1. This Schedule contains guidelines for the constitution of a workplace forum . It is intended to guide representative trade unions that wish to establish a workplace forum, employers and commissioners.
2. This Act places the highest value on the establishment of workplace forums by agreement between a representative trade union and an employer. The role of the commissioner is to facilitate an agreement establishing the structure and functions of a Workplace forum . If agreement is not possible, either in whole or in part, the commissioner must refer to this Schedule, using its guidelines in a manner that best suits the particular workplace involved.
3. For convenience, the guidelines follow the sequence of the paragraphs in section 82 of this Act.
The formula to determine the number of seats in the workplace forum should reflect the size, nature, occupational structure and physical location of the Workplace. A guideline may be-
The formula to determine the distribution of seats in the workplace forum must reflect the occupational structure of the workplace.
There are 300 employees in a workplace. The occupational structure is as follows: 200 employees are manual employees; 50 are administrative and clerical employees; and 50 are supervisory, managerial and technical employees. The six seats may be distributed as follows-
4 seats for members to be elected from candidates nominated from among the manual employees
1 seat for members to be elected from candidates nominated from among the administrative and clerical employees
1 seat for members to be elected from candidates nominated from among the supervisory, managerial and technical employees.
1. The constitution must include provisions concerning the appointment of an election officer.
2. The constitution must set out what the election officer should do and the procedure for an election.
Thirty days before each election of members of the workplace forum the election officer must-
call for nominations for members of the workplace forum.
Any employee may be nominated as a candidate for election as a member of the workplace forum by-
a petition signed by not less than 20 per cent of the employees in the workplace or 100 employees, whichever number of employees is the smaller.
Fourteen days before each election of members of the workplace forum, the election officer must-
prepare a ballot for the election, listing the nominated candidates in alphabetical order by surname.
1. The constitution must provide that the members of a workplace forum remain in office until the first meeting of the newly elected workplace forum.
2. The constitution must include provisions allowing the members to resign as well as provisions for the removal of members from office.
A member of a workplace forum must vacate that office-
if the representative trade union that nominated a member removes the member
The constitution must include provisions governing meetings of the workplace forum.
In a Workplace that is a single place, the meetings with the employees should be with all the members of the workplace forum.
In a workplace that is geographically dispersed, the meetings with the employees need not be with all the members of the workplace forum, but with one or more members of the workplace forum.
The constitution must include provisions governing time off for members to perform their functions.
A member of a workplace forum is entitled to take reasonable time off during working hours with pay for the purpose of-
undergoing training relevant to the performance of those functions and duties.
The constitution must require the employer to provide adequate facilities to the workplace forum to perform its functions.
The employer must provide, at its cost-
administrative and secretarial facilities that are appropriate to enable the members of the workplace forum to perform their functions and duties.
The constitution may provide for the use of experts.
Example:1. Where an employer carries on or conducts two or more operations that are independent of each other by reason of their size, function or organization, the constitution may provide for the establishment of a co-ordinating workplace forum with jurisdiction over those matters mentioned in sections 84 and 86 that affect the employees generally and for the establishment of a subsidiary workplace forum in each of the workplaces with jurisdiction over those matters that affect only the employees in that workplace.
2. Where the employer has a workplace that is geographically dispersed and there are matters that are of local interest rather than general interest, the constitution may establish a Coordinating workplace forum with general jurisdiction and subsidiary workplace forums with local interest jurisdiction.
A bank with a head office may have many branches dispersed around the country. If the branches are not regarded as separate workplaces, the bank may have one workplace forum for all its employees or the constitution may allow for the establishment of a Coordinating workplace forum at head office level and in certain or all of the branches allow the establishment of subsidiary workplace forums that will deal with matters that affect only the employees in those branches.
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