Comment and Questions

Long history of noise exposure:
6 Jun 1990 SC: PLH=1,2 PBI=0,0
6 Jun 2002 BL: PLH=9,5 PBI=0,0
6 Feb 2004 SC: PLH=13,1 PBI=0,6

This employee has a long history of exposure to noise. According to the PBI he is not compensatable. According to the PLH he has deteriorated from a PLH of 1,2% in 1990 to 13,1% in 2004 (A shift of 11,9 percentage points). Is this compensatable? No. Earlier audiograms (1990) can not be used as a baseline audiogram. His baseline audiogram (6 June 2002) has a PLH of 9,5%. He will be compensatable at a PLH of 19,5%.