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This document introduces the Online Student Administration System namely Campus Solution 9.0 to University of Cape Town (UCT) staff. This system manages applications and student records from the time a person has applied to UCT until the time the student graduates at UCT.
Target Audience
This course targets staff that will access and update student information on the Student Administration system.
Specific Outcomes
- To view student information
- To understand the Student Life Cycle at UCT and its relation to the Student Administration system
- To cover PeopleSoft Terminology, Academic Terms and Course Code Structure.
- Logging into PeopleSoft
- To view grades, unofficial transcripts and the number of students enrolled in a course.
- To view Personal Information, Passport and Visa Permit Data, Accommodation Data and Service Indicators
- To view the database of UCT courses
- To view Student Fee Accounts
- To run useful reports and queries
- To set up User Defaults, add favourites and use the Search functionality
Introduction to PeopleSoft Manual
Introduction to PeopleSoft Videos