Driven Machinery Regulations, 1988

National Code of Practice for the Evaluation of Training Providers for Lifting Machine Operators

Appendix 1 :Applicable lift-truck standards:

Assessment Criteria for Learner Achievements

1. The following assessment criteria are to be demonstrated by the learner on completion of a course applicable to the lifting machine category Lift Trucks - Refer also to the applicable unit standard(s)

  1. Theoretical knowledge and the safety rules applicable to the lifting machine and the work environment or as found in a typical work environment;
  2. Correctly identify and state the purpose of all controls and main components. Including the completion of a checklist prior to using a lifting machine and state any actions that are required on the discovery of a defect machine and the use of all the lifting machine/equipment controls correctly;
  3. Correctly read and understand the lifting machinelequipment information plates. Be conversant with and able to apply load charts, load centres and de-rating factors;
  4. Have the ability to competently operate the lifting machine correctly, identify, select, pick up, transport and stack the load at various levels whilst passing through an obstacle course without making contact with any of the obstacles;
  5. Show a capability to undertake the correct method of operating on inclines (ramps); and
  6. Prove to be conversant with various types of pallet construction and the storage and retrieval requirements of each type.

Criteria for Learners not achieving outcomes

1. Any learner who does not achieve the outcomes for certification on a designated day, the accredited provider may afford the learner a further opportunity after on-site training and before a further attempt is undertaken.

2. In cases where the outcome/s are not achieved on the second attempt a new assessment date must be set with further appropriate training.

3. In the case of a third unsuccessful attempt to achieve the outcome/s, remedial interventions with the employer must be applied if further attempts are to be considered.

Equipment Requirements:

1. The accredited provider shall ensure that the following equipment is available for the duration of the training and assessment -

  1. A lift machine in good working order applicable to the code, which shall include a load chart and a valid load test certificate in accordance with the Driven Machinery Regulations 18 or original equipment manufacturer specification;
  2. An obstacle course to adequately train and assess the competence of the operator performing the assessment criteria as described above and the requirements of the applicable unit standard. The standard obstacle course used for lift truck operators is found in Appendix 1.2 The practical training area for a lifting machine shall be flat with a minimum size of +/- 300 square metres. Further, it is recommended that the obstacle course area be under cover;
  3. The relevant attachments and equipment (test loads) for the operation of the lift machine. It is permissible for the physical facilities to be provided by the client organisation.

Learning Programme Subject Matter - Lift Trucks

1. The following subject matter, where applicable, shall be included in the learning programme applicable to lifting machines under the category lift trucks -

  1. The identification and knowledge of principle components, functions and operations;
  2. Understand safety rules and best practices applicable to operating environments and emergency situations;
  3. The procedures to conduct pre-operational checks, start-up and shut down operations and the operation of all controls;
  4. The principles and rules applicable to load charts, de-rating, load-centres and capacity ratings and plates;
  5. The hazards and safety rules regarding the refuelling of the lifting machine as applicable to diesel/petrol, electrical supply (battery), liquefied petroleum gas or any other fuel;
  6. The importance and requirement for maintaining lifting machine logbooks and reports;
  7. The standards regarding the manoeuvring of the lifting machine, within the standard obstacle course, confined stacking gangways, and on inclines/ramps;
  8. The practices of determining the mass of different loads, understanding the hazards applicable to the load and ensuring stability during any operation; and
  9. The standards for loading and off-loading from racks at various heights, and into and from trucks and boxcars.

Theoretical Examination for Lift Truck Operators

1. The theoretical examination must consist of a minimum of 40 questions aimed to assess the learner’s achievement of the outcomes of the applicable unit standard.

2. Illiterate or semiliterate learners may be assessed by means of a verbal test in the presence of a witness. The theory test sheet used in such cases is to be endorsed as a verbal test.

3. The format of the theoretical questions is optional, but it is recommended that a combination of YeslNo and multiple-choice questions be used. The requirement for written explanatory type answers is not recommended.

Practical Tests for Lift Truck Operators.

1. The practical test is to be so organised to assess the operator’s competence and proficiency in achieving both the unit standard and assessment criteria standards as set out above. Further, any unique competencies required of the operator should be included in the practical test.

Marking of Assessments

1. Only a registered assessor shall perform assessments.

2. The minimum assessment topicskriterion are set out under the assessment mark sheet, Appendix 7. Each topic/criterion are assigned penalty points for each occurrence of non-compliance or error, which are to be totalled by the assessor to determine the level of competence.

3. The total penalty points earned may not exceed the following -

  1. A maximum of 30 penalty points scored under the pre-start and pre-operational assessment topicskriterion, excluding any critical items; and
  2. A maximum of 50% of the total scored penalty points calculated by 6 penalty points per 1 minute of operational assessment time (driving time). i.e. duration of practical driving of 15 mins the maximum penalty points should not exceed 15 mins * 6 * 50% = 45 or 20 mins *6 * 50% = 60.

4. Learners must demonstrate competence on the critical knowledge (theory) assessment before being allowed to participate in the skills (practical) assessment.

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