the Art of LearningFree Plans for Constructing a Patella ModelFrom Pharmacology to Physiology: Receptor BoundGender Determination of the Skull
General Models in HistologyGenomics and the Human Proteome ProjectGregorc learning styles and achievement in anatomy and physiologyGross Anatomy Lab Dream TeamHANDS (Twas the Night Before Christmas)Hazardous Biological Materials and OSHA
Heart-Lung TransplantsHelping Students Understand the Relationship Between Organic Chemistry and Food IntakeHeterodimers and Receptor Mosaics of Different Types of G-Protein-Coupled ReceptorsHow Important is Genetics in Your Food Preference and Dietary HabitsHow to Beat the Grant Writing BluesHuman Anatomy & Physiology Society Position Statement on Animal Use
Human Cadaver Laboratory ProposalHuman Cell and Organism Aging: Are There Limits?The Health Professions AdvisorAn Introduction to Stereological Analysis: Morphometric Techniques for Beginning BiologistsImplementing Interactive Learning Activities in Anatomy LecturesIn the Literature: How or Why?
Incorporating Cadavers Into The VCCS ClassroomInitiating Cooperative Learning in the Anatomy and Physiology Classroom: Activities for the First Week of ClassInnovations in Electrocardiography: Nonpharmacologic Therapies for TachyarrhythmiasInput/OutputIntegrating Aspects of Two Systems of the Shoulder Joint in an Introductory Anatomy and Physiology CourseIntegrating Problem Based Learning into Anatomy and Physiology Classes
Interactions Between Immune and Neuroendocrine SystemsInteractive Computer Programs In Lieu of Cadavers in the Anatomy LaboratoryIntroducing a Long-term Experiment Into a Traditional Lab CourseIntroducing the Bones: Learning Centers in the College Science LabIntroduction to the CellIs an Axon a Dendrite?
Is it Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia Syndrome?It Appears That Neither Sucrose Nor Aspartame Affects the Behavior of Children . . . Contrary to Parents' Expectations!The Intended Learning Outcomes ProjectsJoint Physiology and BiomechanicsKidney KonquestKimball's Online Text: Extraembryonic Membranes
Kimball's Online Text: Sexual Reproduction in HumansKnowing Our Molecular Selves, a Necessity for Good Teaching of Human PhysiologyA Ligand By Any Other NameA Lot of GutsLab Ideas and Lecture Demo IdeaLaboratory Hazards
Laboratory Safety Guidelinesle Tour de Ur'ineLearning Outcomes StatementsLearning to Learn Human Anatomy and PhysiologyLecture Ideas-Dynamic EquilibriumLocating Cadaver Usage for Classroom Visitation
Long Term Projects for Morphology CoursesThe Locust Jump: An Integrated Laboratory InvestigationMachine Dialysis DemonstrationMaking Anatomy and Physiology More Humane - Part 2Making Connections - Variations on Concept MapsMaking High-Quality Microscope Slides
Making Human Biology More Humane, A Sample of Suggested ReadingsMammalian Cell Culture (Tissue Culture)Mapping Memory in the Temporal LobeMedical Physics Demonstrations to Enliven the ClassroomMeningioma: The Most Common Type of Intercranial TumorModel Repair: Sources of Materials
Modeling the Peripheral Nervous System: An Activity That Illustrates Three Dimensional Complexity and Promotes Higher-Order Thinking Skills Using Case StudiesModified Case Study-Term Project on AgingMolecular Biology of the NMDA ReceptorMore Efficient and Effective Histology InstructionMostly Analogous - SnippetsMulti-Dimensional Human Embryo: stage 13
Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo: stage 14Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo: stage 15Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo: stage 16Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo: stage 17Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo: stage 18Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo: stage 19
Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo: stage 20Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo: stage 22Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo: stage 23Muscle Tissue OverviewMyers-Briggs psychological type and achievement in anatomy and physiologyThe Mammalian Urine Concentrating Mechanism: Hypotheses and Uncertainties
The Medical Artist: Communicating VisuallyThe Micro and Macro of TissuesThe Mideo SystemA New Anatomy and Physiology Curriculum Emphasizing Problem Solving and Critical ThinkingA New Twist on Grading Lab ReportsName That Molecule!
Negative and Positive SelectionNerve Impulse as a BulletNerve Transmission: The Domino EffectNeurofibromatosisNeuronal Damage in Sea SlugNew Approaches to Teaching Human Anatomy and Physiology
New Hope From Lost FetusesNew Light of Retin-A as a Topical Treatment for Photodamaged SkinNew Piece in Alzheimer's PuzzleNo Quick FixesNontraditional Inheritance: New Rules to Explain Human HeredityNot Letting Students or Teaching Fall through the Cracks
Note Taking Made EasyNovel Activities for Morphology Laboratories: Activities for Use Within a Single ClassNSF Grant Writing GuideThe Nerve of It AllThe Newspaper File as a Teaching Tool in Anatomy and Physiology ClassesAn Overview: How Do We Become Males or Females?
One Good Hit: A Case Study of Shoulder DislocationOrigami EmbryoOrigami Embryo Demo MovieOsmosis/Dialysis DemonstrationOsteopetrosisOvercoming Health Hazards in the Cadaver Lab
The Oxygen-Hemoglobin Dissociation Curve and Venous ReserveA Physical Model to Demonstrate the Change from Intermittent to Continuous BloodA Problem-Solving Approach to Teaching Anatomy and PhysiologyA Proposal for an Outcome-Driven Approach to Anatomy and Physiology EducationPausing During a Lecture Has Potential BenefitsPeer feedback for students working in small groups
Peptic Ulcer Disease: Is It an Infectious Disease?Perspectives: Molecular Advances in Cardiovascular BiologyPhysiologic Insulin Replacement. An Elusive GoalPlanning Your CoursePost-it® Notes for GraphingPreparation of Pliable Lung Tissue
Preventing AIDS in the LabPrions - Do They Really Cause Disease?Problem Solving, Persistence, and Patience: The Three P's of Science ResearchPromoting Anatomy and Physiology Learning With TechnologyProsection or Dissection? A Comparative Study of Student Opinions on the Use of Cadavers in Community CollegesPsychoneuro-Immunology
Pulmonary Ventilation Teaching AidThe Physiology of Human SituationsThe Pineal Gland: Our Window to the BiosphereA Revealing X-Rated LabReasoning and Critical Thinking in the Biological SciencesRecent Advances in Human Molecular Genetics
Reconstructing Behavior From the SkeletonRenal Anatomy and Physiology WorksheetRenal JeopardyRenal Regulation of Urine OutputRenal Structure & Function ActivitiesRenal Tubule Function
Renal Tubule Physiology ExerciseResources for A&P Labs: Check Your Own Back YardRespect! Listen! Respond! A Method for Handling Conflict in the ClassroomRespiratory PharmacologyRicin - A Forced ReviewRodeo with Renal Issues
The Renal PelvisThe Rhythm of LifeThe Role of Age and Gender in Cardiovascular Response to Oxygen StressA Simple Demonstration of How the Heart Valves WorkScience Innovation: Biomedicine in the Age of ImagingSeasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Semipermeable or Selectively Permeable: What is the Difference?Sexual Harassment Policy. Special Challenges for the Human Anatomy and Physiology Teaching LaboratoriesSickle Cell Anemia: The Search for a Cure ContinuesStem Cells and Cloning: What Does it Mean to Be Human?Stretch Your Budget: Restoring Anatomical ModelsStructure and Function of Membranes
Summer Fun: Atom to A.D.A.M. ®Syllabus for a Human Anatomy Hybrid CourseSyllabus for Basic Human Anatomy & PhysiologySystematic Essay Writing in Human PhysiologyThe Select Reference Point Model: An Interface Between Physiology and Problem-Based LearningThe Sliding Filament Mechanism: A Physiology Simulation for the Large Classroom Setting
The Spread of AIDS in Laboratory Teaching SituationThe Synapse: A Brief HistoryA Technique for Correlating ECG Components With Cardiac Mechanics from the Unexposed Frog HeartA Time to Be BornTeaching Anatomy and Physiology in CaliforniaTeaching Anatomy and Physiology in the Pacific Northwest
Teaching and Learning Complex Physiological Processes in Introductory Science: Biology 100 – The Human Body “Muscle Dance”Teaching Homeostasis Using Micro Learning PacketsTeaching Methodologies in the Pathophysiology and Pharmacology of HypertensionTeaching Problem Solving in Human Anatomy and PhysiologyTeaching Science as a Process in the Anatomy and PhysiologyThey're Not Dumb, They're Different
Threshold Stimulus and Summation Using the Human TongueThreshold Stimulus and Summation Using the Human TongueThrombolysis in AMI: Streptokinase or t-PA?To Eat Or Not To EatTo Sleep, Perchance . . .An Update on the Human Genome Project
An UpDate: Latex AllergyThe Unfolding Saga of Membrane TransportersThe Use of Computers in Physiology LabsThe Use of Mammal Blood In Human Anatomy and Physiology LabsUlcers Are Yielding to Better UnderstandingUnderstanding Acid/Base Balance in Four Easy Steps
Uniqueness of the Neonate: Problems, Management and TreatmentUNSW Embryology: glossary of embryology termsUNSW Embryology: movies from human ultrasoundUNSW Embryology: movies from week 2 of human developmentUNSW Embryology: movies from week 4 of human developmentUNSW Embryology: movies of abnormal human ultrasound
UNSW Embryology: movies of embryonic heartUNSW Embryology: movies of endoderm and GI developmentUNSW Embryology: movies of urogenital developmentUNSW Embryology: movies on head and neck developmentUpdate on AIDS ( part I of a two part series)Update on AIDS (PART II of a two part series)
Update on Minor Head InjuryUpdates in BurnsUpdates in OphthalmologyUse of Active Learning in the Physiology LectureUse of Animals In Research and TeachingUsing a Papergram to Illustrate Development of the Central Nervous System
Using a Ping Pong Ball to Construct an External Eye ModelUsing 'the Wave' as an Effective Analogy for Illustrating the Generation and Proagation of Action Potentials Along a NeuronUsing Cadavers to Teach Human Anatomy in a Small CollegeUsing Clinical Situations to Stimulate Critical Thinking in College Anatomy and Physiology ClassesUsing Clinical Situations to Stimulate Critical Thinking in College Anatomy and Physiology ClassesUsing Concept Maps to Teach Histology
Using Histopathology To Teach Histology To UndergraduatesUsing Technology for Testing in Anatomy and PhysiologyUsing truncated lectures, conceptual exercises, and manipulatives to improve learning in the neuroanatomy classroomUsing Unknowns in a Urinalysis LabThe Value of Animals in Research and TeachingVisible Embryo: 10 Weeks Post Ovulation
Visible Embryo: 12 weeks post ovulationVisible Embryo: 14 weeksVisible Embryo: 16 weeksVisible Embryo: 18 weeksVisible Embryo: 20 weeksVisible Embryo: 22 weeks
Visible Embryo: 24 weeksVisible Embryo: 26 weeksVisible Embryo: 26-30 days post ovulationVisible Embryo: 28 weeksVisible Embryo: 30 weeksVisible Embryo: 31- 35 days post-ovulation
Visible Embryo: 32 weeksVisible Embryo: 34 weeksVisible Embryo: 35 - 38 days post-ovulationVisible Embryo: 36 weeksVisible Embryo: 37 - 42 days post-ovulationVisible Embryo: 38 weeks
Visible Embryo: 42 - 44 days post-ovulationVisible Embryo: 44 - 48 days post-ovulationVisible Embryo: 48 - 51 days post-ovulationVisible Embryo: 51 - 53 days post-ovulationVisible Embryo: 53 - 54 days post-ovulationVisible Embryo: 54 - 56 days post-ovulation
Visible Embryo: 56 - 60 days post-ovulationVisible Embryo: Appearance of SomitesVisible Embryo: birthVisible Embryo: Cleavage, 1st cell divisionVisible Embryo: Early BlastocystVisible Embryo: Human Fertilization
Visible Embryo: human, 26- 30 days post-ovulationVisible Embryo: Implantation beginsVisible Embryo: Neural Folds, Heart Fold FusionVisible Embryo: NeurulationVisible Embryo: Primitive StreakVisible Embryo: two pharyngeal arches (stage 11)
We May Be Programmed to DieWeb Anatomy: A Truly Free Anatomy and Physiology Review Program on the World Wide WebWebQuest: The Biological Basis of AgingWhat Every Undergraduate Should Know About Anatomy: A Joint AAA/HAPS SymposiumWhat Makes a Being Human?What Secrets Lie Within the Vaults of the Cell?
What's New in Cell to Cell 'Heart Talk'?When to Teach the Urinary SystemWinking Skull Study AidWorksheet for Dialysis for Kidney FailureWorksheet for Kidney TransplantZapping the Ischemic Heart

Behavioural Science

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Column Chromatography Analysis of Brain Tissue: An Advanced Laboratory Exercise for Neuroscience MajorsCompelling Classroom Demonstrations That Link Visual System Anatomy, Physiology, and BehaviorExercise Minimizes Weight Regain By Reducing Appetite, Burning Fat, And Lowering 'Defended' Body WeightHow Alcohol Blunts The Ability Of Hamsters To 'Rise And Shine'Male Resources and Female Adaptive Mating DecisionsMeasuring Salivary Cortisol in the Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory
Obesity: Is It In Your Head?Problem Solving, Persistence, and Patience: The Three P's of Science ResearchUltrasonic Courtship Vocalizations of Adult Male Mice: A Laboratory Exercise Illustrating Comparable Activation by either Estradiol or TestosteroneVasopressin and Pair-Bond Formation: Genes to Brain to Behavior  


(external link: http://www.biosciednet.org/portal/search/browse.php?step=2&nav=college&by=subject&filter=college&value=Biochemistry&freeResourcesOnly=yes)

Alcoholic CirrhosisA Better YieldBiochemistry Online: An Approach Based on Chemical LogicChemcollectiveCholesterol: From Biochemical Riddle to Blockbuster Drug for Heart DiseaseCommon student misconceptions in exercise physiology and biochemistry
Conservation and Taxonomic Distribution of Arsenate Detoxification Proteins, ArsA, ArsB, and ArsCDeficiency of Carbohydrate-Activated Transcription Factor ChREBP Prevents Obesity and Improves Plasma Glucose Control in Leptin-deficient (ob/ob) MiceDisabling a Carb Trigger Reduces Obesity and AppetiteDOLOP: A Database of Bacterial LipoproteinsDrugland…Evolutionary Bioinformatics:Globins as a Portal to Exploring Genome Evolution
GenMAPP and MAPPFinder for Systems Biology EducationHamsters, Like Humans, Gain Weight Under StressHow Now Mad Cow?An Introduction to Stereological Analysis: Morphometric Techniques for Beginning BiologistsKimball's Online Biology TextbookLoss of Adhesion Phenotype Correlated with Loss of Conservation of Extracellular Region and C-terminus in Cadherin
Moving Forward: Mechanisms of Chemoattractant Gradient SensingMurder by Atkins?The Membrane and Lipids as Integral Participants in Signal Transduction: Lipid Signal Transduction for the Non-lipid BiochemistNarrative Review: Fabry DiseaseNarrative Review: Protein Degradation and Human Diseases: The Ubiquitin ConnectionThe Nuclear Envelope and Human Disease
Prion Problem SpaceProblem Solving, Persistence, and Patience: The Three P's of Science ResearchProtein AnalysisProtein-Mediated Fatty Acid Uptake: Novel Insights from In Vivo ModelsThe pH of the Secretory Pathway: Measurement, Determinants, and RegulationA simplified representation of biochemical principles based on the dynamics of chemical flow systems
Show Me the Way to Go Home: Evolution of chemotaxis proteins MCP and CheA in the transition from a free-living to pathogenic life style in BordetellaSingle-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy: New Probes of Protein Function and DynamicsSocial Defeat Increases Food Intake, Body Mass, and Adiposity in Syrian HamstersA Two-Holed Story: Structural Secrets About ClC Proteins Become Unraveled?Two Reliable and Inexpensive Lysozyme Assays for Teaching Enzymology and MicrobiologyThe use of multiple tools for teaching medical biochemistry
White Board Manipulatives for Teaching Antibody Structure and FunctionWhy Calcium-Stimulated Adenylyl Cyclases?    


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Glial Intercellular WavesKimball's Online Text: Calculating Gene FrequenciesKimball's Online Text: Ontology Recapitulates Phylogeny?Kimball's Online Text: The Human Genome Project 



