Downloadable ManualsThese manuals are for the commonly used software. |
![]() For preparing documents such as essays, thesis, etc. Word 2007: Intro | Adv Thesis Writing |
Windows 7 (video) |
Excel 2007: Intro Excel 2010: Intro |
PowerPoint 2010: Intro |
For creating & managing your projects Project 2010: Intro 1 | Intro 2 | Adv Microsoft Official Academic Course (MOAC) manuals If you are a student, you acknowledge and agree:
1. To only use the MOAC e-Books solely for your personal training. 2. You will only install the MOAC e-Book on a device you own or control. 3. You will not copy, modify, print, transmit, transfer, publish, post, display, link to, forward, or distribute the MOAC e-Book in whole or in part. 4. Your use of the MOAC e-Book titles will also be compliant with any additional terms, conditions or licenses that are applicable to, accompany or are included with the MOAC e-Book title.
The manuals include: |
![]() For creating manipulating & maintaining databases Access 2007 (zip)