Labour Relations Regulations

1. Definitions

In these regulations, any expression that is defined in the Act has that meaning and unless the context otherwise indicates-

"annexure" means a document attached to these regulations;

"the Act" means the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995); and

"the Constitution" means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993 (Act No. 200 of 1993).

2. Service

Whenever a party is required to satisfy the Commission or the Registrar that a copy of a referral, objection or other document has been served on another party, the party so required must provide the Commission or Registrar with-

  1. a copy of the proof of mailing the referral, objection or other document by registered post to the other party;
  2. a copy of the telegram, telex or telefax communicating the referral, objection or other document to the other party;
  3. a copy of a receipt signed by the other party or on that party's behalf if the copy of the referral, objection or other document was delivered by hand; or
  4. a statement confirming service signed by the person who delivered a copy of the referral, objection or other document to the other party.

3. Subpoenas

1. A subpoena issued in terms of the Act must be served -

  1. by delivering a copy of it to the person subpoenaed personally;
  2. by sending a copy of it by registered post to the subpoenaed person's -

    1. residential address;
    2. place of business or employment; or
    3. post office box or private bag number; or

  3. by leaving a copy of it at the subpoenaed person's residence or place of business or employment with a person who apparently-

    1. is at least sixteen years of age; and
    2. is residing or employed there.

2. A subpoena issued in terms of section 142(1) of the Act must be in the form of annexure LRA 7.16.

3. A subpoena issued in terms of section 142(1) as applied by section 33(1) of the Act must be in the form of annexure LRA 3.10.

4. Witness fees

1. The fee payable to a witness in terms of section 142(7) of the Act is the total of-

  1. R100 for each day or part of a day during which the witness is required to be present at any proceedings; and
  2. reasonable substantiated travel and subsistence expenses incurred by the witness in order to be present at those proceedings.

2. Despite subregulation (1), no witness fee may be paid to a person who, at the time of the relevant proceedings, is employed full-time by the state, or is a member of any legislature mentioned in the Constitution.

5. Access to documents

Any person may inspect any document that the Act permits at the office of the Registrar, in Pretoria, at any time between 08h30 and 12h00 and between 13h30 and 15h30 on Mondays to Fridays.

6. Fees for documents

1. Whenever an employer provides an employee with a copy of a collective agreement, arbitration award, or Wage Act determination in terms of section 204(c)(i) of the Act, the employer may charge a fee of no more than R0.50 for each page of that copy.

2. The registrar may charge the fee shown in column 3 of Table LRA 1 for a service listed in column 2 of that Table.

3. All fees referred to in subregulation (2) must be paid in advance in revenue stamps.

Table LRA 1 - Table of Document Fees
1 - Section 2 - Service 3 - Fee
Any Section Inspecting a document R1
Any Section Copying a document R1
Any Section Providing a certified copy of a document R1 for each copy, plus R0,50 for each page in the document.
25(6) Providing a certified extract of an auditor's report R0,50 for each page in the extract.
71(4) Providing a certified copy or extract from a written representation R0,50 for each page in the extract.
110(2) Providing a certified copy of, or extract from, a document mentioned in s110(1) R0,50 for each page in the extract.
110(4) Providing a certified copy of, or extract from, a document mentioned in s110(3) R0,50 for each page in the extract.
127(7)(b) Providing a certified copy of, or extract from, a document mentioned in s127(7)(a) R0,50 for each page in the extract.
132(6)(b) Providing a certified copy of, or extract from, a notice mentioned in s132(6)(a) R0,50 for each page in the extract.

7. Form of Requests and Applications

1. Whenever a request or application is contemplated in terms of a section of the Act shown in column 1 of Table LRA 2 for a purpose listed in column 2 of that Table, the request or application must be in the form of the annexure listed opposite that section number in column 3 of that Table, and must be produced subject to any conditions listed opposite that section number in column 4 of that Table.

2. The registrar has the power to assign an official to verify from the membership lists the figures furnished in respect of representativeness in an industry or sector.

Table LRA 2 - Table of Requests and Applications
1 - Section 2 - Purpose 3 - Annexure 4 - Conditions
25(4)(b) Conscientious objector requests agency fee to be paid to the Department of Labour LRA 3.1 Agency fee deducted pursuant to the request must be remitted with annexure LRA 3.2
26(8) , applying 25(4)(b) Conscientious objector requests agency fee to be paid to the Department of Labour LRA 3.1 Agency fee deducted pursuant to the request must be remitted with annexure LRA 3.2
29(1) Application for registration of a bargaining council LRA 3.3 1. Submit two copies
2. Must be submitted to the Registrar, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
32(1) Bargaining council requests extension of collective agreement to non-parties LRA 3.5 1. Submit two copies
2. Must be accompanied by a current certificate of representativeness in the form of annexure LRA 3.21
3. Submit to the Minister, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
32(6)(a) Request to extend the period of, or renew collective agreement extended to non parties LRA 3.6 1. Submit two copies
2. Must be accompanied by a current certificate of representativeness in the form of annexure LRA 3.21
3. Submit to the Minister, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
32(7) Bargaining council requests cancellation of collective agreement extended to non-parties LRA 3.7 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to the Minister, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
33(1) Bargaining council requests appointment of designated agent LRA 3.8 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to Minister, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
43(3) applying 33(1) Statutory council requests appointment of designated agent LRA 3.8 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to Minister, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
34(2) Amalgamating bargaining council applies for registration LRA 3.11 1. Submit two copies
2. Must be accompanied by a current certificate of representativeness in the form of annexure LRA 3.21
3. Submit to Registrar, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
38(6) Request for a jurisdictional dispute in the public service to be resolved through arbitration LRA 3.13 1. Proof of service on the other party
2. Submit to the Dispute Resolution Committee, c/o the Commission
39(2) Trade union applies for establishment of a statutory council LRA 3.14 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to the Minister, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
39(2) Employers' organisation applies for establishment of a statutory council LRA 3.15 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to Registrar, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
48(1) Statutory council applies to register as a bargaining council LRA 3.19 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to Registrar, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
58 Council applies for variation of scope of registration LRA 3.22 Submit to the Registrar, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
62(1) Application about demarcation dispute LRA 3.23 1. Proof of service on other party
2. Submit to the Provincial Office of the Commission
69(4) Request to assist parties reach agreement on picketing rules LRA 4.1 1. Send a copy of request to other party
2. Submit to the Provincial Office of the Commission
75(2) Employer applies for maintenance service determination LRA 4.3 1. Proof of service on other party
2. Submit to the Essential Services Committee, c/o the Commission
80(2) Representative trade union applies for the establishment of a workplace forum LRA 5.1 1. Proof of service on other party
2. Submit to the Registrar in the Provincial Office of the Commission
81(1) Representative trade union applies for the establishment of a trade union based workplace forum LRA 5.2 1. Proof of service on other party
2. Submit to the Registrar in the Provincial Office of the Commission
96(1) Registration of a trade union LRA 6.1 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to the Registrar, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
96(1) Registration of an employers' organisation LRA 6.2 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to the Registrar, c/o Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
99(a) List of members to be kept by a trade union LRA 6.5  
99(a) List of members to be kept by an employers' organisation LRA 6.6  
102(2) Application by amalgamating trade unions for registration LRA 6.9 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to the Registrar, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
102(2) Application by amalgamating employers' organisation for registration LRA 6.10 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to the Registrar, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
127(1) Council applies for accreditation LRA 7.1 1. Attach a copy of the certificate of registration, council's code of conduct and the motivation for accreditation to the form
2. Submit to the Governing Body of the Commission
127(1) Private agency applies for accreditation LRA 7.2 1. Attach a copy of the agency's code of conduct and the motivation for accreditation to the form
2. Submit to the Governing Body of the Commission
129(1) Council or private agency applies to amend its accreditation LRA 7.5 1. Attach a copy of the current certificate of accreditation
2. Submit to Governing Body of the Commission
131(1) Council applies to renew its accreditation LRA 7.6 1. Attach a copy of the current certificate of accreditation
2. Submit to Governing Body of the Commission
131(1) Private agency applies to renew its accreditation LRA 7.7 1. Attach a copy of the current certificate of accreditation
2. Submit to Governing Body of the Commission
132(1) Council applies for a subsidy LRA 7.8 1. Attach a copy of the current certificate of accreditation (if applicable).
2. Submit to Governing Body of the Commission
132(1) Private agency applies for a subsidy LRA 7.9 1. Attach a copy of the current certificate of accreditation (if applicable)
2. Submit to Governing Body of the Commission.
132(8)(a) Council or private agency applies for renewal of subsidy LRA 7.10 1. Attach current certificate of accreditation
2. Submit to Governing Body of the Commission
136 Request for arbitration LRA 7.13 1. Proof of service on other party
2. Submit to the Registrar in the Provincial Office of the Commission
137(1) Application to director to appoint a senior commissioner to arbitrate LRA 7.15 1. Proof of service on other party
2. Submit to the Director of the Commission

7A. Form of bargaining council constitution

A bargaining council may adopt a constitution -

  1. in the form of Form 3.24 ; or
  2. in any other form that meets the requirements of section 30(1) of the Act.

8. Form of Certificates or Particulars

1. A certificate issued by the Commission in terms of sections 64(1)(a)(i) , 135(5)(a) or 136(1)(a) of the Act must be in the form of annexure LRA 7.12.

2. Whenever a certificate or statement of particulars is contemplated in terms of a section of the Act shown in column 1 of Table LRA 3 for a purpose listed in column 2 of that Table , the document must be in the form of the annexure listed opposite that section number in column 3 of that Table, and must be produced subject to any conditions listed opposite that section number in column 4 of that Table.

Table LRA 3 - Table of Certificates and Particulars
1 - Section 2 - Purpose 3 - Annexure 4 - Conditions
29(15)(a) Certificate of registration of a bargaining council LRA 3.4 Must bear the official stamp of the Registrar
33(2) Certificate of appointment as a designated agent of a council LRA 3.9 Must bear the official stamp of the Council
42(a) Certificate of Registration of a statutory council LRA 3.16 Must bear the official stamp of the Registrar
49(2)(b) Council submits particulars of representativeness LRA 3.20 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to Registrar, c/o the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
49(2)(c) Certificate of representativeness of a council LRA 3.21 Must bear the official stamp of the Registrar
135(5)(a) , 64(1)(a)(i) , 136(1)(a) Certificate of outcome of dispute referred to conciliation LRA 7.12 Must bear official stamp of Commission, council or agency
96(7)(a) Certificate of registration of a trade union LRA 6.3 Must bear the official stamp of the Registrar
96(7)(a) Certificate of registration of an employers' organisation LRA 6.4 Must bear the official stamp of the Registrar
127(5)(a)(ii) Certificate of accreditation of council LRA 7.3 1. Must include terms of accreditation
2. Must bear official stamp of the Commission
127(5)(a)(ii) Certificate of accreditation of private agency LRA 7.4 1. Must include terms of accreditation
2. Must bear official stamp of the Commission

9. Form of Notices, Demands and Appeals

Whenever a Notice, Demand or Appeal is contemplated in terms of a section of the Act shown in column 1 of Table LRA 4 for a purpose listed in column 2 of that Table, the document must be in the form of the annexure listed opposite that section number in column 3 of that Table, and must be produced subject to any conditions listed opposite that section number in column 4 of that Table.

Table LRA 4 - Table of Notices, Demands and Appeals.
1 - Section 2 - Purpose 3 - Annexure 4 - Conditions
77(1)(b) Notice to NEDLAC about possible protest action LRA 4.4 Submit to the Executive Director of NEDLAC
77(1)(d) Notice to NEDLAC of intention to proceed with protest action LRA 4.5 1. Submit to the Executive Director of NEDLAC
2. Must be received at least 14 days before the start of the protest action
136(3) Notice of objection to arbitration by same commissioner LRA 7.14 1. Proof of service on other party is required
2. Submit to Registrar in the Provincial Office of the Commission
33(3) applying 142(1) Subpoena by designated agent LRA 3.10  
142(1) Subpoena by Commissioner LRA 7.16  

10. Forms of Records, Reports, Statements, Lists and Registers

Whenever a Record, Report, Statement, List or Register is contemplated in terms of a section of the Act shown in column 1 of Table LRA 5 for a purpose listed in column 2 of that Table, the document must be in the form of the annexure listed opposite that section number in column 3 of that Table, and must be produced subject to any conditions listed opposite that section number in column 4 of that Table.

Table LRA 5 - Table of Records, Reports, Statements, Lists and Registers
1 - Section 2 - Purpose 3 - Annexure 4 - Conditions
25(4)(b) List of deductions from conscientious objector LRA 3.2 1. Agency fee deducted must be remitted with this form
2. Submit two copies
3. Submit to the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
26(8) , applying 25(4)(b) List of deductions from conscientious objector LRA 3.2 1. Agency fee deducted must be remitted with this form
2. Submit two copies
3. Submit to the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour
44(1) and 44(2) Submission of collective agreement of statutory council to Minister for promulgation as a determination LRA 3.17 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to Minister, c/o Director General of the Department of Labour
100(a) Number of trade union members LRA 6.7 1. Submit to the Registrar of Labour Relations
2. Must reach Registrar by the 31 March
100(a) Number of employers' organisation's members LRA 6.8 1. Submit to the Registrar of Labour Relations
2. Must reach Registrar by the 31 March
205(1) Employers' record of employees earnings, deductions and time worked LRA 9.1  
205(3)(a) Records of strike, lock-out and protest action LRA 9.2 Must be submitted to Director General of the Department of Labour within two months of the end of the strike, lock-out or protest action

11. Form of Proposals, Resolutions and Referrals

1. A request to the Commission to arbitrate a dispute in terms of sections 16(9) , 21(7), 21(11) , 22(4) , 24(5) , 24(6) , 45(4) , 61(13) , 74(4) , 86(7) , 89(6) , 94(4) , 133(2)(b) , 141(4) , 191(5)(a) or 196(9) or item 3(4)(b) of Part B of Schedule 7 to the Act must be made in the form of annexure LRA 7.13.

2. A referral of a dispute to the Commission for conciliation in terms of sections 9(1) , 16(6) , 21(4), 21(11) , 22(1) , 24(2), 24(6) , 26(11) , 45(1) , 61(10) , 63(1) , 64(1)(a), 64(2) , 69(8) , 74(1) , 86(4)(b) , 89(3) , 94(1) , 134 , 191(1) or 196(6) or item 3(1)(b) of Part B of Schedule 7 to the Act by the Commission, must be made in the form of annexure LRA 7.11.

3. Whenever a Proposal, Resolution or Referral is contemplated in terms of a section of the Act shown in column 1 of Table LRA 6, for a purpose listed in column 2 of that Table, the document must be in the form of the annexure listed opposite that section number in column 3 of that Table, and must be produced subject to any conditions listed opposite that section number in column 4 of that Table.

Table LRA 6: Table of Proposals, Resolutions and Referrals
1 - Section 2 - Purpose 3 - Annexure 4 - Conditions
38(3) Referring a Public Service jurisdictional dispute for conciliation LRA 3.12 1. Proof of service on other party
2. Submit to the Dispute Resolution Committee, c/o the Commission
44(5) Statutory council requests Minister to amend or extend the period of a determination LRA 3.18 1. Submit two copies
2. Submit to Minister, c/o Director General of the Department of Labour
73(1) Referral of dispute for essential services determination LRA 4.2 1. Proof of service on other party
2. Submit to the Essential Services Committee, c/o the Commission.
135 Referring a dispute to the Commission for conciliation LRA 7.11 Submit to Provincial Office of the Commission

12. Labour Court

The oath to be taken or solemn affirmation to be made before the Judge President of the Labour Court in terms of section 154(6) of the Act by a person who has been appointed a judge of the Labour Court and who is not a judge of the Supreme Court, must be in the following form:

"I.................................. .swear/solemnly affirm that, as a Judge of the Labour Court, I will be faithful to the Republic of South Africa, will uphold and protect the Constitution; and will administer justice to all persons alike without fear, favour or prejudice, in accordance with the constitution and the law.

(In the case of an oath: So help me God.)

13. Provincial Directors, Department of Labour

Whenever the Act or a regulation requires a document to be delivered to the Provincial Director of the Department of Labour within a particular jurisdiction, any document in respect of a matter within a geographical jurisdiction listed in column 1 of Table LRA 7 must be delivered to the Provincial Director, Department of Labour at the address shown opposite that jurisdiction in column 2 of that Table.

Table LRA 7 - Table of Provincial Directors
1 - Geographical Jurisdiction 2 - Address
The Province of KwaZulu-Natal P O Box 940,
Durban 4000
The Province of Northern Caps Private Bag X5012,
Kimberley 8300
The Northern Province Private Bag X9368,
Pietersburg 0700
The Province of North-West Private Bag X2040,
Mmabatho 8681
The Province of Eastern Cape Private Bag X9005,
East London 5200
The Province of Mpumalanga Private Bag X7263,
Witbank 0135
The Province of the Free State P O Box 522,
Bloemfontein 9300
The Province of Gauteng, Guateng South in the Magisterial Districts of Alberton, Boksburg, Brakpan, Germiston, Heidelberg, Johannesburg, Kempton Park, Oberholzer, Randburg, Roodepoort, Vanderbijlpark, Vereeniging and Westonaria P O Box 4560,
Johannesburg 2000
The Province of Gauteng, Guateng North in the Magisterial Districts of- Benoni, Bronkhorstspruit, Cullinan, Krugersdorp, Nigel, Pretoria, Randfontein, Soshanguve 1, Soshanguve 2, Springs and Wonderboom P O Box 393,
Pretoria 0001
The Province of Western Cape P O Box 872,
Cape Town 8000

14. Short title and commencement

a. These regulations are called the Labour Relations Regulations. b. These regulations come into operation on 11 November 1996.

Index of Forms annexed to Regulations

(Organised according to the sequence of the Act. An index organised according to Activities and Organisations is also gazetted, but is not reproduced here.)

Note that the forms themselves are not reproduced here or a as Word documents. They are available from your nearest Department of Labour office.

Chapter 1 Purpose, Application and Interpretation No forms
Chapter 2 Freedom of Association and General Protections No forms
Chapter 3. Collective Bargaining
LRA Form 3.1 Conscientious objector requests Agency fee to be paid to Department Section 25(4)(b)
LRA Form 3.2 List of deductions from conscientious objectors' wages Section 25(4)(b)
LRA Form 3.3 Application for registration of a bargaining council Section 29(1)
LRA Form 3.4 Certificate of registration of bargaining council Section 29(15)(a)
LRA Form3.5 Bargaining council requests extension of collective agreement to non-parties Section 32(1)
LRA Form3.6 Request to extend period of, or renew, collective agreement extended to non-parties Section 32(6)(a)
LRA Form3.7 Bargaining council requests cancellation of collective agreement extended to non-parties Section 32(7)
LRA Form 3.8 Council requests appointment of designated agent Sections 33(1) and 43(3)
LRA Form 3.9 Certificate of appointment as designated agent of Council Section 33(2)
LRA Form 3.10 Subpoena by designated agent Section 33(3) applying Section 42(1)(a) and (b)
LRA Form 3.11 Amalgamating bargaining council applies for registration Section 34(2)
LRA Form 3.12 Referring Public Service jurisdictional disputes for conciliation Section 38(3) and (5)
LRA Form 3.13 Referring Public Service jurisdictional disputes for arbitration Section 38(6)
LRA Form 3.14 Trade union applies for establishment of a Statutory Council Section 39(2)
LRA Form 3.15 Employers' organisation applies for establishment of statutory council Section 39(2)
LRA Form 3.16 Certificate of registration of a statutory council Section 42(a)
LRA Form 3.17 Submission of collective agreement of statutory council to Minister for promulgation as a determination Section 44(1) and 44(2)
LRA Form 3.18 Statutory council requests Minister to amend or extend period of determination Section 44(5)
LRA Form 3.19 Statutory council applies to register as a Bargaining council Section 48(1)
LRA Form 3.20 Council submits particulars of representativeness Section 49(2)(b)
LRA Form 3.21 Certificate of representativeness of council Section 49(2)(c)
LRA Form 3.22 Council applies for variation of scope of registration Section 58(1)
LRA Form 3.23 Application about demarcation dispute Section 62(1)
Chapter 4. Strikes and Lock-Outs
LRA Form4.1 Request to assist parties reach agreement on picketing rules Section 69(4)
LRA Form 4.2 Referral of dispute for essential services determination Section 73(1)
LRA Form 4.3 Employer applies for maintenance service determination Section 75(2)
LRA Form 4.4 Notice to NEDLAC about possible protest action Section 77(1)(b)
LRA Form 4.5 Notice to NEDLAC of intention to proceed with protest action Section 77(1)(d)
Chapter 5. Workplace Forums
LRA Form 5.1 Representative Trade union applies for the establishment of a workplace forum Section 80(2)
LRA Form 5.2 Representative Trade union applies for establishment of a Trade union-based workplace forum Section 81(1)
Chapter 6. Trade Unions and Employers' Organisations
LRA Form 6.1 Registration of a Trade union Section 96(1)
LRA Form 6.2 Registration of an Employers' organisation Section 96(1)
LRA Form 6.3 Certificate of registration of a Trade union Section 96(7)(a)
LRA Form 6.4 Certification of registration of Employers' organisation Section 96(7)(a)
LRA Form 6.5 List of members to be kept by a Trade union Section 99(a)
LRA Form 6.6 List of members to be kept by Employers' organisation Section 99(a)
LRA Form 6.7 Number of Trade union members Section 100(a)
LRA Form 6.8 Number of Employers' organisation members Section 100(a)
LRA Form 6.9 Application by amalgamating Trade unions for registration Section 102(2)
LRA Form 6.10 Application by amalgamating Employers' organisation for registration Section 102(2)
Chapter 7. Dispute Resolution
LRA Form 7.1 Council applies for accreditation Section 127(1)
LRA Form 7.2 Private Agency applies for accreditation Section 127(1)
LRA Form 7.3 Certificate of accreditation of Council Section 127(5)(a)(ii)
LRA Form 7.4 Certificate of accreditation of Private Agency Section 127(5)(a)(ii)
LRA Form 7.5 Council or Private Agency applies to amend accreditation Section 129(1)
LRA Form 7.6 Council applies to renew accreditation Section 131(1)
LRA Form 7.7 Private Agency applies to renew accreditation Section 131(1)
LRA Form 7.8 Council applies for subsidy Section 132(1)
LRA Form 7.9 Private Agency applies for subsidy Section 132(1)
LRA Form 7.10 Council or Private Agency applies for renewal of subsidy Section 132(3)(a)
LRA Form 7.11 Referring a dispute to the CCMA for conciliation Section 135
LRA Form 7.12 Certification of outcome of dispute referred for conciliation Section 64(1)(a), 135(5)(a), 136(1)(a)
LRA Form 7.13 Request for arbitration Section 136
LRA Form 7.14 Notice of objection to arbitration by same Commissioner Section 136(3)
LRA Form 7.15 Application to Director to appoint Senior Commissioner to arbitrate Section 137(1)
LRA Form 7.16 Subpoena by Commissioner Section 142(1)(a), (b) and (c)
Chapter 8 Unfair Dismissal No forms
Chapter 9. General Provisions
LRA Form 9.1 Employer's record of employee's earnings, deductions and time worked Section 205(1)
LRA Form 9.2 Record of strike, lock-out or protest action Section 205(3)(a)
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