Version 2
(modified: 14 July 2010 9:17:17 PM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
Version 3
(modified: 14 July 2010 9:37:04 PM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
h1 Higher Education Open Educational Resourcesh1 Higher Education Open Educational Resources
h2 Subjects Allied to Medicine by Titleh2 Subjects Allied to Medicine by Title
h3 Acids, Alkalis and Bases: an Introductionh3 Acids, Alkalis and Bases: an Introduction
This learning object defines and explains acids, bases, and alkalis, from an ionic standpoint, and introducing the pH scale.This learning object defines and explains acids, bases, and alkalis, from an ionic standpoint, and introducing the pH scale.
h3 The Anatomy of the Liverh3 The Anatomy of the Liver
This learning material outlines the anatomy of the liver 
h3 Anna-Lena Olofsson (eViP Virtual Patient)h3 Anna-Lena Olofsson (eViP Virtual Patient)
This is the story about a Virtual Patient called Ana-Lena Olofsson. The case describes a 15 month old girl with a history of loose stools and failure to thrive. As the case progresses you are able to determine a provisional diagnosis based on the history and examination findings. You have to decide on some initial investigations and interpret the results appropriately. By proceeding to specialist investigations you are able to confirm the diagnosis and then formulate a management plan.This is the story about a Virtual Patient called Ana-Lena Olofsson. The case describes a 15 month old girl with a history of loose stools and failure to thrive. As the case progresses you are able to determine a provisional diagnosis based on the history and examination findings. You have to decide on some initial investigations and interpret the results appropriately. By proceeding to specialist investigations you are able to confirm the diagnosis and then formulate a management plan.
h3 Antiretroviral treatment programmes in Nepal: Problems and barriers.h3 Antiretroviral treatment programmes in Nepal: Problems and barriers.
The main aim of this study is to identify barriers and obstacles to providing and expanding ARV programmes in Nepal. Materials and methods: A qualitative approach consisting of in-depth interviews with three groups of stakeholders: policy makers, ARV service providers and ARV recipients were carried out. The transcripts were analysed using a thematic approach. Results: The estimated number of people in need was high compared with people currently receiving ARV in Nepal. With regards to the proper distribution of the ARVs, the main problems identifi ed in the interviews were: lack of infrastructure, lack of human resources, financial constraints, programmatic problems, weak leadership and management at national level, poor cooperation between management structures, geographical barriers, lack of awareness and low uptake of counselling and/or testing, stigmatization and discrimination felt by the health workers and the community, lack of coordination and limited access to services.The main aim of this study is to identify barriers and obstacles to providing and expanding ARV programmes in Nepal. Materials and methods: A qualitative approach consisting of in-depth interviews with three groups of stakeholders: policy makers, ARV service providers and ARV recipients were carried out. The transcripts were analysed using a thematic approach. Results: The estimated number of people in need was high compared with people currently receiving ARV in Nepal. With regards to the proper distribution of the ARVs, the main problems identifi ed in the interviews were: lack of infrastructure, lack of human resources, financial constraints, programmatic problems, weak leadership and management at national level, poor cooperation between management structures, geographical barriers, lack of awareness and low uptake of counselling and/or testing, stigmatization and discrimination felt by the health workers and the community, lack of coordination and limited access to services.
h3 The Biology of Painh3 The Biology of Pain
A visual representation of the anatomy and physiology of pain which includes editable links to online resources.A visual representation of the anatomy and physiology of pain which includes editable links to online resources.
h3 Calculating Medicines for Childrenh3 Calculating Medicines for Children
This learning material is aimed at providing examples of how to calculate medicines, specifically for children but it relates well to any aspect of calculating medicines.This learning material is aimed at providing examples of how to calculate medicines, specifically for children but it relates well to any aspect of calculating medicines.
h3 Catherine Miller (eViP Virtual Patient)h3 Catherine Miller (eViP Virtual Patient)
This is the story about a Virtual Patient called Catherine Miller. She is a 5 month old girl who is brought into the Emergency Department by her Father with a high temperature. As you progress through the case you have to interpret the examination findings and then investigations to reach a diagnosis and then formulate a management plan. The potential long term complications of the diagnosis are also discussed.This is the story about a Virtual Patient called Catherine Miller. She is a 5 month old girl who is brought into the Emergency Department by her Father with a high temperature. As you progress through the case you have to interpret the examination findings and then investigations to reach a diagnosis and then formulate a management plan. The potential long term complications of the diagnosis are also discussed.
h3 The Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosish3 The Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis
This learning material is about the life cycle of a cell and the series of stages by which genetic materials are duplicated and partitioned to produce two daughter cells with the same genetic component as the parent cell. This learning material is about the life cycle of a cell and the series of stages by which genetic materials are duplicated and partitioned to produce two daughter cells with the same genetic component as the parent cell.
h3 Critical Reflection (online version)h3 Critical Reflection (online version)
This resource is aimed primarily at students in healthcare practice to get them to reflect on their experiences and practice. The package explores the meaning and process of critical reflection, described by one author as "the process of looking back on what has been done and pondering on it and learning lessons from what did or did not work". The package has sections on areas such as Reflective Models (Gibbs, Johns, Driscoll), Self-assessment Tools, Practical Skills, and many other topics.This resource is aimed primarily at students in healthcare practice to get them to reflect on their experiences and practice. The package explores the meaning and process of critical reflection, described by one author as "the process of looking back on what has been done and pondering on it and learning lessons from what did or did not work". The package has sections on areas such as Reflective Models (Gibbs, Johns, Driscoll), Self-assessment Tools, Practical Skills, and many other topics.
h3 Crossword - Introduction to Receptor Pharmacologyh3 Crossword - Introduction to Receptor Pharmacology
This Learning resource is one of a series of Pharmacology titles released as part of a clinical Skills mini-project. The learning material uses a crossword to assess your knowledge on the different receptor types and how drugs interact with them.This Learning resource is one of a series of Pharmacology titles released as part of a clinical Skills mini-project. The learning material uses a crossword to assess your knowledge on the different receptor types and how drugs interact with them.
h3 Determining the importance of clinical trial resultsh3 Determining the importance of clinical trial results
This learning material demonstrates how to interpret and use clinical trial data (ARR, RRR, NNT, NNH, and confidence intervals) in practice.This learning material demonstrates how to interpret and use clinical trial data (ARR, RRR, NNT, NNH, and confidence intervals) in practice.
h3 Developmental Geneticsh3 Developmental Genetics
By the end of this material you would have learnt about: The way in which genes control the growth and development of an organism throughout its life-cycle. The processes involved in creating an organism from a single cell.By the end of this material you would have learnt about: The way in which genes control the growth and development of an organism throughout its life-cycle. The processes involved in creating an organism from a single cell.
h3 Dissertation Handbook 2008-9h3 Dissertation Handbook 2008-9
A detailed guide to producing a dissertation in health promotion/public health for the 2008/9.A detailed guide to producing a dissertation in health promotion/public health for the 2008/9.
h3 Dissertation: Making Sense out of all that Quantitative Datah3 Dissertation: Making Sense out of all that Quantitative Data
This is one of a series of audio podcasts that provides advice and guidance for several of the stages of the dissertation process. This OER discusses some hints and tips on writing-up the quantitative data to aid the creation of concise, interesting and relevant results.This is one of a series of audio podcasts that provides advice and guidance for several of the stages of the dissertation process. This OER discusses some hints and tips on writing-up the quantitative data to aid the creation of concise, interesting and relevant results.
h3 h3 DNA Genes and Chromosomes
 By the end of this learning material you would have learnt about the components of a DNA and the process of DNA replication, gene types and sequencing and the structural properties of a chromosome.
 h3 Electrotherapy in Physiotherapy - Interferential
 h3 Electrotherapy in Physiotherapy - Pulsed Shortwave Diathermy
 h3 Electrotherapy in Physiotherapy - Ultrasound
 h3 Elements that make up the human body
 Introducing the periodic table of elements, and identifying the major elements involved in the human body and their roles.
 h3 Ethics and Midwifery Research
 A power point presentation providing a lecture and activities that will look at the orgins of modern ethical thinking. It describes the system of ethical governance in the UK and looks to introduce the main ethical research issues and explore some of the dilemmas that researchers face.
 h3 Evaluation techniques
 This is a module framework. It can be viewed online or downloaded as a zip file. As taught in Autumn Semester 2009/10 The 'Evaluation Techniques' module is one of the core modules taught on the Masters in Public Health which is offered by the Division of Epidemiology and Public Health at The University of Nottingham.
 h3 Finding and Appraising the Evidence
 The ability to find and appraise published research is fundamental in our ability to provide effective and efficient healthcare. These modules take you through the process of how to find the evidence and then understand how to assess the validity and reliability of the research found. Online interactive learning resource from HealthKnowledge website, for Public Health practitioners, healthcare workers and all those wishing to increase their public health skills.
 h3 Florian (eViP Virtual Patient)
 This is a story of a Virtual Patient called Florian. He is a baby born prematurely at 34 weeks gestation and you are responsible for his management at delivery and beyond as you progress through the case. Your decisions will determine the outcome and you will need to make a diagnosis and decide on management including ventilation of the baby and associated complications.
 h3 Foundations in evidence based practice
 This is a module framework. It can be viewed online for downloaded as a zip file. As taught in Spring Semester 2010. This module is taught on the Diploma/BSc in Nursing and covers an introduction to evidence-based practice; the nature of evidence; an introduction to the research process; reflective thinking and writing; portfolio development skills; searching/accessing information/literature; summarising literature; referencing literature sources; reviewing literature; an introduction to law and ethics and their links with evidence-based practice; an introduction to accountability and evidence-based practice.
 h3 Gateways to Health
 h3 Gene Expression and Regulation
 By the end of this learning material you would have learnt about: The process by which the genetic code directs protein synthesis to produce the structures of a cell The cellular processes that control the rate and manner of gene expression.
 h3 Genomics and the Human Genome Project
 By the end of this material you should have learnt about: The genome of an organism i.e. the structure and function of an organism's genetic material; The purpose and function of the human genome project.
 h3 Global Perspectives in Public health and Health Promotion
 9 Powerpoint slide sequences based on MSc lectures from a global prespecitves module that, adoting a social science perspective, explores the trends, issues and context of global public Health and Health Promotion.
 h3 Haemagglutination-inhibition Assay
 Animated tutorial on haemaggutination-inhibition assay for the presence of specific antiviral antibody in serum. Audio commentary.
 h3 Hand hygiene
 Aimed at healthcare practitioners, this learning object describes why hand hygiene is so important in a healthcare setting, then uses video clips to demonstrate correct, and incorrect, hand washing techniques.