Barcelona Opened Conference 2010 last modified by Gillian Stevens (t0022212) on 15 December 2010 2:46:07 PM

Mobile Learning is something UCT should be strongly considering; this is a new branch of technology for education and it can lead to greater / increased access to those that do not have traditional methods of accessig quality education. This could be rewarding for the continent of Africa especially if structured correctly

Approaches to OER development – Rory McGreal – Tekri Athabasca University Mobile learning – people r still designing for PC / laptop / paper and transforming over. We are in the mobile world and it’s easy to design for mobile and putting on pc than vice versa. 1.6 billion Internet connections out of 6.8 billion world population. That is 25% The world is going mobile – 3.4 billion mobile devices and 1.3 billion mobile internet users Mobile devices – look at accessibility, functionality, features, usability, performance and bandwidth – it’s a balancing act Fluid design – www is flexible for display on different sized screens, enabling users preferences (font size) etc Design for mobile first – not for PC. PC is no longer the standard.