Version 2
(modified: 15 July 2010 6:19:35 PM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
Version 3
(modified: 15 July 2010 6:26:33 PM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
h1 Available Open and Free Coursesh1 Available Open and Free Courses
h1 Biochemistryh1 Biochemistry
h2 Overviewh2 Overview
- Structural features of proteins and nucleic acids.- Structural features of proteins and nucleic acids.
- Non-linear (allosteric) behavior of proteins.- Non-linear (allosteric) behavior of proteins.
- Technological uses of immunogloblins.- Technological uses of immunogloblins.
- Biochemical catalysts (enzymes).- Biochemical catalysts (enzymes).
- Rational design of enzyme inhibitors and drugs.- Rational design of enzyme inhibitors and drugs.
- Energy generating metabolic pathways and their regulation.- Energy generating metabolic pathways and their regulation.
- Production of proteins using modern recombinant DNA techniques.- Production of proteins using modern recombinant DNA techniques.
h2 Content Outlineh2 Content Outline
h3 Introductionh3 Introduction
- Functional groups- Functional groups
- Molecular forces- Molecular forces
- Water structure and hydrogen bonds- Water structure and hydrogen bonds
h3 Acids and Buffers h3 Acids and Buffers
- Acid-base behaviour- Acid-base behaviour
- Effect of pH on charge- Effect of pH on charge
- Buffers- Buffers
h3 Protein Structureh3 Protein Structure
- Amino acids- Amino acids
- Structural Hierarchy- Structural Hierarchy
- Protein stability- Protein stability
- Case study: Immunoglobulins and Drug detoxification- Case study: Immunoglobulins and Drug detoxification
h3 Binding & Allosteric Effectsh3 Binding & Allosteric Effects
- Quantitative analysis of ligand binding- Quantitative analysis of ligand binding
- Case study: Oxygen transport- Case study: Oxygen transport
- Allosteric effects and Cooperative binding- Allosteric effects and Cooperative binding
h3 Enzymesh3 Enzymes
- Catalysts- Catalysts
- Case Study: Serine proteases- Case Study: Serine proteases
- Enzyme kinetics and inhibitors- Enzyme kinetics and inhibitors
- Case Study: HIV protease inhibitors- Case Study: HIV protease inhibitors
h3 Protein Purificationh3 Protein Purification
- Purification methods- Purification methods
- Determination of Quaternary structure- Determination of Quaternary structure
- Structure determination by X-ray diffraction- Structure determination by X-ray diffraction
h3 Carbohydratesh3 Carbohydrates
- Mono- and disaccharides- Mono- and disaccharides
- Polysaccharides- Polysaccharides
h3 Lipidsh3 Lipids
- Fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids- Fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids
- Biological membranes- Biological membranes
- Case study: Ion channels- Case study: Ion channels
h3 Metabolismh3 Metabolism
- Energetics - Gibbs free energy- Energetics - Gibbs free energy
- Central pathways in energy generation- Central pathways in energy generation
- Oxidation of lipids- Oxidation of lipids
- Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism- Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism
h3 DNAh3 DNA
- Nucleic acid structure and stability- Nucleic acid structure and stability
- DNA-protein interactions- DNA-protein interactions
- DNA polymerases- DNA polymerases
- PCR and DNA sequencing- PCR and DNA sequencing
- Properties of expression vectors- Properties of expression vectors
- Control of mRNA synthesis in prokaryotes- Control of mRNA synthesis in prokaryotes
- Control of protein synthesis in prokayrotes- Control of protein synthesis in prokayrotes
- Expression of recombinant proteins- Expression of recombinant proteins
- DNA replication- DNA replication
 h1 Modern Biology
 h2 Course Description
 This introductory course in "Modern Biology" covers topics found in the fields of cellular biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and genetics. It does not cover organismal biology or taxonomy. This course is a requirement for biology majors at Carnegie Mellon University. The course is carefully planned to provide the background biology students will need for advanced biology classes. Non-biology majors will also find this course useful as it explains many of the concepts and techniques currently discussed in the popular press.
 This Modern Biology course is built around six Key Concepts that provide unifying explanations for how and why structures are formed and processes occur throughout your study of biology. Because it is not possible to cover the breadth of modern molecular biology in one semester, an understanding of these Key Concepts will provide a basis for extension of your knowledge to biological systems beyond the specifics covered in this course. One of the major goals of the course therefore is for you to not only learn the definitions of the concepts but also learn to recognize when they are operating the process being studied.
 h2 Key Concepts
 - Bioselectivity
 - Energy
 - Equilibrium
 - Ionic State
 - Rate Control
 - Solubility
 h2 Course Structure
 h3 Unit 1: Modern Biology
 h3 Unit 2: Biological Chemistry
 - Atoms, Functional Groups, and Water
 - Equilibrium and pH
 - Carbohydrates and Polysaccharides
 - Amino Acids and Proteins
 - Enzymes and Regulation
 h3 Unit 3: Cell Biology Module
 - Lipids and Membranes
 - Membrane Transport
 h3 Unit 4: Basis of Molecular Biology
 - DNA and RNA
 - DNA Replication
 - DNA Transcription
 - RNA Translation
 - Protein Synthesis
 h3 Unit 5: Metabolism
 - Pathways
 - Energetics
 - Enzyme Nomenclature
 - Glycolysis
 - TCA Cycle
 - Electron Transport and Ox. Phos.
 - Integrated Metabolism
 h3 Appendix: Glossaries
 - Instructions for Activities
 - Tutorial Animations
 - Functional Groups
 - Structure and Function of the Cell Membrane
 - Images of Living Cells