1) The OEL for cotton dust is 0.5 mg/m³ total dust less fly, 8-hour TWA. This figures is not a personal exposure limit but a background air standard determined by using static samplers. This OEL-RL applies to dust from the processing and handling of raw and waste cotton, including blends containing raw or waste cotton, with the following exceptions:
2) Under the HCS Regulations, assessors must satisfy themselves that the assessment takes account of people who work intensively with the material e.g. at bale opening, waste handling, maintenance of dust extraction equipment and cleaning procedures, and who are therefore likely to be exposed to dust.
3) Where the OEL-RL does not apply, exposure should be kept below both 10 mg/m³ 8-hour TWA total inhalable dust and 5 mg/m³ 8-hour TWA respirable dust, determined by a personal sampling method.