Driven Machinery Regulations, 1988

National Code of Practice for the Evaluation of Training Providers for Lifting Machine Operators

Appendix 9: Accredited providers facilities check sheet

PROVIDER: ____________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________

Postal Code: ____________

Managerial Representative: __________________________________

Telephone No: _____________

Learning Programmes Offered Codes Reqistration No.

Course Notes and Handouts available: Yes/No

Facilitator/Assessor Name Course/Codes Reqistration No.
List and Addresses of Satellite or "In House" Centres


Lecture Rooms No ___________________ Size ___________________
Seating ____________________________ Flipcharts_______________
V.C.R.’s ____________________________O/H Projector ____________
Othorator __________________________ Simulator (optional) ________
Plan of Test Area Yes/No

Area for Testing ___________m X ___________m
Noise level ___________ Distractions ___________
Rest Rooms ___________ Ablution Facilities ___________
Access to the above-mentioned Equipment:

Forklift Trucks ______________Cranes ___________
Pallets ____________________Slings ___________
Racking ___________________Chains ___________
Containers_________________ Dummy loads ___________
Ramps ____________________Crates ___________
Dock levellers _______________Steel Sections ___________
Box Cars ___________________Attachments ___________


Attendance Register _________________
Training Records ____________________
Register of Learners _________________

Registration Certificates of Training Centre
Registration Certificates of Facilitators/Assessors
Registration Certificates of Courses
Insurance Indemnity (optional)

Recommendation of Auditor

Signed _______________________ Date _________________
Approved by ___________________ Date _________________
Confirmed with Department of Labour Date _________________
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