1) The Minister may, subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3), by notice in the Gazette declare any work, under the conditions or circumstances specified in the notice, to be listed work.
3) The provisions of subsection (2) shall not apply --
4) A notice under subsection (1) may at any time be amended or withdrawn by like notice.
1) Subject to such arrangements as may be prescribed, every employer whose employees undertake listed work or are liable to be exposed to the hazards emanating from listed work, shall, after consultation with the health and safety committee established for that workplace --
2) Every employer contemplated in subsection (1) shall keep the health and safety representatives designated for their workplaces or sections of the workplaces, informed of the actions taken under subsection (1) in their respective workplaces or sections thereof and of the results of such actions: Provided that individual results of biological monitoring and medical surveillance relating to the work of the employee, shall only with the written consent of such employee be made available to any person other than an inspector, the employer or the employee concerned.
Without derogating from any specific duty imposed on an employer by this Act, every employer shall --
Every employee shall at work --
No person shall intentionally or recklessly interfere with, damage or misuse anything which is provided in the interest of health or safety.
1) Every chief executive officer shall as far as is reasonably practicable ensure that the duties of his employer as contemplated in this Act, are properly discharged.
2) Without derogating from his responsibility or liability in terms of subsection (1), a chief executive officer may assign any duty contemplated in the said subsection, to any person under his control, which person shall act subject to the control and directions of the chief executive officer.
3) The provisions of subsection (1) shall not, subject to the provisions of section 37, relieve an employer of any responsibility or liability under this Act.
4) For the purpose of subsection (1) , the head of department of any department of State shall be deemed to be the chief executive officer of that department.
1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) , every employer who has more than 20 employees in his employment at any workplace, shall, within four months after the commencement of this Act or after commencing business, or from such time as the number of employees exceeds 20, as the case may be, designate in writing for a specified period health & safety representatives for such workplace, or for different sections thereof.
2) An employer and the representative of his employees recognized by him or, where there are no such representatives, the employees shall consult in good faith regarding the arrangements and procedures for the nomination or election, period of office and subsequent designation of health and safety representatives in terms of subsection (1): Provided that if such consultation fails, the matter shall be referred for arbitration to a person mutually agreed upon, whose decision shall be final: Provided further that if the parties do not agree within 14 days on an arbitrator, the employer shall give notice to this effect in writing to the President of the Industrial Court, who shall in consultation with the chief inspector designate an arbitrator, whose decision shall be final.
3) Arbitration in terms of subsection (2) shall not be subject to the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1965 (Act No. 42 of 1965), and a failure of the consultation contemplated in that subsection shall not be deemed to be a dispute in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 1956 (Act No. 28 of 1956): Provided that the Minister may prescribe the manner of arbitration and the remuneration of the arbitrator designated by the President of the Industrial Court.
4) Only those employees employed in a full-time capacity at a specific workplace and who are acquainted with conditions and activities at that workplace or section thereof, as the case may be, shall be eligible for designation as health and safety representatives for that workplace or section.
5) The number of health and safety representatives for a workplace or section thereof shall in the case of shops and offices be at least one health and safety representative for every 100 employees or part thereof, and in the case of all other workplaces at least one health and safety representative for every 50 employees or part thereof: Provided that those employees performing work at a workplace other than that where they ordinarily report for duty, shall be deemed to be working at the workplace where they so report for duty.
6) If an inspector is of the opinion that the number of health and safety representatives for any workplace or section thereof, including a workplace or section with 20 or fewer employees, is inadequate, he may by notice in writing direct the employer to designate such number of employees as the inspector may determine as health and safety representatives for that workplace or section thereof in accordance with the arrangements and procedures referred to in subsection (2).
7) All activities in connection with the designation, functions and training of health and safety representatives shall be performed during ordinary working hours, and any time reasonably spent by any employee in this regard shall for all purposes be deemed to be time spent by him in the carrying out of his duties as an employee.
1) A health and safety representative may perform the following functions in respect of the workplace or section of the workplace for which he has been designated, namely -
2) A health and safety representative shall, in respect of the workplace or section of the workplace for which he has been designated be entitled to--
3) An employer shall provide such facilities, assistance and training as a health and safety representative may reasonably require and as have been agreed upon for the carrying out of his functions.
4) A health and safety representative shall not incur any civil liability by reason of the fact only that he failed to do anything which he may do or is required to do in terms of this Act.
1) An employer shall in respect of each workplace where two or more health and safety representatives have been designated, establish one or more health and safety committees and, at every meeting of such a committee as contemplated in subsection (4), consult with the committee with a view to initiating, developing, promoting, maintaining and reviewing measures to ensure the health and safety of his employees at work.
2) A health and safety committee shall consist of such number of members as the employer may from time to time determine: Provided that -
3) The persons nominated by an employer on a health and safety committee shall be designated in writing by the employer for such period as may be determined by him, while the health and safety representatives shall be members of the committee for the period of their designation in terms of section 17(1).
4) A health and safety committee shall hold meetings as often as may be necessary, but at least once every three months, at a time and place determined by the committee: Provided that an inspector may by notice in writing direct the members of a health and safety committee to hold a meeting at a time and place determined by him: Provided further that, if more than 10 per cent of the employees at a specific workplace has handed a written request to an inspector, the inspector may by written notice direct that such a meeting be held.
5) The procedure at meetings of a health and safety committee shall be determined by the committee.
7) If an inspector is of the opinion that the number of health and safety committees established for any particular workplace is inadequate, he may in writing direct the employer to establish for such workplace such number of health and safety committees as the inspector may determine.
1) A health and safety committee --
2) A health and safety committee shall keep record of each recommendation made to an employer in terms of subsection (1)(a) and of any report made to an inspector in terms of subsection (1)(b).
3) A health and safety committee or a member thereof shall not incur any civil liability by reason of the fact only that it or he failed to do anything which it or he may or is required to do in terms of this Act.
4) An employer shall take the prescribed steps to ensure that a health and safety committee complies with the provisions of section 19(4) and performs the duties assigned to it by subsections (1) and (2).
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