Module 5: Travel Medicine - Question and Exercise

Question: When does a condition acquired on travels become a Workers’ Compensation Case?

Exercise: You are a medical officer of an international oil exploration and production company (OILCOM). Your employees work a 28 day rotation, in other words, they spend 28 days off-shore on a rig and they return home for 28 days. They are working in remote Equatorial Guinea. Most of the workers come from South-East Asia where there has been a recent outbreak of SARS, which you have read about in the newspapers. How would you go about managing this condition, and what steps would you take to control the spread of the disease. (Example of program) (SARS education presentation)

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Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) - Modules 3 – 5: Occupational Medicine & Toxicology by Prof Rodney Ehrlich & Prof Mohamed Jeebhay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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