Version 6
(modified: 15 April 2010 11:41:00 AM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
Version 7
(modified: 15 April 2010 12:38:51 PM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
This is a new page. Please click on Edit to add content.This is a new page. Please click on Edit to add content.
h1 Schools of Interest:h1 Schools of Interest:
h2 Tufts School of Dental Medicine:h2 Tufts School of Dental Medicine:
__Topics Covered__:__Topics Covered__:
__Basic Human Pathology: Parts I and II____Basic Human Pathology: Parts I and II__
__Geriatric Dentistry____Geriatric Dentistry__
__Histology: Study of Cells, Tissues and Organs____Histology: Study of Cells, Tissues and Organs__
__Implant Dentistry____Implant Dentistry__
__Medicine I____Medicine I__
__Medicine II____Medicine II__
__Medicine III: Hospital Clerkship Program____Medicine III: Hospital Clerkship Program__
__Oral Public Health and Community Service Program____Oral Public Health and Community Service Program__
__Preclinical Complete Denture Prosthodontics____Preclinical Complete Denture Prosthodontics__
__Special Care in Dentistry____Special Care in Dentistry__
__Popular Content__:__Popular Content__:
__Acute Inflammation/Wound Healing and Repair I____Acute Inflammation/Wound Healing and Repair I__
__Tonsillar Abscess____Tonsillar Abscess__
__Pus draining from a fistula of an abscessed tooth____Pus draining from a fistula of an abscessed tooth__
__Hot Topics: Oral Cancer____Hot Topics: Oral Cancer__
__Kayser-Fleischer Rings____Kayser-Fleischer Rings__
 h2 Tufts School of Medicine:
 __Topics Covered__: