21. General Prohibitions

1) The Minister may by notice in the Gazette declare --

  1. that no employer shall require or permit any employee belonging to a category of employees specified in the notice to perform work on or in any premises on or in which an activity specified in the notice is carried out which in the opinion of the Minister is an activity which threatens or is likely to threaten the health or safety of an employee belonging to that category of employees, or that no employer shall require or permit any such employee to perform any work on or in such premises otherwise than on the conditions specified in the notice;
  2. that no employer shall require or permit any employee to perform any work in connection with the carrying out of a process specified in the notice which in the opinion of the Minister is a process which threatens or is likely to threaten the health or safety of an employee, or that no employer shall require or permit an employee to perform any work in connection with the carrying out of such a process otherwise than on the conditions specified in the notice; and
  3. that no employer shall require or permit any employee, otherwise than on the conditions specified in the notice, to perform any work on or in any premises where an article or substance specified in the notice is produced, processed, used, handled, stored or transported which in the opinion of the Minister is an article or substance which threatens or is likely to threaten the health or safety of an employee.


  1. The Minister shall, before he publishes a notice under subsection (1), cause a draft of his proposed notice to be published in the Gazette and at the same time invite interested persons to submit to him in writing, within a specified period, comments and representations in connection with the proposed notice.
  2. The provisions of paragraph (a) shall not apply if the Minister, in pursuance of comments and representations received, decides to publish the notice referred to in subsection (1) in an amended form.

3) A notice under subsection (1) may at any time be amended or withdrawn by like notice.

4) A notice shall not be issued under subsection (1) or (3) unless the Minister for National Health and Welfare and the Council have been consulted.

5) A notice issued or deemed to have been issued under section 13 of the Machinery and Occupational Safety Act, 1983 (Act No. 6 of 1983), and which was in force immediately prior to the commencement of this Act, shall be deemed to have been issued under this section.

22. Sale of certain articles prohibited

Subject to the provisions of section 10(4), if any requirement (including any health and safety standard) in respect of any article, substance, plant, machinery or health and safety equipment or for the use or application thereof has been prescribed, no person shall sell or market in any manner whatsoever such article, substance, plant, machinery or health and safety equipment unless it complies with that requirement.

23. Certain deductions prohibited

No employer shall in respect of anything which he is in terms of this Act required to provide or to do in the interest of the health or safety of an employee, make any deduction from any employee's remuneration or require or permit any employee to make any payment to him or any other person.

24. Report to inspectors regarding certain incidents

1) Each incident occurring at work or arising out of or in connection with the activities of persons at work, or in connection with the use of plant or machinery, in which, or in consequence of which -

  1. any person dies, becomes unconscious, suffers the loss of a limb or part of a limb or is otherwise injured or becomes ill to such a degree that he is likely either to die or to suffer a permanent physical defect or likely to be unable for a period of at least 14 days either to work or to continue with the activity for which he was employed or is usually employed;
  2. a major incident occurred; or
  3. the health or safety of any person was endangered and where -

    1. a dangerous substance was spilled;
    2. the uncontrolled release of any substance under pressure took place;
    3. machinery or any part thereof fractured or failed resulting in flying, falling or uncontrolled moving objects; or
    4. machinery ran out of control,

shall, within the prescribed period and in the prescribed manner, be reported to an inspector by the employer or the user of the plant or machinery concerned, as the case may be.

2) In the event of an incident in which a person died, or was injured to such an extent that he is likely to die, or suffered the loss of a limb or part of a limb, no person shall without the consent of an inspector disturb the site at which the incident occurred or remove any article or substance involved in the incident therefrom: Provided that such action may be taken as is necessary to prevent a further incident , to remove the injured or dead, or to rescue persons from danger.

3) The provisions of subsections (1) and (2) shall not apply in respect of --

  1. a traffic accident on a public road;
  2. an incident occurring in a private household, provided the householder forthwith reports the incident to the South African Police; or
  3. any accident which is to be investigated under section 12 of the Aviation Act, 1962 (Act No. 74 of 1962).

4) A member of the South African Police to whom an incident was reported in terms of subsection (3)(b), shall forthwith notify an inspector thereof.

25. Report to Chief Inspector regarding occupational disease

Any medical practitioner who examines or treats a person for a disease described in the Second Schedule to the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1941 (Act No. 30 of 1941), or any other disease which he believes arose out of that person's employment, shall within the prescribed period and in the prescribed manner report the case to the person's employer and to the chief inspector, and inform that person accordingly.

26. Victimization forbidden

1) No employer shall dismiss an employee, or reduce the rate of his remuneration, or alter the terms or conditions of his employment to terms or conditions less favourable to him, or alter his position relative to other employees employed by that employer to his disadvantage, by reason of the fact, or because he suspects or believes, whether or not the suspicion or belief is justified or correct, that that employee has given information to the Minister or to any other person charged with the administration of a provision of this Act which in terms of this Act he is required to give or which relates to the terms, conditions or circumstances of his employment or to those of any other employee of his employer, or has complied with a lawful prohibition, requirement, request or direction of an inspector, or has given evidence before a court of law or the industrial court, or has done anything which he may or is required to do in terms of this Act or has refused to do anything which he is prohibited from doing in terms of this Act.

2) No employer shall unfairly dismiss an employee, or reduce the rate of his remuneration, or alter the terms or conditions of his employment to terms or conditions less favourable to him, or alter his position relative to other employees employed by that employer to his disadvantage, by reason of the information that the employer has obtained regarding the results contemplated in section 12(2) or by reason of a report made to the employer in terms of section 25.

27. Designation and functions of Chief Inspector

1) The Minister shall designate an officer serving in the Department as chief inspector for the purposes of this Act.

2) The chief inspector shall perform his functions subject to the control and supervision of the Director-General of the Department and may perform any function assigned to an inspector by this Act.


  1. The chief inspector may delegate any power conferred upon him by this Act, excluding a power referred to in section 35(1) or delegated to him under section 42, to any other officer or authorize any such officer to perform any duty assigned to him by this Act.
  2. No delegation of a power under paragraph (a) shall prevent the exercise of such power by the chief inspector himself.

4) Whenever the chief inspector is absent or unable to perform his functions as chief inspector or whenever the designation of a chief inspector is pending, the Minister may designate any other officer serving in the Department to act as chief inspector during the chief inspector's absence or incapacity or until a chief inspector is designated.

5) Any person who immediately prior to the commencement of this Act was designated as chief inspector under section 19 of the Machinery and Occupational Safety Act, 1983 (Act No. 6 of 1983) , shall be deemed to have been designated as chief inspector under subsection (1) of this section.

28. Designation of Inspectors by Minister

1) The Minister may designate any person as an inspector (see Integration Regulations section 3) to perform, subject to the control and directions of the chief inspector, any or all of the functions assigned to an inspector by this Act.

2) Each inspector designated under subsection (1) shall be furnished with a certificate signed by or on behalf of the Minister and stating that he has been designated as an inspector: Provided that if his designation as inspector is limited to any particular function or functions, his certificate shall state such limitation.

3) Whenever an inspector designated under subsection (1) performs a function under this Act in the presence of any person affected thereby the inspector shall on demand by such person produce to him the certificate referred to in subsection(2).

4) Any officer who immediately prior to the commencement of this Act was designated as an inspector under section 20 of the Machinery and Occupational Safety Act, 1983 (Act No. 6 of 1983), shall be deemed to have been designated as an inspector under subsection (1) of this section.

29. Functions of Inspectors

1) An inspector may, for the purposes of this Act --

  1. without previous notice, at all reasonable times, enter any premises which are occupied or used by an employer or on or in which an employee performs any work or any plant or machinery is used, or which he suspects to be such premises;
  2. question any person who is or was on or in such premises, either alone or in the presence of any other person, on any matter to which this Act relates;
  3. require from any person who has control over or custody of a book, record or other document on or in those premises, to produce to him forthwith, or at such time and place as may be determined by him, such book, record or other document;
  4. examine any such book, record or other document or make a copy thereof or an extract therefrom;
  5. require from such a person an explanation of any entry in such book, record or other document;
  6. inspect any article, substance, plant or machinery which is or was on or in those premises, or any work performed on or in those premises or any condition prevalent on or in those premises or remove for examination or analysis any article, substance, plant or machinery or a part or sample thereof;
  7. seize any such book, record or other document or any such article, substance, plant or machinery or a part or sample thereof which in his opinion may serve as evidence at the trial of any person charged with an offence under this Act or the common law: Provided that the employer or user of the article, substance, plant or machinery concerned, as the case may be, may make copies of such book, record or document before such seizure;
  8. direct any employer, employee or user, including any former employer, employee or user, to appear before him at such time and place as may be determined by him and question such employer, employee or user either alone or in the presence of any other person on any matter to which this Act relates;
  9. perform any other function as may be prescribed.


  1. An interpreter, a member of the South African Police or any other assistant may, when required by an inspector, accompany him when he performs his functions under this Act.
  2. For the purposes of this Act an inspector's assistant shall, while he acts under the instructions of an inspector, be deemed to be an inspector.

3) When an inspector enters any premises under subsection (1) the employer occupying or using those premises and each employee performing any work thereon or therein and any user of plant or machinery thereon or therein, shall at all times provide such facilities as are reasonably required by the inspector to enable him and his assistant (if any) to perform effectively and safely his or their functions under this Act.

4) When an inspector removes or seizes any article, substance , plant, machinery, book, record or other document as contemplated in subsection (1)(f) or (g) , he shall issue a receipt to the owner or person in control thereof.

30. Special powers of Inspectors


  1. Whenever an employer performs an act or requires or permits an act to be performed, or proposes to perform an act or to require or permit an act to be performed, which in the opinion of an inspector threatens or is likely to threaten the health or safety of any person, the inspector may in writing prohibit that employer from continuing or commencing with the performance of that act or from requiring or permitting that act to be continued or commenced with, as the case may be.
  2. Whenever a user of plant or machinery uses or proposes to use any plant or machinery, in a manner or in circumstances which in the opinion of an inspector threatens or is likely to threaten the health or safety of any person who works with such plant or machinery or who is or may come within the vicinity thereof, the inspector may in writing prohibit that user from continuing or commencing with the use of such plant or machinery or in that manner or those circumstances, as the case may be.
  3. An inspector may in writing prohibit an employer from requiring or permitting an employee or any employee belonging to a category of employees specified in the prohibition to be exposed in the course of his employment for a longer period than a period specified in the prohibition, to any article, substance, organism or condition which in the opinion of an inspector threatens or is likely to threaten the health or safety of that employee or the employee belonging to that category of employees, as the case may be.
  4. A prohibition imposed under paragraph (a), (b) or (c) may at any time be revoked by an inspector in writing if arrangements to the satisfaction of the inspector have been made to dispose of the threat which gave rise to the imposition of the prohibition.

2) In order to enforce a prohibition imposed under subsection (1)(a) or (b), an inspector may block, bar, barricade or fence off that part of the workplace, plant or machinery to which the prohibition applies, and no person shall interfere with or remove such blocking, bar, barricade or fence.

3) Whenever an inspector is of the opinion that the health or safety of any person at a workplace or in the course of his employment or in connection with the use of plant or machinery is threatened on account of the refusal or failure of an employer or a user, as the case may be, to take reasonable steps in the interest of such person's health or safety, the inspector may in writing direct that employer or user to take such steps as are specified in the direction within a specified period.

4) Whenever an inspector is of the opinion that an employer or a user has failed to comply with a provision of a regulation applicable to him, the inspector may in writing direct that employer or user to take within a period specified in the direction such steps as in the inspector's opinion are necessary to comply with the said provision, and are specified in the direction.

5) A period contemplated in subsection (3) or (4) may at any time be extended by an inspector by notice in writing to the person concerned.

6) An employer shall forthwith bring the contents of a prohibition, direction or notice under this section to the attention of the health and safety representatives and employees concerned.

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