Vessels under Pressure Regulations, 1996

2. Scope

These regulations shall apply to all users of vessels under pressure : Provided that regulation 3 shall not apply to a boiler , pressure vessel or portable gas container in use prior to 23 October, 1992, and which was designed constructed and manufactured in accordance with regulations in force at that time.

3. Design, construction and manufacture

1) Subject to the provisions of subregulation (2), no user shall use, require or permit the use of any vessel under pressure unless-

  1. it has been designed and constructed in accordance with a health and safety standard incorporated into these regulations in terms of section 44 of the Act;
  2. it has been manufactured under the supervision of an approved inspection authority as contemplated in regulation 17(1)(a) or any other inspection authority outside the Republic recognised by the chief inspector; and
  3. the user is in possession of a certificate of manufacture issued by the manufacturer in which it is certified that the boiler, pressure vessel or portable gas container has been designed, constructed and tested in every respect in accordance with the standard contemplated in subregulation (1)(a): Provided that such a certificate shall be countersigned by the approved inspection authority as evidence that the design of such a boiler, pressure vessel or portable gas container has been verified and that it has been constructed and tested under their supervision in accordance with the said standard.

2) The certificate required by subregulation (1)(c) in the case of a pressure vessel or portable gas container may refer to more than one pressure vessel or portable gas container: Provided that each pressure vessel or portable gas container has the same design pressure and dimensions, and that the product of the design pressure in Pascals and the volume in cubic meters of that vessel does not exceed the figure 500 000.

4. Manufacturer's data plate

1) Every user of a boiler or pressure vessel shall cause a manufacturer's plate with the following minimum particulars to be securely fixed in a conspicuous place to the shell of every such a boiler or pressure vessel:

  1. Name of manufacturer;
  2. country or origin;
  3. year of manufacture;
  4. manufacturer's serial number;
  5. name, number and date of the standard of design;
  6. design gauge pressure in Pascals; (design pressure)
  7. maximum permissible operating pressure in Pascals;
  8. operating temperature;
  9. capacity in cubic meters; and
  10. mark of an approved inspection authority.

2) No person shall remove such a manufacturer's plate or willfully damage or alter the particulars stamped thereon, except as provided in regulation 16(4).

5. Registration of a boiler

1) No user shall commission or use a boiler unless the user is in possession of a certificate of registration issued in terms of subregulation (3) for that boiler: Provided that a boiler registered with the Department prior to the 23 October 1992 shall be deemed to be registered in terms of this regulation:

Provided further that a boiler registered after 23 October, 1992 shall on change of ownership be required to be reregistered.

2) Any user who wishes to use a boiler shall apply to the provincial director for registration of that boiler on a form similar to Annexure 1, prior to such use: Provided that this subregulation shall not apply in respect of the re-erection of a boiler on the same premises.

3) On receipt of an application contemplated in subregulation (2), the provincial director shall forward such an application to an inspector who may issue a certificate of registration in the form of Part C of Annexure 1 in respect of that boiler, subject to such conditions as may be specified on the certificate.

4) A user of a boiler for which a certificate of registration has been issued in terms of subregulation (3) or a certificate issued by the Department prior to the 23 October 1992, shall cause the certificate of registration to be made available for inspection by an inspector or on request by an approved inspection authority or a competent person.

5) The user shall within seven days after the discovery that the certificate of registration has been lost, defaced or destroyed, or any such an occurrence, apply to the provincial director in the form similar to Part A of Annexure 1 for the issue of a duplicate certificate, and affix R100 in the form of uncancelled revenue stamps to such an application. On receipt of such application the provincial director shall submit the application to an inspector who shall issue the duplicate certificate on satisfaction that the original certificate was lost, defaced or destroyed.

6) An inspector may at any time amend, suspend or cancel a certificate of registration issued in terms of subregulation (3).

7) Any user of a boiler shall forthwith notify the provincial director in writing when -

  1. such boiler is no longer in use;
  2. the right of control over the use of the boiler is transferred by the user to any other user, in which case the user shall also furnish the provincial director with the name and address of such new user; or
  3. the user moves the boiler to premises other than the premises reflected on its certificate of registration.

8) A certificate of registration issued in terms of subregulation (3) shall lapse-

  1. when it is cancelled by an inspector;
  2. upon the transfer of the right of control over the use of the boiler to another user; or
  3. when a boiler is removed from the premises reflected on its certificate of registration.

6. Appurtenances

1) No user shall require or permit a vessel under pressure to be used unless it is provided with all the appurtenances as required by the health and safety standard used in the design, construction and manufacture of such a vessel under pressure: Provided that alternative appurtenances other than those required by the standard shall only be fitted with the written approval of the approved inspection authority.

2) In the absence of such a requirement in the health and safety standard used in the design, construction and manufacture of such a vessel under pressure, appurtenances shall be provided as required by the approved inspection authority and those appurtenances shall be so selected, arranged and installed as to be safe for the particular purpose for which the vessel under pressure is to be used.

3) Every user of a boiler or pressure vessel shall ensure that the boiler or pressure vessel in use is fitted with at least one pressure gauge and the maximum permissible operating pressure shall be clearly marked with a red line on the dial of the pressure gauge.

4) Every user of a boiler or pressure vessel shall ensure that the boiler or pressure vessel in use is fitted with at least one safety valve and such a safety valve shall be kept locked, sealed or otherwise rendered inaccessible to any unauthorized person: Provided that the number and capacity of the safety valve shall be to the requirements of the design standard for the boiler or pressure vessel as required under subregulation (2).

7. Automatic controls and indicators

Every user shall ensure that the automatic controls and indicators of a boiler, pressure vessel or pressurised system are arranged, installed, maintained and operated in accordance with the provisions of the health and safety standard used in the design and manufacture of the boiler, pressure vessel or pressurized system: Provided that in the absence of such provisions, where automatic controls and indicators are installed, they shall be selected, arranged and installed subject to the written approval of an approved inspection authority.

8. Access

The user shall cause every boiler, pressure vessel or pressurised system to be erected in such a manner that access to and exit from any chamber, flue, manhole, inspection opening, control or appurtenance is safe and unobstructed.

9. Door Interlocks

Any user of a pressure vessel or pressurised system shall cause every such vessel or system which for operational purposes is equipped with a removable or hinged door to be provided with an interlock or other effective means for preventing -

  1. a rise of pressure inside the pressure vessel or pressurised system before the removable or hinged door is in the fully closed and locked position; and
  2. the release of the removable or hinged door from the locked and closed position before the pressure inside the pressure vessel or pressurised system has been reduced to atmospheric pressure.

10. Portable gas containers

No user shall use or require or permit a portable gas container to be used, and no user shall fill, place in service, handle, modify, repair, inspect or test any portable gas container, other than in compliance with standards incorporated into these regulations in terms of section 44 of the Act.

11. Hand held fire extinguishers

1) No user shall use, require or permit the use of a hand held fire extinguisher unless designed, constructed, filled, recharged, reconditioned, modified, repaired, inspected or tested in accordance with a safety standard incorporated into these regulations in terms of section 44 of the Act.

2) No person shall fill, recharge, recondition, modify, repair, inspect or test any hand held fire extinguisher unless a holder of a permit issued by the South African Bureau of Standards in terms of SABS 1475.

12. Gas fuel use, equipment and systems

1) No person shall handle, store or distribute a gas fuel in any manner, including the filling of a container, other than in accordance with a health and safety standard incorporated into these regulations under section 44 of the Act.

2) No person shall install a fixed appliance, equipment or system for gas fuel in any manner other than in accordance a health and safety standard incorporated into these regulations under section 44 of the Act.

3) No person shall install a fixed appliance, equipment or system for fuel gas as contemplated in subregulation (2), unless such person is holder of a certificate of registration issued by an organisation approved by the chief inspector: Provided that subregulations (2) and (3) shall come into effect on 1 August 1997.

13. Inspection and test

1) Any user of a boiler or pressure vessel shall cause, where reasonably practicable, such a boiler or pressure vessel, including the appurtenances and automatic controls and indicators, to be subjected to an internal and external inspection, and a hydraulic pressure test to 1.25 times the maximum permissible safe operating pressure as the case may be -

  1. by an approved inspection authority before commissioning after installation, re-erection or repairs;
  2. by a person appointed in writing by the user and who is competent to do such inspections and tests by virtue of their training, knowledge and experience in the operation, maintenance, inspection and testing of a boiler or pressure vessel within 36 months from the date of the previous internal and external inspection and hydraulic pressure test: Provided that where a pressure vessel is not subjected to corrosion, the user may dispense with the internal inspection and hydraulic pressure test subject to the written approval of an approved inspection authority: Provided further that an inspector may require a specific boiler or pressure vessel to be inspected or tested more frequently or permit a specific boiler or pressure vessel to be inspected or tested less frequently:

Provided that no person shall perform internal and external inspections and hydraulic pressure tests contemplated in subregulation (1)(b) unless he or she is a holder of a certificate of registration issued by an organisation approved by the chief inspector: Provided further that this proviso shall come into effect 12 months after the publication of this regulation.

2) Any user of a pressurised system shall, where practicable, cause such a pressurised system to be subjected to an inspection and hydraulic test, by an approved inspection authority before commissioning, after installation or re-erection.

3) Any user of a gas fuel system shall, where reasonably practicable, cause the system to be subjected to an inspection and hydraulic test by a registered person in terms of regulation 12(3), before commissioning, after installation or re-erection.

4) Where it is impracticable to use a liquid for the hydraulic pressure test contemplated in subregulation (1), (2) or (3), the test may, subject to the prior written approval of an approved inspection authority, be carried out with a non-flammable gas to a pressure of 1.1 times the maximum permissible operating pressure : Provided that, where reasonably practicable, the test must be preceded by an internal inspection and on such further conditions and precautionary measures as determined by the approved inspection authority.

5) Where an inspection or test carried out in terms of subregulation (1), (2), (3) or (4) reveals any weakness or defect whereby the safety of persons may be endangered, the weakness or defect shall be reported immediately to the user by the person carrying out the inspection or test and the user shall forthwith cease the use of the boiler, pressure vessel or pressurised system until such weakness or defect has been rectified to the satisfaction of the approved inspection authority concerned or the person who carried out the inspection, as the case may be.

14. Record keeping

Any user of a vessel under pressure shall keep on his premises a record which shall be open for inspection by an inspector in which the results of inspections, tests, modifications and repairs shall be recorded, dated and signed by the competent person.

15. Maintenance

1) No user shall use, cause or permit a vessel under pressure or gas fuel system, including all automatic controls, indicators and appurtenances, to be used unless it is at all times maintained in a safe working condition and the efficiency thereof is proved by regular testing.

2) No user shall use or cause or permit a vessel under pressure to be used unless it is kept clean and free from any:

  1. carbonized oil or other inflammable material which may ignite under working conditions;
  2. material which may cause corrosion; or
  3. material which is liable to chemical reaction which may cause an uncontrolled rise in pressure.

16. Modification and repair

1) Any person who intends to modify or repair a boiler, pressure vessel or portable gas container shall cause such modification or repair to be carried out under the supervision of an approved inspection authority, as contemplated in regulation 17(1)(b).

2) Any modifier or repairer carrying out any modification or repair, as contemplated in subregulation (1), shall issue a certificate in which the extent of the modification or repair is described and certify that such work is in accordance with a health and safety standard incorporated into these regulations: Provided that such certificate shall be countersigned by the approved inspection authority as evidence that the design of such modification or repair has been verified and that it has been modified or repaired and tested under their supervision in accordance with the said health and safety standard.

3) Whenever it appears from an inspection or test that a boiler or pressure vessel cannot be used with safety at its maximum permissible operating pressure and the user declines to have the necessary renewals or repairs effected, the user shall ensure that:

  1. an approved inspection authority fixes a new reduced maximum permissible operating pressure; and
  2. that the boiler or pressure vessel is not used at a pressure higher than the new reduced pressure.

4) The user shall cause the reduced maximum permissible operating pressure as calculated under subregulation (3)(a) to be marked on the manufacturer's plate on which the approved inspection authority shall also place its mark and no user shall thereafter require or permit such a boiler or pressure vessel to be used at a pressure higher than such a reduced pressure: Provided that in the case of a boiler the registration certificate together with a copy of the approved inspection authority's report shall be forwarded to the provincial director for correction.

17. Approved Inspection Authorities

1) The chief inspector may approve any organisation that has been accredited in terms of:

  1. SABS 0227 Part 1 to perform the functions regarding the certification of new vessels under pressure, inspections and testing; or
  2. SABS 0227 Part 2 to perform the functions regarding the certification of modified or repaired vessels under pressure, inspections and testing, as an approved inspection authority.

2) Application for approval for an organisation as contemplated in subregulation (1) must be accompanied by a valid certificate issued by the South African Bureau of Standards in terms of SABS 0227 Part 1 and Part 2.

3) The chief inspector may at any time withdraw any approval of an approved inspection authority, subject to the provisions of section 35 of the Act.

18. Offences and Penalties

Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with the provisions of regulations 3.(1), 4, 5.(1), 5.(2), 5.(4), 5.(5), 5.(7), 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twelve months and, in the case of a continuous offence, to an additional fine of R200 for each day on which the offence continues or to an additional imprisonment not exceeding one day for each day on which the offence continues: Provided that the period of such additional imprisonment shall not exceed 90 days.

19. Repeal of regulations and annexures

The following regulations, notices and annexures are hereby repealed:

  1. Notice of the incorporation of the safety standard published under Government Gazette Notice No. R 2357 dated 25 November, 1988;
  2. Vessels under Pressure regulations 1992, Annexure 1 and the schedule published under Government Notice No. R 2919, dated 23 October, 1992; and
  3. Correction notice published under Government Notice No R 78 dated 22 January, 1993.

20. Short Title

These regulations shall be called the Vessels under Pressure Regulations, 1996.

Annexure 1 - Registration of a boiler

The forms are all available in Word for Windows format. See the Forms section for more details.

This is available as VPR-1.DOC.

Incorporation of health and safety standards

Under section 44 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No 85 of 1993), I, Tito Titus Mboweni, Minister of Labour, after consultation with the Advisory Council for Occupational Health and Safety, hereby incorporate in the Vessels under Pressure Regulations, 1996, the health and safety standards specified in the Schedule.

T.T. Mboweni
Minister of Labour


1. Regulation 3.(1)(a)

Australian Standards, standard specifications
AS 1200 Boilers and pressure vessels
AS 1210 Unfired pressure vessels - Advanced design and construction
AS 1228 Boilers: water tube type
AS 1777 Aluminium cylinders for compressed gases - seamless 0.1 kg to 130 kg.
AS 1797 Boilers: Fire tube, shell and miscellaneous
AS 2470 Steel cylinders for compressed gases welded 11 kg to 150 kg.
AS 2527 Cylinders for dissolved acetylene
AS 2873 Carbon-manganese steel cylinders for compressed gases. seamless: 0.1 kg to 500 kg.
AS 2874 High tensile Carbon-manganese steel cylinders for compressed gases,
seamless: 0.1 kg to 500 kg.
AS 2875 Alloy steel cylinders for compressed gases, seamless: 0.1 kg to 500 kg.
AS 2971 Serially produced pressure vessels
AS 3577 Steel cylinders for compressed gases, welded: 150 kg to 500 kg.
AS B10 High carbon steel cylinders for the storage and transport of permanent gases.
AS B11 High carbon steel cylinders for the storage and transport of high pressure liquefiable gases.
AS B12 Low carbon steel cylinders for the storage and transport of medium pressure liquefiable gases.
AS B111 Manganese steel cylinders for the storage and transport of high pressure liquefiable gases.
AS B113 High tensile carbon-manganese steel cylinders for the storage and transport of permanent gases and high pressure liquefiable gases.
AS B114 Ahoy steel cylinders for the storage and transport of permanent gases and high pressure liquefiable gases.
AS B239 Welded steel cylinders for compressed gases of capacity over 10 litres up to and including 130 litres.

Canadian Transport Commission Regulations.
TC 4BA Welded or Brazed cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels.
TC 4BW Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels with electric-arc welded longitudinal seam.

NFE 31-001 Boilers operating with solid, liquid or gases fuels
NFA 49-901 Gas cylinders - seamless steel cylinders for compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases.
NC :1969 French code for the manufacture of unfired pressure vessels: Design rules

German Institute of Standards, standard specifications
DIN 2918 Stationary shell boilers of welded construction. (Other than water tube boilers.)
DIN 4661 Gas cylinders, welded steel gas cylinders, at test pressure 30 atm.
DIN 4663 Compressed gas containers; seamless aluminium alloy cylinders, rated for 250 Bars and 300 Bar test pressure.
DIN 4664 Compressed gas containers; seamless steel gas cylinders.
DIN 4680 Steel fixed size pressure vessels for LPG; For above ground installations, dimensions and equipment.
DIN 28020 Horizontal pressure vessels of 0.63 up to 25 cubic metres capacity.
DIN 28021 Horizontal pressure vessels of 6,3 up to 100 cubic metres storage capacity.
DIN 28022 Vertical pressure vessels; vessels for intermediate storage 0,063 up to 25 cubic metres for use in chemical process engineering.

Technical Rules for Pressure Vessels (TRB), Druckbehvo and all sections
Technical Rules for Steam Boilers (TRD), Dampfkv and all sections

International Standards Organisation, standard specifications ISO 831 Rules for the construction of stationary boilers.
ISO 3807 Dissolved Acetylene cylinder - Basic Requirements.
ISO 4705 Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders.
ISO 4706 Refillable welded steel gas cylinders.
ISO 5730 Stationary shell boilers of welded construction. (Other than water tube boilers.)
EEC 87-404 Directive for the construction of simple pressure vessels.
EEC 84-525 Directive for the construction of seamless, steel gas cylinders.
EEC 84-526 Directive for the construction of seamless unalloyed aluminium and aluminium alloy gas cylinders.
EEC 84-527 Directive for the construction of welded unalloyed steel gas cylinders.
EN 50 052 Cast Aluminium Alloy Enclosures for Gas filled High Voltage Switchgear end Control gear
EN 286-1 Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air nitrogen; Part 1 Design and manufacture of simple pressure vessels.
EN 303-PT 1 Heating Boilers - Heating boilers with forced draught burners -Terminology, general requirements, testing and marking.
EN 303-PT2 Heating Boilers - Heating boilers with forced draught burners - Special requirements for boilers with atomising oil burners.
Luxfer Limited, standard specification
Luxint Luxfer gas cylinder specification: For the manufacture of aluminium cylinders.

Higher Institute for Accident Prevention and Safety at Work (Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzione e la Sicurezza del Lavoro) ISPESL rules
VSR Rules Collection (Raccolta VSR) concerning design rules for pressure vessels.
VSG Rules Collection (Raccolta VSG) concerning design rules for boilers.

Japanese Industrial Standards
JIS B8201 Construction of steel boilers for land use.
JIS B8233 Refillable welded steel gas cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas.
JIS B8235 Refillable welded steel gas cylinders for liquefied fluorocarbon.
JIS B8240 Construction of pressure vessels for refrigeration.
JIS B8241 Seamless steel cylinders.
JIS B8243 Construction of pressure vessels.

British Standards Institution, standard specifications
BS EN 286-1 Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen - design, manufacture and testing.
BS 399 High carbon steel cylinders for the storage and transport of permanent gases.
BS 400 Low carbon steel cylinders for the storage and transport of permanent gases.
BS 401 Steel cylinders for the storage and transport of liquefied gases.
BS 537 Lancashire and Cornish boilers of riveted construction.
BS 609 Horizontal multitubular boilers of riveted construction.
BS 665 Vertical cross tube boilers of riveted construction.
BS 761 Vertical multitubular boilers of riveted construction.
BS 779 Specification for cast iron boilers for central heating and indirect hot water supply. (Rated output 44 kW and above)
BS 1113 Design and manufacture of water tube steam generating plant.
BS 1307 Gas-fired boilers and waste-heat boilers (with or without auxiliary firing).
BS 1894 Specification for the design and manufacture of electric boilers of welded construction.
BS 1971 Specification for corrugated furnaces for shell boilers.
BS 2790 Specification for design and manufacture of shell boilers of welded construction.
BS 3023 Corrugated furnaces and smoke tubes for marine boilers.
BS 4994 Specification of the Design and Construction of vessels and tanks in Reinforced Plastics.
BS 5045 Specification for seamless transportable gas containers. Parts: 1, 2 and 3.
BS 5169 Fusion welded steel air receivers.
BS 5500 Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels.
BS 6061 Specification for transportable acetylene containers.
BS 7005 Specification for design and manufacture of carbon steel unfired pressure vessels for use in vapour compression refrigeration systems.
BS 7122 Specification for welded steel tanks for road transport of liquefied gases.
Lloyds Register, standard specifications
Lloyds Rules and Regulations for the design and construction or use of boilers, pressure vessels, pressurised systems or portable gas containers.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, standard specifications
ASME Section I Power Boilers
ASME Section III Rules for the construction of nuclear power plant components - code for concrete reactor vessels and containments
ASME Section IV Low-pressure Heating Boilers
ASME Section VIII Unfired Pressure Vessels (Divisions 1 and 2)
ASME Section X Fibreglass-reinforced plastic pressure vessels
ASME Part B31 Pressurised piping systems:
Part 1-Power piping.
Part 3-Chemical plant and petroleum refinery piping.
Part 4-Liquid transportation systems for hydrocarbons, liquid petroleum gas, anhydrous ammonia and alcohols.
Part 5-Refrigeration piping.
Part 8-Gas transmission and distribution piping systems.
American Petroleum Institute, standard specifications
API620 Design & construction of large, welded, low pressure storage tanks. United States, Department of Transport Regulations: Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49
DOT 4BW Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels with electric-are welded longitudinal seam. Including DOT 4BA
DOT 39 Non reusable - non refillable cylinder
DOT 8 Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels for the transportation of acetylene.
DOT E-10-320 Welded steel cylinders made of definitely prescribed steels electric-are welded longitudinal seam for the transportation of acetylene.
DOT 4E Welded aluminium cylinders made of definitely prescribed aluminium.
The Association of American Railroads
Section C, Part III - Specifications for Tank Cars, M1002
Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company
HSB-ARS-86 Standard for air receivers.
Tubular Exchange Manufacturers Association, Inc. (TEMA) rules.

South African Bureau of Standards, standard specifications
SABS 50 The design and manufacture of seamless steel cylinders for high and low pressure service.
SABS 099 The construction of air receivers
SABS 219 The design and manufacture of welded steel cylinders for low pressure service.
SABS 220 Dissolved acetylene cylinders.
SABS 1571 Transportable rechargeable fire extinguishers.
South African Bureau of Standards, codes of practice
SABS 019 Portable metal containers for compressed gases: Basic design criteria, use and maintenance.

2. Regulation 10

South African Bureau of Standards, codes of practice
SABS 019 Portable metal containers for compressed gases: Basic design criteria, use and maintenance.

3. Regulation 11

South African Bureau of Standards standard specification
SABS 810 Portable rechargeable fire extinguishers - Dry powder type extinguishers.
SABS 889 Portable rechargeable fire extinguishers - Water type extinguishers.
SABS 1151 Portable rechargeable fire extinguishers -Halogenated hydrocarbon type extinguishers.
SABS 1475 The production of reconditioned fire-fighting equipment.
SABS 1567 Portable rechargeable fire extinguishers - CO2 type extinguishers.
SABS 1573 Portable rechargeable fire extinguishers - Foam type extinguishers.

South African Bureau of Standards, codes of practice
SABS 0105 The classification, use and routine maintenance of fire-fighting appliances. Part 1: Portable fire extinguishers

4. Regulation 12

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, standard specifications
ASME Part B31 Pressurised piping systems: Part 3-Chemical plant and petroleum refinery piping.
Part 4-Liquid transportation systems for hydrocarbons, liquid petroleum gas, anhydrous ammonia and alcohols.
Part 8-Gas transmission and distribution piping systems.
American National Standards Institute
ANSI Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code

South African Bureau of Standards, codes of practice:
SAPS 087 Handling Storage and Distribution of liquefied Petroleum Gas in Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Installations.
Part I: Consumer Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cylinder Installations.
Part II: Installations in Mobile Units and Small Non-Permanent Buildings.
Part III: Bulk Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage and Allied Facilities at Consumer's Premises.
Part IV: Transportation of liquefied Petroleum Gas in Bulk by Road.
Part V: Liquefied Petroleum Gas as Engine Fuel.
Part VII: Retail outlet and similar Liquefied Petroleum Gas Filling Sites for Small Containers.
Part VIII: The Fueling of Fork Lift Trucks and Other Liquefied Petroleum Gas Operated Vehicles.
SABS 1539 Appliances operating on liquefied petroleum gas - Portable and mobile appliances - Safety aspects.



Under section 40 (3) (b) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993), I, Faiza Salie, appointed as chief inspector in terms of section 27 (1) of the said Act, and by virtue of the power delegated to me by the Minister of Labour in terms of section 42 (1) of the Act, hereby grant exemption in terms of section 40 (1) to persons presently occupied with the activities described under regulation 11(2) of the Vessels under Pressure Regulations, 1996, published under Government Notice No. R. 1591 of 4 October 1996, from the obligation of being holders of a permit issued by the South African Bureau of Standards in terms of SABS 1475 for a period of twelve (12) months, from the date of the commencement of the said regulations: Provided that such persons submit a written application for the required permit to the South African Bureau of Standards within six (6) months from the date of this notice.

Chief Inspector