Version 1
(modified: 15 July 2010 6:10:30 PM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
Version 2
(modified: 15 July 2010 6:19:35 PM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
h1 Available Open and Free Coursesh1 Available Open and Free Courses
h1 Biochemistryh1 Biochemistry
h2 Overviewh2 Overview
- Structural features of proteins and nucleic acids.- Structural features of proteins and nucleic acids.
- Non-linear (allosteric) behavior of proteins.- Non-linear (allosteric) behavior of proteins.
- Technological uses of immunogloblins.- Technological uses of immunogloblins.
- Biochemical catalysts (enzymes).- Biochemical catalysts (enzymes).
- Rational design of enzyme inhibitors and drugs.- Rational design of enzyme inhibitors and drugs.
- Energy generating metabolic pathways and their regulation.- Energy generating metabolic pathways and their regulation.
- Production of proteins using modern recombinant DNA techniques.- Production of proteins using modern recombinant DNA techniques.
 h2 Content Outline
 h3 Introduction
 - Functional groups
 - Molecular forces
 - Water structure and hydrogen bonds
 h3 Acids and Buffers
 - Acid-base behaviour
 - Effect of pH on charge
 - Buffers
 h3 Protein Structure
 - Amino acids
 - Structural Hierarchy
 - Protein stability
 - Case study: Immunoglobulins and Drug detoxification
 h3 Binding & Allosteric Effects
 - Quantitative analysis of ligand binding
 - Case study: Oxygen transport
 - Allosteric effects and Cooperative binding
 h3 Enzymes
 - Catalysts
 - Case Study: Serine proteases
 - Enzyme kinetics and inhibitors
 - Case Study: HIV protease inhibitors
 h3 Protein Purification
 - Purification methods
 - Determination of Quaternary structure
 - Structure determination by X-ray diffraction
 h3 Carbohydrates
 - Mono- and disaccharides
 - Polysaccharides
 h3 Lipids
 - Fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids
 - Biological membranes
 - Case study: Ion channels
 h3 Metabolism
 - Energetics - Gibbs free energy
 - Central pathways in energy generation
 - Oxidation of lipids
 - Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism
 h3 DNA
 - Nucleic acid structure and stability
 - DNA-protein interactions
 - DNA polymerases
 - PCR and DNA sequencing
 - Properties of expression vectors
 - Control of mRNA synthesis in prokaryotes
 - Control of protein synthesis in prokayrotes
 - Expression of recombinant proteins
 - DNA replication