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ppmv mg/m3 MW °C |
= = = = |
ppm by volume (i.e., volume of gaseous pollutant per 106 volumes of ambient air) milligrams of gaseous pollutant per cubic meter of ambient air molecular weight of the gaseous pollutant ambient air temperature in degrees Centigrade |
mg/m3 ppmv MW °C |
= = = = |
milligrams of gaseous pollutant per cubic meter of ambient air ppm by volume (i.e., volume of gaseous pollutant per 106 volumes of ambient air) molecular weight of the gaseous pollutant ambient air temperature in degrees Centigrade |
a Pa C Ca |
= = = = |
altitude, in 100's of meters atmospheric pressure at altitude a, in atmospheres concentration at sea level altitude, in mass per unit volume concentration at altitude a, in mass per unit volume |
MW psia atm kPa 1 atm °R °K °F °C |
= molecular weight of the gas = absolute pressure in pounds per square inch = absolute pressure in atmospheres = absolute pressure in kilopascals = 14.696 psia = 101.325 kPa = absolute temperature of the gas in degrees Rankine = 459.67 + °F = absolute temperature of the gas in degrees Kelvin = 273.15 + °C = degrees Fahrenheit = ( 1.8 ) ( °C ) + 32 = degrees Centigrade = ( °F - 32 ) / 1.8 |
V1 and V2 P1 and P2 T1 and T2 °R °K °F °C |
= gas volumes in the same dimensional units = absolute pressures in the same dimensional units = absolute temperatures in the same units (either degrees °R or degrees °K ) = absolute temperature in degrees Rankine = 459.67 + °F = absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin = 273.15 + °C = degrees Fahrenheit = ( 1.8 ) ( °C ) + 32 = degrees Centigrade = ( °F - 32 ) / 1.8 |
Windspeed |
Incoming Solar Radiation |
Cloud Cover | ||||
Note: Class D applies to heavily overcast skies, at any windspeed day or night. |
1 atm = | ||||||
1 psi = | ||||||
1 kPa = | ||||||
1 bar = | ||||||
1 mm Hg = | ||||||
1 kg/cm2 = |
uz ug hz hg n |
= = = = = |
wind velocity at height z wind velocity at ground station height height z ground station height (usually 10 meters) : a function of the Pasquill stability class and the terrain type (see tables below) |
Table 1 For Use In Rural Terrain |
Table 2 For Use In Urban Terrain | ||
Stability A B C D E F |
Exponent n 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.30 |
Stability A B C D E F |
Exponent n 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.40 0.60 |
ft3 / hr lbs / hr lbs / ft3 |
= = = |
gas volumetric flow rate in cubic feet per hour gas mass flow rate in pounds per hour gas density in pounds per cubic foot |
m3 / hr kg / hr kg / m3 |
= = = |
gas volumetric flow rate in cubic meters per hour gas mass flow rate in kilograms per hour gas density in kilograms per cubic meter |
w |
= |
fraction of the emitted exhaust gas, by volume, which is water vapor |
Cr Cm |
= = |
corrected concentration in dry emitted gas having the reference volume % O2 = r measured concentration in dry emitted gas having the measured volume % O2 = m |
Cr Cm |
= = |
corrected concentration in dry emitted gas having the reference volume % CO2 = r measured concentration in dry emitted gas having the measured volume % CO2 = m |
Combustion Data: | Fuel Gas | Fuel Oil | Coal |
Higher heating value, Btu / scf Higher heating value, Btu / gallon Higher heating value, Btu / pound Molecular weight Gravity, °API Carbon / hydrogen ratio by weight Weight % carbon Weight % hydrogen Weight % oxygen Weight % sulfur Weight % nitrogen Weight % ash Weight % moisture Excess combustion air, % Amount of wet exhaust gas, scf / MMBtu of fuel CO2 in wet exhaust gas, volume % O2 in wet exhaust gas, volume % Molecular weight of wet exhaust gas Amount of dry exhaust gas, scf / MMBtu of fuel CO2 in dry exhaust gas, volume % O2 in dry exhaust gas, volume % Molecular weight of dry exhaust gas |
1,093 18 12 11,600 8.8 2.0 27.7 9,510 10.8 2.5 29.9 |
150,000 15.5 8.1 15 11,930 12.4 2.6 29.0 10,600 14.0 2.9 30.4 |
8,020 47.9 3.4 10.8 0.9 0.6 6.0 30.4 20 13,985 13.5 3.3 29.0 12,130 15.5 3.8 30.8 |
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