Annexure E : Hazardous Biological Agents Regulations

[Regulations 15(2) and 16(a) and (b)]

The measures contained in this Annexure shall be applied according to the nature of the activities, the assessment of risk and the nature of the HBA concerned.

A. Containment Measures B. Containment Levels
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
1. The workplace is to be separated from any other activities in the same building. No Recommended Yes
2. Input air and extract air in the workplace are to be filtered using High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter or likewise. No Yes, or extract air and safe discharge of air Yes, on input and extract air and safe discharge of air
3. Access is to be restricted to authorised persons only. Recommended Yes Yes, via airlock
4. The workplace should be sealable in order to permit disinfection. No Recommended Yes
5. Specified disinfection procedures. Yes Yes Yes
6. The workplace is to be maintained at an air pressure negative to atmosphere No Recommended Yes
7. Efficient vector control, e.g. rodents and insects Recommended Yes Yes
8. Surfaces impervious to water and easy to clean. Yes, for bench Yes, for bench and floor Yes, for bench, walls, floor and ceiling
9. Surfaces resistant to acids, alkalis, disinfectants Recommended Yes Yes
10. Safe storage of a biological agent Yes Yes Yes, secure storage
11. An observation window or alternative is to be present so that occupants can be seen. Recommended Recommended Yes
12. A laboratory is to contain own equipment No Recommended Yes
13 Infected material, including any animal, is to be handled in a safety cabinet or isolator or other suitable container. Where appropriate Yes, where infection is by airborne route Yes
14. Incinerator for disposal of animal carcasses Recommended Yes (available) Yes, on site
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