Chloralkali Crossword
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1. An ionic solution. Such a solution is able to conduct electricity. 4. An electrode at which oxidation occurs. 5. A site at which the redox reactions of an electrochemical cell occur. Often a rod. 6. A half reaction in which one chemical gains electrons from another chemical. 8. ‘Water fearing'. Repelled by water. 9. A dividing membrane. Made of asbestos in the one of the chloralkali cells. 12. Allows some substances through but blocks others. 13. Germ killer. 15. Salt water. Dissociated sodium ions and chloride ions surrounded by water. 16. Having no distortion in electron distribution. 17. Very reactive non-metals found next to the noble gases on the periodic table. 19. A dense green gas which is useful as bleach and disinfectant. A member of the halogens. 20. Colour-remover. 21. A half reaction in which one chemical looses electrons to another chemical. 22. An electrode at which reduction occurs.
2. A non-spontaneous chemical reaction in which a compound is broken down into simpler component substances as an electric current passes through it. 3. A kind of reaction in which electrons are transferred. 7. An inorganic chemical which is able to make fat dissolve in water. 10. A thin sheet. 11. ‘Water loving'. Attracted to water. 14. A poisonous silver metal which is a liquid at room temperature. 18. Soluble base. Has a pH greater than 7. Tastes bitter and feels soapy.