Module 5: Basic Concepts in Radiation Physics - Exposure


"Exposure" may have at least two meanings:

Radiation Dose:

The radiation dose refers to the absorption of radiation energy per unit mass of absorber.

Dose Equivalent:
The Dose equivalent refers to the biological damage and resulting risk, from a radiation dose: Dose equivalent = Dose x Quality Factor.

Annual Regulatory Limits:

Regulations dictate the limits to which various individuals may be exposed to ionizing radiation. These are:

Typical Radiation Exposures
Natural background
- annual average dose equivalent (including radon)
360 mrem
Diagnostic chest x-ray 10 mrem
Flight from Los Angeles to Paris 4.8 mrem
Barium enema 800 mrem
Smoking 1.5 packs per day - 1 year dose 16 000 mrem
Heart catheterization 45 000 mrad
Mild Acute Radiation Sickness (acute exposure) 200 000 mrad
LD50 for irradiation (acute exposure) 450 000 mrad

Contamination is simply the presence of radioactive material where it is not wanted. Persons may be contaminated either externally, internally or both. Exposure does not necessarily imply contamination.


ALARA ("as low as reasonably achievable") means making every reasonable effort to maintain exposure to ionizing radiation as far below the regulatory dose limits as practical, taking into account economic, societal and other relevant considerations.

Reduction of External Dose:

This is achieved by:

Reduction of Internal Dose:

This is achieved by:

Creative Commons License
Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) - Modules 3 – 5: Occupational Medicine & Toxicology by Prof Rodney Ehrlich & Prof Mohamed Jeebhay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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