Module 5: Work-Related Musculo-Skeletal Disorders - Clinical and Compensation Aspects |
Types of WRULDs:
Type 1:
- Well-defined musculo-skeletal conditions and nerve entrapment syndromes affecting the upper limbs.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, De Quervain’s.
- Relatively clear cut characteristics and established treatment methods.
Type 2:
- Regional Pain Syndrome.
- Widespread dissemination of symptoms between neck and hand.
- Regional allodynia and hyperalgesia ® neural sensitisation and pain.
Classification according to affect on specific tissue:
- Tendon-related disorders.
- Nerve-related disorders.
- Bursa-related disorders.
- Blood vessel disorders.
- Other.
Tendon-related disorders:
- Confusion with terminology.
- Rare condition.
- Inflammation of tendon and tendon muscle (for example, Achilles tendon in conjunction with tendinosis).
- Promote collagen production & reduce paratendon inflammation.
Tendinosis - common:
- Sports Medicine.
- Intratendinous collagen degeneration due to:
- Aging.
- Microtrauma (chronic overuse repetitive movements).
- Vascular compromise.
- Examples: epicondylitis, rotator cuff syndrome.
Treatment of tendinosis:
- Combat collagen breakdown.
- Relative rest for reasonable period.
- Strengthening and graduated loading of tendon (eccentric).
- Facilitate collagen production and maturation ® normal strength.
- Rapid repetitive movements especially of hands and fingers leading to
- inflammation of synovial lining of the tendon sheath, leading to
- inflammation of synovial lining of the tendon sheath, causing
- swelling, causeing pain and resulting in
- restricted movement of tendon in sheath.
- Repeated exposure leasd to increased scar tissue, causing increased pain and decreased mobility and hence decreased strength.
- Examples: Trigger Finger, De Quervain’s.
Nerve-Related Disorders:
- Nerves need to undergo mechanical changes (compression, elongation, cross-sectional changes, etc.) for normal functioning.
- Decreased mechanical changes leading to physiological changes (such as a decreased axoplasmic flow, etc.).
- Dysfunctional nerve, leading to
- Pain.
- Paraesthesia.
- Sensory changes in areas supplied by nerve.
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
- Pronator Teres Syndrome .
- Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.
- Guyon tunnel Syndrome.
- Radial Tunnel Syndrome.
- Anterior Interosseous Nerve Syndrome.
- Posterior Interosseous Nerve Entrapment, etc.
Bursa-related disorders:
Bursa are fluid-filled sacks that protect muscles, tendons and skin from friction against bones during joint movement.
- Overexertion leading to inflammation (bursitis), resulting in swelling & dull, aching pain.
- Examples:
- Olecranon bursitis (beat elbow).
- Subacromial bursitis.
- Subdeltoid bursitis.
Blood-vessel disorders:
- Usually due to vibration or hammering leading to vasospasm and decreased circulation.
- Excessive exposure leadint to decreased circulation + neurological findings (decreased motor function of hand and arm).
- Examples:
- Raynaud’s Phenomenon.
- Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome.
- Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome
Other Disorders:
- Static loading:
- Occurs proximally when repetitive movement occurs distally
- Static loading leading to muscle imbalances and trigger points resulting in pain
- Examples: Tension neck syndrome, myalgia, strains, etc.
- Effect on muscles and joints:
- Problematic to prove objectively.
- Controversial.

Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) - Modules 3 – 5: Occupational Medicine & Toxicology by Prof Rodney Ehrlich & Prof Mohamed Jeebhay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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