Version 10
(modified: 07 April 2010 12:02:27 PM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
Version 16
(modified: 02 September 2010 10:14:05 AM by Gillian Stevens (t0022212)
h1 Topics Covered:h1 Topics Covered:
h2 Child Health (AMREF)h2 Child Health (AMREF)
Course Units:Course Units:
Unit 1: Introduction to the CourseUnit 1: Introduction to the Course
Unit 2: Integrated Management of Childhood IllnessesUnit 2: Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
Unit 3: Clinical Problem SolvingUnit 3: Clinical Problem Solving
Unit 4: Common Problems of the NewbornUnit 4: Common Problems of the Newborn
Unit 5: Growth and DevelopmentUnit 5: Growth and Development
Unit 6: Health Education, Promotion & CounsellingUnit 6: Health Education, Promotion & Counselling
Unit 7: NutritionUnit 7: Nutrition
Unit 8: AnaemiaUnit 8: Anaemia
Unit 9: ImmunisationUnit 9: Immunisation
Unit 10: MalariaUnit 10: Malaria
Unit 11: DiarrhoeaUnit 11: Diarrhoea
Unit 12: Acute Respiratory InfectionsUnit 12: Acute Respiratory Infections
Unit 13: Common Ear, Nose and Throat ConditionsUnit 13: Common Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions
Unit 14: HIV AIDSUnit 14: HIV AIDS
Unit 15: HelminthiasisUnit 15: Helminthiasis
Unit 16: Oral, Eyeand Skin ConditionsUnit 16: Oral, Eyeand Skin Conditions
Unit 17: Children's Mental HealthProblemsUnit 17: Children's Mental HealthProblems
Unit 18: Common Injuriesand AccidentsUnit 18: Common Injuriesand Accidents
Unit 19: Disabilities and Rehabilitation: Part 1Unit 19: Disabilities and Rehabilitation: Part 1
Unit 20: Disabilities and Rehabilitation: Part 2Unit 20: Disabilities and Rehabilitation: Part 2
Unit 21: Other ConditionsUnit 21: Other Conditions
h2 Communicable Diseases (AMREF)h2 Communicable Diseases (AMREF)
Topics Covered:Topics Covered:
Unit 1: Introduction to Communicable DiseasesUnit 1: Introduction to Communicable Diseases
Unit 2: Principles of Infection Prevention & ControlUnit 2: Principles of Infection Prevention & Control
Unit 3: Travel Medicine In Relation to Communicable DiseasesUnit 3: Travel Medicine In Relation to Communicable Diseases
Unit 4: ImmunizationUnit 4: Immunization
Unit 5: Contact DiseasesUnit 5: Contact Diseases
Unit 6: Sexually Transmitted DiseasesUnit 6: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Unit 7: HIV/AIDSUnit 7: HIV/AIDS
Unit 8: Vector Borne DiseasesUnit 8: Vector Borne Diseases
Unit 9: MalariaUnit 9: Malaria
Unit 10: Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious DiseasesUnit 10: Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases
Unit 11: Diseases of Faecal-oral ContaminationUnit 11: Diseases of Faecal-oral Contamination
Unit 12: Helminthic DiseasesUnit 12: Helminthic Diseases
Unit 13: Acute Respiratory InfectionsUnit 13: Acute Respiratory Infections
Unit 14: MeningitisUnit 14: Meningitis
Unit 15: Tuberculosis and LeprosyUnit 15: Tuberculosis and Leprosy
Unit 16: Diseases of Contact With Animals or Animal ProductsUnit 16: Diseases of Contact With Animals or Animal Products
h2 Counselling for Caregiversh2 Counselling for Caregivers
Unit 1: Introduction to Counselling for Caregivers Unit 1: Introduction to Counselling for Caregivers
Unit 2: Ethical and Cultural Issues in Counselling Unit 2: Ethical and Cultural Issues in Counselling
Unit 3: Behavioural Counselling Unit 3: Behavioural Counselling
Unit 4: Dealing with Child Abuse Issues Unit 4: Dealing with Child Abuse Issues
Unit 5: Dealing with Substance Abuse Unit 5: Dealing with Substance Abuse
Unit 6: Counselling Those Infected and/or Affected by HIV/AIDS Unit 6: Counselling Those Infected and/or Affected by HIV/AIDS
Unit 7: Grief Counselling Unit 7: Grief Counselling
Unit 8: Career and Vocational Guidance Unit 8: Career and Vocational Guidance
Unit 9: Coping with Stress Unit 9: Coping with Stress
h2 Drug Management and Rational Use (AMREF)h2 Drug Management and Rational Use (AMREF)
Introduction to the CourseIntroduction to the Course
Unit 1: Policies and Drug ControlUnit 1: Policies and Drug Control
Unit 2: Selection of MedicinesUnit 2: Selection of Medicines
Unit 3: Procurement and Medicine Quality Unit 3: Procurement and Medicine Quality
Unit 4: Distribution of MedicinesUnit 4: Distribution of Medicines
Unit 5: Rational Drug UseUnit 5: Rational Drug Use
Unit 6: Organization and Management of Drug SupplyUnit 6: Organization and Management of Drug Supply
h2 Integrated HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care (AMREF) h2 Integrated HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care (AMREF)
Topics Covered:Topics Covered:
Introduction to the CourseIntroduction to the Course
Unit 1: Introduction to HIV/AIDSUnit 1: Introduction to HIV/AIDS
Unit 1: Assignment 
Unit 2: Clinical Laboratory in Diagnosis & Treatmentof HIV/AIDSUnit 2: Clinical Laboratory in Diagnosis & Treatmentof HIV/AIDS
Unit 2: Assignment 
Unit 3: Counselling and Psychological Support in HIV/AIDSUnit 3: Counselling and Psychological Support in HIV/AIDS
Unit 3: Assignment 
Unit 4: HIV Associated Conditions in Adults & AdolescentsUnit 4: HIV Associated Conditions in Adults & Adolescents
Unit 4: Assignment 
Unit 5: Antiretroviral Therapy in Adults and AdolescentsUnit 5: Antiretroviral Therapy in Adults and Adolescents
Unit 5: Assignment 
Unit 6: HIV in ChildrenUnit 6: HIV in Children
Unit 6: Assignment 
Unit 7: Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission of HIVUnit 7: Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission of HIV
Unit 7: Assignment 
Unit 8: Nutrition and HIVUnit 8: Nutrition and HIV
Unit 8: Assignment 
Unit 9: Prevention of HIVUnit 9: Prevention of HIV
Unit 9: Assignment 
Unit 10: Setting Up HIV/AIDS Treatment, Care and Support ProgrammesUnit 10: Setting Up HIV/AIDS Treatment, Care and Support Programmes
Unit 10: Assignment 
Unit 11: Home and Community Based Care of PLWHAUnit 11: Home and Community Based Care of PLWHA
Unit 11: Assignment 
Unit 12: Palliative & Terminal Care of PLWHAsUnit 12: Palliative & Terminal Care of PLWHAs
Unit 12: Assignment 
Unit 13: Commodity Management for HIV/AIDSUnit 13: Commodity Management for HIV/AIDS
Unit 13: Assignment 
h2 Into the Commonwealth and the Millennium with STEP (Surgeons-in-Training Education Programme) h2 Into the Commonwealth and the Millennium with STEP (Surgeons-in-Training Education Programme)
More information to comeMore information to come
Topics Covered:Topics Covered:
Guidelines to the ReaderGuidelines to the Reader
Module 0 - A different orientationModule 0 - A different orientation
Module 1 - Surgical Diagnosis Module 1 - Surgical Diagnosis
Module 2 - Trauma and Resuscitation Module 2 - Trauma and Resuscitation
Module 3 - Preparation for Surgery: Anaesthesia and Abdominal Surgery Module 3 - Preparation for Surgery: Anaesthesia and Abdominal Surgery
Module 4 - Control of Infection: Orthopaedics Module 4 - Control of Infection: Orthopaedics
Module 5 - Surgical Access and Abdominal Surgery Module 5 - Surgical Access and Abdominal Surgery
Module 6 - Fluid Balance and UrologyModule 6 - Fluid Balance and Urology
Module 7 - Post Operative Care: Surgery of the Neck and ThoraxModule 7 - Post Operative Care: Surgery of the Neck and Thorax
Module 8 - Intensive Care: Vascular SurgeryModule 8 - Intensive Care: Vascular Surgery
Module 9 - Evaluation of Surgery: Breast and Adrenal Glands Module 9 - Evaluation of Surgery: Breast and Adrenal Glands
 h2 Learning for MDGs: Online Modules
 Available for download at:
 Module 4: Reducing under-five Mortality Rate by two-thirds
 Module 5: Reducing Maternal Maternity
 Module 6:
 Halt and Reverse the Spread of HIV/AIDS
 Halt and Reverse the Incidence of Malaria and Other Major Diseases
 h2 Malaria Prevention, Control and Management (AMREF)
 Topics Covered:
 Introduction to the Course
 Unit 1: About Malaria
 Unit 2: Clinical Assessment of Malaria
 Unit 3: Severe and Complicated Malaria
 Unit 4: Treatment of Malaria
 Unit 5: Treatment Defaults in Malaria
 Unit 6: Referral in Severe and Complicated Malaria
 Unit 7: Malaria in Pregnancy
 Unit 8: Prevention and Control of Malaria
 Unit 9: Community Based Management of Fever and Malaria in Children
 Unit 10: HIV/AIDS and Malaria
 Unit 11: Counselling and Health Education on Malaria
 Unit 12: Malaria Surveillance
 h2 Management of Drug Supplies
 Topics Covered:
 Course Introduction
 Module 1: The context of drug supply management
 Module 2: Drug policy and the context of control
 Module 3: Health care structure and management
 Module 4: Financing drug supply
 Module 5: Selection and quantification
 Module 6: Procurement & quality testing of drugs
 Module 7: Stock Management
 Module 8: Distribution
 Module 9: Regulation & drug liable to abuse
 Module 10: Human resource management