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Activity 5.3 Creating a personal development plan (Tues-Thurs)

Our learning did not start with this course and it does not end here either. What are your priorities and plans for learning about online facilitation after this course?

Purpose: Creating a personal development plan with a focus on developing your capacity as an online facilitator

Task: Use the Personal Development Plan (PDP) template provided in the Library or this Word version to develop your own personal development plan. Send your draft personal development plan either to the course team via or to a course colleague using email or the private messages tool. Be prepared to respond to draft plans of your fellow group members with words of acknowledgment and encouragement, enabling questions and a few suggestions if you have any. Your role is to assist your colleagues to refine their development plans.

Tools: Private messages tool or email

When: Week 5, Tuesday-Thursday

If you want to think in more depth and bigger about your professional development you can create a Professional Development Plan in 10 simple steps with this system created by Chrissy Scivicque of