Viewing participants in your site

To view your roster, in your site's menubar, click Roster.

Note: If you don't see the Roster tool listed, the site owner may have chosen not to use it. Site owners can add the Roster tool using Site Info; see Adding, removing, hiding, or reordering tools.

Note: If you have appropriate permissions, you can see and edit the list of participants in Site Info; this list may contain information not visible in the Roster tool, such as a student's credits. See Adding, editing, or removing participants.

The Roster tool includes:


The overview provides a list of all site participants. By default, participants are listed alphabetically. A count of participants appears above the table to the right.

To customize the view:

To view a participant's profile, click the person's name. (To edit your own profile, use the Profile tool in My Workspace.)


Site participants can view images (i.e., photographs or avatars) that other participants have set in their profiles. To do so, at the top of the Roster page, click Pictures.

If you have appropriate permission in a course site, you can choose to display Official Photos or Pictures from Profile. You can also choose to Hide Names. (In a project site, you can only see images participants have set in their profiles.) Official photos may not be available at every institution.

Group membership

The Group Membership option will appear in the Roster tool once a group or section is added to the site. To add groups or sections, if you have appropriate permissions, see Managing groups or Section Info.

To see what groups participants are in from the Roster tool, click Group Membership. You can then use the drop-down menu next to "View" to filter users: