Annexure F : Containment for Industrial Processes

[Regulation 16 C]

Group 1 biological agents

For work with group 1 biological agents, including life-attenuated vaccines, the principles of good occupational safety and hygiene should be observed.

Group 2,3 and 4 agents

It may be appropriate to select and combine containment requirements from different categories below on the basis of a risk assessment related to any particular process or part of a process.

The measures contained in this Annexure shall be applied according to the nature of the activities, the assessment of risk and the nature of the HBA concerned.

A. Containment Measures B. Containment Levels
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1. Viable organisms should be handled in a system, which physically separates the process from the environment. Yes Yes Yes
2. Extracted air from the closed system should be treated so as to - Minimise release Prevent release Prevent release
3. Sample collection, addition of materials to a closed system and transfer of viable organisms to another closed system should be performed so as to - Minimise release Prevent release Prevent release
4. Bulk culture fluids should not be removed from the closed system unless the viable organisms have been - inactivated by validated means inactivated by validated chemical or physical means prevent release inactivated by validated chemical or physical means
5. Seals should be designed as to - Minimise release Optional Prevent release
6. Closed systems should be located within a controlled area. optional Yes Yes, and purpose-built
a. Biohazard signs should be posted. Optional Yes Yes
b. Access should be restricted-to nominated personnel only. Optional Yes Yes, via an airlock
c. Personnel should weal protective clothing. Yes, work clothing Yes A complete change
d. Decontamination and washing facilities should be provided for personnel Yes Yes Yes
e. Personnel should shower before leaving the controlled area. No Optional Yes
f. Effluent from sinks and showers should be collected and inactivated before release. No Optional Yes
g. The controlled area should be adequately ventilated to minimise air contamination Optional Optional Yes
h. The controlled area should be maintained at an air pressure negative to atmosphere No Optional Yes
i. Input air and extract air to the controlled area should be HEPA filtered No Optional yes
j. The controlled area should be designed to contain spillage of the entire contents of the closed system No Optional Yes
k. The controlled area should be sealable in order to permit fumigation No Optional Yes
l. Effluent before final discharge Inactivated by validated means Inactivated by validated chemical or physical means Inactivated by validated chemical or physical means
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