Version 4
(modified: 28 April 2010 11:15:30 AM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
Version 13
(modified: 29 April 2010 9:55:44 AM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
h1 __Topics of Interest:__h1 __Topics of Interest:__
h2 __Cell Biology__h2 __Cell Biology__
__Course Description:____Course Description:__
Cell Biology is to acquaint the undergraduates with the basic knowledge, concepts and fundamental theories of cell structure, function, and the molecular mechanisms of life activities at the level of molecules, sub-cells and cells, as well as the brief history and most advanced fields of the subject being taught. This course include topics: review of cell biology and its researching methods, biomembrane system, genetic information carrier and expression system, cytoskeleton, and cell proliferation, differentiation and cell senescence and apoptosis. All the teaching contents are finished within 51 periods in one semester. Cell Biology is to acquaint the undergraduates with the basic knowledge, concepts and fundamental theories of cell structure, function, and the molecular mechanisms of life activities at the level of molecules, sub-cells and cells, as well as the brief history and most advanced fields of the subject being taught. This course include topics: review of cell biology and its researching methods, biomembrane system, genetic information carrier and expression system, cytoskeleton, and cell proliferation, differentiation and cell senescence and apoptosis. All the teaching contents are finished within 51 periods in one semester.
__Online Course Contents:____Online Course Contents:__
__Chapter 1: Introduction__Chapter 1: Introduction
1.About Cell BiologyChapter 2: Techniques in Cell Biology
2.Look briefly at the history of cell theoryChapter 3: Biomembranes: Their Structure, Chemistry and Functions
3.Why are cells the basic units of life?Chapter 4: Extracelldtar matrix, Cell junction and cell adhension
A.The cell is the structural unit of life, All organisms is make up of cellsChapter 5: The Movement of Substances Across Cell Membranes
B.The cell is the functional unit of organisms. All metabolic activity is based on cellsChapter 6: Cell Signaddng
C.The cell is the foundation of reproduce, and the bridge of inheritance 
D.The cell is the growing and developing basis of lifeChapter 7: Endomembrane system, Protein Sorting and membrane trafficking
E.Cell (nucleus) is totipotent, which can create a new organism of the same typeChapter 8: Energy Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
4.Basic properties of cellsChapter 9: Nucleus and Chromosomes
A.Cells are highly complex and organized, capable of self-regulation;Cells acquire and utilize energy. Chapter 10: Cytoskeleton System
B.All cells share similar structure,composition and metabolic featuresChapter 11: Cell proddferation and its regdtation
 Chapter 12: Cell differentiation and Cancer cells
 Chapter 13: Cell senescence and apoptosis
 h2 __Medicine__
 __Topics Covered:__
 h3 __Diagnosis:__
 __Online Course Contents:__
C.Cells can capable of producing more of themselves, even grow and reproduce in culture for extended periods Introduction to Diagnostics, by Professor Wan Xuehong.
 __Physical Examination__
 Physical Examination of the Head and Neck
 Chest Examination
 Cardiovascular Examination
 Abdomen Examination
 Pelvic Examination
 Neurological Examination
 History and Physical Examination of the Orthopaedic Patient
 __Auxiliary Examination__
 i) Blood Routine Test
 ii) Electrocardiogram
 Chapter 1 Introductory Principles
 Chapter 2 Basic ECG Wave
 Chapter 3 ECG Leads
 Chapter 4 The Normal ECG
 Chapter 5 Electrical Axis and Axis Deviation
 Bone Marrow Examination
 Hemostasis and coagulation
 Disorders of Lipid Metabolism
 Liver Function
 Renal Function
D.Cells are able to respond to stimuli via surface receptors that sense changes in the chemical environment h3 __Internal Medicine:__
5.The Size of Cells__Online Course Contents:__
6.Two fundamentally different classes of cells: __Disease of Respiratory System__
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes Bronchial asthma
A.Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are distinguished by the size and the types of internal structures, or organelles, especially if there is nuclear envelope Chronic Bronchitis and Obstructive Emphysema.
B.Characteristics that distinguish prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
C.Three structural systems in EukaryotesRespiratory Failure
 __Disease of Cardiovascular System__
 Valvular Heart Disease
7.Types of Prokaryotic Cells: Two Subkingdoms Cardiomyopathies
8.Viruses Heart Failure
A.Viruses are pathogens first described in the late 1800sCardiac Arrhythmias
B.Viral structureHypertension
C.Viral infection typesCoronary Artery Disease
 __Disease of Digestive System__
D.Viral originsCirrhosis of the Liver
__Chapter 2: Techniques in Cell Biology__Acute Pancreatitis
1.The Light MicroscopyAbdominal Tuberculosis
 __Disease of Urinary System__
A.Preparation of specimenAcute Poisoning
B.Resolution and magnificationPesticide Poisoning
C.Special Light MicroscopesNephrotic Syndrome
2.Transmission Electron MicroscopyUrinary Tract Infection
 Chronic Renal Failure
A.The comparison of the lens systems of LM and TEM__Hematology Disease__
B.Specimen Preparation for Electron Microscopy The Introduction to Leukemia and Acute Leukemia
 Anemia Part 1 Part 2
3.Scanning electron microscope (SEM) Hemolytic Anemia
 Hemorrhagic Diseases, by Professor Yang Yiming.
4.The Fractionation and analysis for cell’s contentsIdiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, by Professor Yang Yiming.
A.The technique of differential centrifugationChronic Myeloid Leukemia, by Professor Yang Yiming.
B.Subsequent purification by Density-Gradient Equilibrium Centrifugation 
C.Isolation, purification, and fractionation of proteins 
D.Determining Protein-Protein Interaction 
E.Localization of a specific protein by immuno-electron microscopy Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, by Professor Yang Yiming.
 __Rheumatic Diseases__
F.Nucleic acid hybridizationGeneral introduction of Rheumatic disease
 __Endocrine System Disease__
5.Protein structure determinationHyperthyroidism
A.X-ray CrystallographyDiabetes Mellitus
B.Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopyh3 __Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery__:
6.The techniques for cytochemistry 
A.Microspectrophotometry__Course Description__:
 Otolaryngology is a regional specialty, involving both medical and surgical management of problems in the head and neck. The term otorhinolaryngology is derived from the Greek words for ear, nose and larynx, and the abbreviated term "ENT" has been commonly used for many years. This appellation does not fully reflect the scope of a discipline which is concerned with disorders of face, ears, oral cavity and pharynx, upper respiratory tract, neck, and even certain intracranial tumors. For this reason, "Head and Neck Surgery" was added to the official title.
 An understanding of head and neck anatomy, physiology, and pathology is necessary to manage diverse disorders of head and neck structures and diagnose and manage the diseases of sinuses, larynx oral cavity, upper pharynx, neck and face,including infectious diseases, benign and malignant tumors, facial trauma, congenital deformities, cosmetic plastic and reconstructive surgery.
 Teaching of otolaryngology at the medical student level has two primary goals. The first is to ensure that all medical school graduates have a firm grasp of basic principles related to the specialty: the recognition and treatment of common disorders of the head and neck, the initial management of head and neck emergencies, and indications for specialist referral. The second goal is to provide sufficient exposure to the specialty to assist in informed career planning.
B.Flow Cytometry h3 __Pharmacy Administration__:
7.Autoradiograph of LM and TEM__Course Description__:
 The general purpose of this course is to enable the students to be knowledge with the pharmacy environment in which he’ll work, to be familiarized with the social role of pharmacy and pharmacist, to realize the ethical responsibilities he’ll take, to know, to grasp, to obey all the codes of pharmacy practice, is to enable the students to be a well-prepared phamacy professioners. Therefore, this course will concentrate on introducing and elaborating every facet of the pharmacy practice codes. The basic instruction of this course includes two part: the basic principles of legal and ethical responsibilities to which a pharmacist is subject in the preformance of his professional funcition; and the specific requirements of applicable statutes and codes of every specific pharmacy prefession. There will be lectures, electives, and pharmacy practice involved in this course.
8.The Cell’s cultures and Cell’s engineering __Online Course Contents__:
A.Primary culture cell and subculture cellPreface
B.Cell strain and Cell line Introduction
C.Cell’s engineering  
D.The technique for the take apart and gather up of cell, and microscope manipulation National drug policies & drug administration
Chapter 3: Biomembranes: Their Structure, Chemistry and Functions Pharmacy, pharmacist & pharmacy ethics
Chapter 4: Extracelldtar matrix, Cell junction and cell adhensionPharmaceutical affair constitution
Chapter 5: The Movement of Substances Across Cell MembranesLegislation of drug administration
Chapter 6: Cell SignaddngAdministration of drugs registration
Chapter 7: Endomembrane system, Protein Sorting and membrane traffickingAdministration of drugs under special control
Chapter 8: Energy Generation in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Administration of traditional Chinese drug
Chapter 9: Nucleus and ChromosomesAdministration of drug information
Chapter 10: Cytoskeleton SystemPharmaceutical industry & GMP
Chapter 11: Cell proddferation and its regdtationPharmaceutical marketing & administration of drug distribution
Chapter 12: Cell differentiation and Cancer cellsAdministration of health system pharmacy
Chapter 13: Cell senescence and apoptosis Protection of medicine Intellectual Property