You will find references to readings within the relevant modules on the CD. The reading is part of the examinable syllabus. Exam questions will test application, however, and not memorised detail.

South African legislation  (see the various Sections for links to the web at or follow links on in the contents menu to relevant legislation) where appropriate          

Joseph LaDou. LaDou J. Current Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 3rd Edition. Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2004

Chapter 6: Musculoskeletal injuries

Chapter 10: Hearing loss Chapter 12: Ergonomics and the prevention of occupational injuries

Chapter 17: Occupational infections

Guild R, Ehrlich RI, Johnston JR, Ross MH, eds. Handbook of Occupational Health Practice in the South African Mining Industry, 1st edition, Johannesburg, South Africa, SIMRAC, 2001

Chapter 10: Ionising radiation

Chapter 11: Ergonomics


Other readings referred to in modules:

Jeebhay MF, Alvarez E. Prevention of Biological risks in the workplace. In Elgstrand K, Petersson N, eds. Occupational Health and Safety and Development, 1st edition, Sweden, In press, 2005.

Jeebhay MF. An approach to hazardous biological agents in the workplace - legal provisions and practical considerations. Occupational Health Southern Africa, 8(2), 8-13, 2002.

Creative Commons License
Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) - Modules 3 – 5: Occupational Medicine & Toxicology by Prof Rodney Ehrlich & Prof Mohamed Jeebhay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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