Module 5: Legislation: Hearing Loss and Compensation Lecture - Fine Tuning Our Practical Approach To The New Hearing Conservation Legislation (Continued) |
Establishment of a proper baseline is critical. The procedure for establishing the baseline
- Required by 16 November 2003 or within 30 days of employment.
- Subject must be for 16 hours in a noise free environment - no PPE (and no taxi noise!!) prior to testing.
- The better of 2 screening audiograms is taken (they are not to differ >10 dB at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 kHz).
- If difference > 10dB, audiologist must perform the baseline.
- Audiograms must be obtained at the same sitting.
- The baseline is the basis for future NIHL, and is the valid baseline for life.
- If no baseline done by Nov 2003 the baseline PLH will be considered 1.1% .
Periodic Screening:
Employees must be screened periodically:
- This must be carried out annually,
- after 16 hours noise-free (PPE allowed),
- PLH calculation:
- If PLH >10% from baseline - Repeat
- If still >10% from baseline - Refer to OHMP
- Then for diagnostic, ENT (if > 30 % from baseline) and then to the Compensation Commissioner.
- Deterioration of PLH in workers with PLH <10% from baseline:
- Compare 3, 4, 6 kHz - (>15 dB difference)
- or >15 dB increase at 4kHz only
- or Schilling (good for general pathology, not NIHL necessarily)
- or PLH criteria (but what is arbitrary and what scientific?)
Exit audiometry:
- If you leave noise zone permanently,
- 16 hours noise free (no PPE allowed),
- calculate PLH,
- enter baseline, "pre-employment" (if applicable), exit and PLH onto exit certificate.
Diagnostic Audiometry:
- 24 hours noise free (no PPE);
- Pure tone and bone;
- 2 audiograms - different sittings; same day;
- If more than 10dB difference between audiograms (X3) - try in 6 months again.
- If PLH 10-30% from baseline - OHMP.
- If PLH >30% from Baseline - ENT.
- > 10% from baseline - compensation.
- Percentage disability = ½ x PLH.

Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) - Modules 3 – 5: Occupational Medicine & Toxicology by Prof Rodney Ehrlich & Prof Mohamed Jeebhay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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