Module 5: Travel Medicine - Pre-Travel Management


  • Pre-travel Medical checks.
  • Dental checks.
  • Psychological and logistical preparation.
  • Vaccinations.
  • Education and advice.
  • Travel kits.
  • Adequate medication and medical reports.
  • Prophylaxis - medication and condoms.
  • Advisory on arrival.
  • Medical services in host location.
  • Medical evacuation.
  • Medical insurance.
Pre-travel medical:
Inform about precautions regarding:
Prevention and self-treatment:
Provision for medical care abroad:

Creative Commons License
Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) - Modules 3 – 5: Occupational Medicine & Toxicology by Prof Rodney Ehrlich & Prof Mohamed Jeebhay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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